Pope: "In the name of God, I have deprived you of your power as king, so why do you have the face to see me? You are a pagan king!"

The Pope meant that he would not recognize his status as a pagan king.

And he will replace Atlan and re-elect a new king who believes in their church.

This is a very overbearing and unreasonable thing.

However, Sotegro IV's dry lips moved, but he did not refute, but silently lowered his head.

"Your Majesty, the great Pope, I have realized my sins. This time I come here to confess to you personally and ask for your forgiveness and love for me."

"Pope? Didn't you write to me that I am no longer the Pope, but only a devil, an executioner, the basest creature of the abyss? Didn't you order me to get out of your country and accept the curse of the ages? Soter Gro IV, have you forgotten your hatred for me so quickly? "

Saying this, the Pope's face showed a somewhat disappointed expression under the silver mask.

He looked indifferently at the kneeling king, who slowly arrived.

The eyes seemed not to be looking at a king, but at the garbage that could be seen everywhere on the roadside.

Even the king who had scolded and cursed himself a few days ago for burning an archbishop who believed in the sun god and vowed to fight to the end was now kneeling in front of him, humbly begging for forgiveness.

However, the Pope does not feel the slightest sense of achievement——

He clenched his fists.

Whenever I think of the individuals suspected of being Ex-Machines and Flügels that the church encountered in Ceylon City, my proud heart aches piercingly.

'Just having the king bow before you...isn't anything worth boasting about! ’

‘——Human beings are too small and fragile! ’

Thinking of the black priest who was beaten to a pulp without even passing a round in the hands of the Ex-Machina, the Pope felt even colder in his heart.

Chapter 473 The king who was made into a puppet!

Pope: "Let the fourth generation write a confession and make an oath of loyalty to our Lord in the name of God."

Then he called an archbishop and ordered him to beautify and write down today's experience of Sotegro IV praying to him for forgiveness, piously repenting, and converting to the goddess.

"After completion, send a document about today's rumors to the kings of the surrounding human countries. Remember... don't pass it on to them directly, let them get 'this news' accidentally!"

The Pope then added the order.

After doing all this, the Pope was alone in the main hall.

"Are you still going to say I'm wrong? Goddess!" He murmured in a deep voice. The Pope took off his mask and looked at Feixue outside the window in a daze.

His mind was filled with the filthy and dirty appearance of Atlan after losing the protection of the gods.

So disgusting that he even wanted to destroy that country with his own hands——

After a while, the pope regained his composure and put on his mask again.

"The people of Atlan who lost the protection of their gods, besides continuing to pin their spirits on the illusory sun god, what did they do?

Humble humans, humans who are not enterprising, humans who always place their hope on God. Just watch it with your own eyes, goddess...

This is what you love - incompetent people! "

Saying words that could make any priest change his face and become treasonous, the Pope sat back on the throne.

Quietly waiting for the plan to proceed, and for the day when Atlan will become a new part of the Theocracy.

"A war for faith?" In a main city in Atlanta, Yan looked at the 'memory screen' projected by the Ex-Machina.

That was the scene on the day the country's archbishop was burned at the stake.

At that time, this Ex-Machina was mixed in the crowd, watching the scene of the Archbishop screaming miserably in the fire.


That archbishop is not a girl.

Otherwise, this would be a real medieval scene - the church's trial of heretical witches!

Homura has never seen a real witch...


This country is not only very close to the Theocracy, but also not far from Ceylon.

Originally, Yan sent out a group of tool men to lure businessmen from several nearby cities to sell Ceylon City's 'specialties'.

Although Atlan does not belong to Lindo's land, it is also among Homura's goals.

He didn't expect to find something like this, something Hoya had only heard about in movies and books.

His goal is to gradually establish Ceylon City as the intersection center of the world.

In the future, countless races and countries will trade with the capital of Ceylon.

Atlan, the foreign country, and the elven country across the Domanaum River are the countries that Yan first wants to try.


Homura thought of the scenes he saw along the way.

The god of this country is dead...

Experienced another strong faith invasion from the Northern Theocracy.

After the archbishop and the believers who supported him were eliminated by the Theocracy, people in the entire country now seemed to have lost their souls.

Pedestrians on the street are very pale and ugly, and they are very wary and repulsive when meeting strangers.

Even merchants who have no faith and only believe in Jin Jia La are willing to continue trading...

Homura suspected... the people in this country were not in the mood to consume or experiment.

"Human beings have lost their faith, and at the same time they have lost their peace of mind. The god they believed in did not appear at the critical moment - it seems to have been a big blow to these devout believers!"

