They all went to watch the competition.

So he was ready to reach out and grasp the hilt of the golden sword.

"Ah, ah, ah. Before you grasp that thing, you'd better think carefully first." A crisp and gentle voice suddenly sounded.

Turning back, Arthur saw the most respected magician in the country and his mentor - the magic spirit Merry.

'If you pull out that thing, you will no longer be a human being in the end. ' Merry said to Arthur.

Arthur was a little puzzled.

But thinking that Kai was still waiting for him to take back the sword, he hesitated for a moment and still grasped the hilt of the sword.

At this time -

A glimpse of the future' fragment came from the moment his palm touched the hilt, and he glimpsed 'hell'.

Rhine and Claire, as well as other readers in the other world who were reading this, suddenly felt a jolt in their hearts.

'Hell -'

Thinking of these two words in their minds, they all had uneasy thoughts in their hearts.

'Heroic biography' is not an ordinary 'story'.

In the perception of the aliens, these ‘heroic epics’ are stories that really happened in this world in the past, and were adapted into stories by the bards after they learned about them.

And stories like King Arthur are so wonderful and fascinating.

Rhine and the others have long believed in the authenticity of this story.

They believe that if it weren’t for the long-ago past, there really was a country called ‘Britain’, and there really was King Arthur and the flower magician Merry…

Who else could come up with such a wonderful story!

The book says that after Arthur grasped the hilt of the sword, he glimpsed a corner of the future and saw ‘Hell’.

Is this the reason why the country ‘Britain’ can no longer be seen in the world?

Rhine and the others turned the next page with a nervous mood.

The next moment——

‘Hell’ really appeared!

An illustration, it was an illustration of a pale silver holy swordsman standing alone on top of a mountain full of knight corpses.

Rhine and Claire’s breathing suddenly became rapid.

They recognized the person in the picture as the grown-up ‘Arthur’.

At this time, he was wearing a bright silver armor with a blue military uniform as the base.

His face was covered with blood-red traces, and he held the sword with difficulty to support his body.

That was not the "Sword in the Stone" that Rhine and the others had just seen, but a more exquisite and sacred holy sword.

The whole hill of corpses was full of various weapons, and only Arthur was still standing on it.

This scene shocked Rhine and the others.

——What is it? !

Is this Arthur's "future"! ! ?

"Pick up this sword, it means blood, fighting and betrayal. Are you really ready?" Mary's voice sounded again.

Rhine and the others were silent, just when they couldn't help but imagine what happened in the future and why Arthur became like that.

Shouldn't this be a glorious growth history of a "hero"!

The girls who felt something vaguely thought that Arthur should give up drawing the sword at this moment.

They even began to wonder.

If Arthur didn't draw the sword, how did he become King Arthur later!


See the next paragraph.

Their bodies suddenly froze.

The young man named "Arthur Pendragon" did catch a glimpse of the future at that time, and experienced the initial shock and surprise.

But he still held the blade of the sword.

"He... he is going to draw the sword!?" Claire widened her eyes and exclaimed in disbelief.

How could it be! ? If the future that Arthur saw, the "hell", was the same as the scene in the illustration they saw.

Knowing that such a scene would appear, why did they choose to hold the "Sword in the Stone"!

At the same time, when the girl exclaimed, the whole classroom was suddenly quiet.

The lecture of the old professor on the stage was interrupted by this "exclamation".

For a while, including the old professor of "Potions", countless pairs of eyes looked over here.

"Uh..." Being stared at by so many eyes, Claire subconsciously raised her head and finally realized something.

After seeing this "horrible, silent" scene in front of her, all her voices were stuck in her throat.

‘Eh, eh, eh? Class has already started…! ? Ah, when did this happen? I have no idea! ’ The girl’s thoughts were instantly a little broken and messy.

Chapter 46 Analysis of the dragon blood that the ‘Dragon Slayer’ bathed in!

“Student, do you have any opinions about my class or me?” The old professor asked coldly with a dark face.

“…” Claire’s face was so bitter that she was about to cry, but she didn’t know how to answer.

She opened her mouth slightly, wanting to defend herself——

She wanted to say something but stopped, and finally forgot the words out of fear.

At this time. Rhine’s petite body tensed up, while she lowered her head and prayed that no one saw her, while she kept saying ‘sorry’ and ‘sorry’ to her good friend in her heart.

If everyone knew that the descendant of the Hero King was also absent during class just now.

She would definitely make her father lose face——!

In the end, with Claire’s eyes wide open and her heartbroken eyes unable to breathe, the ‘King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table’ that she had placed on the table was of course taken away by the old professor.

At this moment, Claire had something in her mind that she didn't know whether she should say it or not!

She just saw the key part! ! The plot is about to reach its climax!

Ah! Old thief, give me back ‘King Arthur’! Give me back ‘The Sword of the Chosen’! Give me back my lovely Miss Meili!

The girl who only dared to roar in her heart, now only had desperate emotions such as ‘I am too hard’, ‘pitiful, weak, and helpless’ in her eyes.

Claire was still standing at the door of the classroom after class.

“Rhine, this is my last pocket money! Woo woo woo, if I can’t see the story of ‘King Arthur’ before tonight, I will die! Please help me buy a copy before the bookstore closes! This is your good friend, this is the last request of your life!” Claire looked at her good friend eagerly and shouted in a tone that was about to cry.

Rhine was a little embarrassed, and she said nervously: “…I, I know!”

Although she also liked the story told in the book, she was not as exaggerated as her friend in front of her.

In fact, what happened later. She was also very curious whether Arthur really pulled out the sword in the stone.

After class, Rhine walked towards the commercial street that she rarely went back to.

When she trotted all the way to the Violet Bookstore.

The girl found that a large number of people had gathered in front of the bookstore at this time, blocking the street in front of the door.

A young man passing by couldn't help but ask: "Why are there so many people in the bookstore today?"

Another person responded: "I heard that they all came to buy some heroic biography of 'King Arthur'."

On the other side, someone who seemed to know some special news suddenly said: "It seems that someone bought a copy of 'King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table' here, and later gave it to Her Royal Highness Princess Dawn of the Empire."

"I heard that the little princess is now very obsessed with it. She even didn't eat lunch to finish reading the book. Now many of the little princess's suitors and noble children are sending people here. They want to see what book has fascinated the princess."

--It's popular! It's completely popular!

Not only the lower-class civilians, but also because of the name of the "Princess of Dawn", "King Arthur" has only been on the stage of the other world for one day, and it has completely become popular in the capital of this country.

In order to please the princess, the nobles sent their servants to compete to buy this book.

And Yan believes that when they really read the story of "King Arthur", they will naturally realize the charm of this book.

At that time, there will be no need for any "little princess". When the second volume of his book is on the market, Yan believes that these people will not be able to resist the temptation of reading the book.

Standing on one side, Yan, Ji Zelu and Restia heard the people around them talking, and their mood also improved.

Ji Zelu held Gege's hand and showed a happy smile on her face.

"Gege-sir, it's the best!" Seeing that everyone welcomed her brother's book so much, Ji Zelu felt an indescribable pride in her heart.

"Yan, there are so many people..." Looking at the dense crowd in front of her, Restia couldn't help but hide behind Yan, holding Yan's arm with two small hands, and slightly revealing her head to look at the noisy crowd at the door of the bookstore.

When she was still a demon king.

Those people were all scared and hid far away when they saw her.

If she couldn't hide, she would lie on the ground trembling and dare not raise her eyes.

Restia had never seen such a lively scene so close.

And now she hadn't activated the "sense of existence elimination", "breath elimination", "sound elimination" and other "principles".

It was the first time for her to step directly into the city [world] of "civilians".

... This made her a little nervous.

Yan touched Restia's head, and held his sister's hand tightly with his other hand to prevent her from getting lost.

He said seriously: "Don't worry. I'm here... No one can hurt you."

"Um...!" This made Restia blush again. It was the first time for her to be treated so gently by a "friend".

The girl didn't dare to look into the other's eyes for a while.

Finally, I could only muster up the courage to respond in the most clumsy and straightforward way: "I... believe in Yan."

"No... no more! Just the last one! It's sold out. Everyone! If you still come for "King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table", please come back tomorrow!" The clerk suddenly shouted in the bookstore.

Then there were a lot of stunned expressions.

Some people waited for so long, but were told that it was sold out, and immediately complained unhappily.

"No more!? What's going on! Why doesn't this bookstore prepare more at once!"

"Why is it sold out so quickly! This is the first time I want to spend money, but I'm not allowed to spend it." This is someone who hasn't seen "King Arthur" yet, but heard a friend around him recommend it, and couldn't help but speak in disappointment.

"Ah! No more~!? How could it be! I want to buy a few more to collect!" The crazy guy "Warren".

This is someone who has already bought it, and after reading the story of "King Arthur", he instantly became a die-hard fan and was ready to buy a few more to collect.

The most important thing is——

His original copy had been taken away by his blacksmith father, and he hadn’t returned it for a whole day!

When the group of people finally left with complaints.

“Sold… finished?” Rhine opened her eyes wide and opened her mouth slightly.

Doesn’t that mean she can’t read the rest of “King Arthur” today?

What to do? ! What to do!

Just when Rhine was at a loss.

"Are you here to buy King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table?" A bright and light voice of a boy sounded in her ear.

When she turned around, she found a black-haired boy and two cute silver-haired lolita holding hands.

Yan's eyes were seeing the "blood" in the girl's body that contained amazing power.

He was originally planning to leave, but he accidentally discovered the girl's existence and the "blood" that made her [Simulated Star Creation Map] throb.

The power of [Simulated Star Creation Map] was running fast.

At this time, he looked at the girl, but saw the "golden hot" hot blood, as if roaring and glaring at him with a red dragon.

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