People in the entire country of Atlanta basically believe in the sun god——

Therefore, when spiritual beliefs collapse, the consequences for this country will be so serious!

Yan shook his head...

It seems that it will take some time for human beings to be able to survive stably and peacefully without God!


This is also related to the special circumstances of this country.

The whole country believed in one god.

Is there any connection between the sun god, the sun god... and the moon god next door?

It occurred to Yan inexplicably that he suddenly wanted to visit the country's church headquarters and royal palace, and he immediately took action.

He first went to the headquarters of the Church of the Sun God and collected all the abandoned church books that he had not had time to take away.

Then he flipped through the pages one by one.

Another side came to the sky above the royal palace of this country.


"This is..." The gaze that originally stayed on the book in front of him shifted from the page to look at the palace beneath his feet.

Before he knew it, he flew to his destination...

When he saw the lifeless figure sitting on the throne, Yan's eyes revealed a sharp gaze.

"I see...it's actually something like this-!"

"Your Majesty, the document you asked me to draft has been completed——"

"Then go down and announce that all the churches in the thirteen main cities across the country will be remodeled... I want to see within seven days that all the sculptures of gods enshrined in the churches in Atlanta will be changed to look like the goddess... …From now on, in the country of Atlanta, only the great Moon Goddess is allowed to believe!”

"Understood, Your Majesty."

Watching the civil servants leave to carry out the order, an old man wearing a bishop's robe standing next to King Sotegro IV showed a satisfied look.

He was sent by His Majesty the Pope to supervise IV.

Although the fourth generation has been completely controlled.

But there’s no guarantee that there won’t be some “remaining consciousness”——

When this guy heard the Pope's real plan, he was very angry and resisted very strongly!

no way--

In the end, His Majesty the Pope needs to personally take action to kill him. His body becomes a puppet and his soul is forever imprisoned in his body.

His Majesty the Pope's order was for him to witness with his own eyes the day when he would bury the Kingdom of Atlanta with his own hands and dedicate it to the annexation of the Theocracy...

What a wicked person, His Majesty the Pope.

Thinking about the vicious methods of their Lord Pope, even the bishop of the same camp felt a little cold and shuddered.

At the same time, he became more and more concerned about the Pope's orders and tried not to mess up the whole thing.

"Everything is for our supreme goddess!" Silently muttering a few words in his heart, the bishop forced himself not to think about the cruelty of the Pope's methods.

Everything His Majesty the Pope does is for the goddess... Any behavior for the goddess is not despicable!


Pope: All for the goddess! Isn't it? )

The soul trapped in the body on the throne can only gaze at everything in front of it with helplessness and despair!

The image of the Pope's cruel, devil-like silver mask still lingers in my memory.

Pope: Forgive? I have forgiven you a long time ago...but I want more than a country that is willing to believe in the goddess! His Majesty the Fourth King!

What I want is for all of Atlan to be incorporated into the Theocracy.

Only the unity of divine authority and royal authority is what I want.

Are you ready to dedicate your entire country to me? !

Returning to the palace in Atlan, what appeared on the throne in the outside world was still the handsome, cold face with the same expression.

The 'King' was sitting there quietly like a cold tyrant. Except for the bishop... no one noticed the peculiarity of the 'King'.

There is also the figure of the 'white-robed magician' standing above the palace, invisible to anyone and invisible to anyone.

His eyes, through the flesh, saw its essence clearly.

Chapter 474 A village girl was discovered... no, a saint was discovered!

Four generations of dictatorship and sole power...

His Majesty the King ignored the complaints and protests of his subjects and prepared to forcibly promote the Moon Goddess of Destiny and Harvest throughout the country, causing an uproar throughout the country.

The fourth generation's order met with strong resistance in major cities.

His Majesty the Pope of the Northern Theocracy gave friendly support to Wave IV and sent a Crusader army of about 100,000 people to help them suppress the rebellion.

For a time, the whole country was filled with flames of war and mourning——

The powerful Crusaders, coupled with the kingdom's local guards, quickly suppressed the rebels.

Immediately afterwards——

In all the major temples of the sun god Poros, the signs about the sun god were removed and began to be modified into sculptures and signs of the moon goddess.

...The royal capital of Atlan.

The streets that used to be bustling with flowers are now deserted.

In a private house, a blond girl wearing rough linen clothes looked at the street through the gap in the window.

Note that there are no kingdom guards coming or going around.

The nervousness on her face lessened a bit, and then the girl carefully took out a Sun God Bible from under the bed and placed it on the table.

She prayed devoutly in a low voice, praying for the sun god to recover soon——

A ray of sunlight slanted into the room, shining on the face of the girl with her eyes closed.

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