It was a very handsome and beautiful face, with smooth blond hair like silk, tied with a clean braided ponytail hanging behind her back.

Although the clothes are simple, the clean appearance and the devout praying look at this moment——

It looks like there is something sacred about it.

That kind of special temperament is something that ordinary people don't have.

‘Just like a certain village saint who saved the country in Homura’s impression! ’

The prayer is over…

The girl put the classics away, put them back under the bed and hid them.

If others discover it and are accused of possessing the scriptures of the old gods, even nobles will be executed as heretics.

Therefore, every time the girl prays, she will be careful, cautious, and more cautious!

"In this country, there are very few devout Sun God believers like you nowadays!"

In the quiet room, a magnetic chuckle suddenly sounded.

The owner of the voice sounded very gentle and friendly... but the girl still felt panicked. At that moment, a chill rushed to her forehead, and her limbs seemed to be frozen... unable to move.

The girl was so frightened that her mind went blank. Her body seemed to be not her own and she had lost control.

Discovered? !

It’s over, it’s over…what should I do? Not only myself, but also my mother and sister will be affected! Execute!

Jenny's heart was full of fear.

She was sure that there would be no men in the house.

But the voice just now was a male voice——

'Some stranger saw the whole process of her prayer. ’ Once this idea came up, it was completely lingering in the girl’s mind.

How could it be?

Obviously, she had checked three or four times to see that there was no one else around...

No matter what, you must not involve your family! The girl who thought this way decided to bear all the blame.


Homura looked at the girl who had tears in her eyes, and said, "Do I look so scary? My beautiful lady, your behavior makes me feel sad!"

As the voice in her ears rang again, it seemed that she heard a hint of helplessness, and Jenny's body felt a little strength restored.

She finally plucked up the courage and raised her head to look in the direction of the sound.

It was a figure wearing a white mage robe, with the upper half of his face covered in a white hood.

At this time, the man was looking at himself with a faint and gentle smile on his lips.

Jenny seemed to be able to feel the kind eyes hidden in the hood...

‘It doesn’t seem like he’s a bad person. ’

He is also a distinguished mage!

"...Who are you?" Jenny, who felt that the Master Mage in front of her, and the Mage's robe were somewhat familiar, was so nervous at the moment that she couldn't concentrate and think seriously.

"It's just a passing magician." Homura responded casually.

"Magic, magic... user?!" Jenny was frightened again, her eyes widened, her eyes as clear as sapphires filled with disbelief.

How is it possible——

Did she meet the legendary magician? !

A legend that transcended human limits and understood the principles of God in a human body. They are said to be the group of beings closest to the gods.

She had only heard of that kind of existence in books.

And now——

The magician in front of me said that he was a magician?

Jenny’s head was dizzy…and her whole body was petrified.

The magician-sama discovered my secret——

My secret was discovered by the magician-sama.

Jenny can no longer tell which one is more important between the two.

"Are you okay?" Flame asked.

He had introduced himself as quietly as ordinary, simple magic user.

But it still scared the girl! ?

In Flame Eyes, magicians are really not that powerful.

Ordinary magicians cannot defeat even the lowest gods.

However, for an ordinary human girl, just having a rare profession like a magician is a very noble status, let alone being close to the seventh step of the gods (a legendary existence)!

After a while, Jenny finally recovered.

"Sir...sir, why do you appear in my room?"

"I just saw an interesting scene and couldn't help but show up."

Yan thought that he originally planned to sweep away all the books in the palace, and then go back to the library to learn more about it before deciding whether to intervene in the affairs of Atlan.

As a result, he saw some interesting pictures along the way.

In order to explore the truth of the matter, he stayed in the capital for a few more days.

As for the scenes of the Crusaders suppressing the reactionary people in the major cities of Atlanta, Yan also saw them all through his clairvoyance.

Some of the unique and distinctive individuals were also noticed by Yan.

This time I just stopped by to take a look.

Just when the two of them had a word and a word, chatting like friends, Jenny gradually let go of her nervousness.

Suddenly there was a burst of noisy footsteps in the quiet street outside. There were also faint sounds of soldiers shouting and cursing.

As the sound got closer and closer, Jenny and Yan both heard the soldiers' voices clearly. They seemed to be going from house to house, searching for things related to the Sun God...

Carry out heresy investigation work!

Jenny's little face suddenly turned pale.

‘Last time…didn’t we search once? How could it be so fast!’ Jenny thought calmly.

Although she hid the Bible of the Sun God under the bed, it was not safe.

Last time, she also knew the news in advance and hid the book somewhere else, and then secretly brought it back.

If it is discovered this time!

“It seems that I should leave… Then——” Just as Jenny was desperately thinking about how to hide the book, Yan suddenly said goodbye.

The corners of Yan’s mouth curled up a little, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

Next time I come, I’ll give you a gift…

In return, let me see some interesting pictures!

Chapter 475 As we all know, the famous 18th generation Hassan is 19 people!

“As a farewell gift… I’ll take this.”

In Jenny’s surprised expression, Yan pointed to the Bible of the Sun God in his hand that had appeared in his hand at some point.

After a moment of stunned silence, the girl subconsciously looked towards the direction under the bed.

The Bible hidden there had disappeared at some point.

"Wait..." The girl was about to say something, but when she looked up again, Yan's figure had completely disappeared.

Jenny looked at the place where Yan had stood before with gratitude...

At the same time, she was a little worried about the mysterious wizard who claimed to be a magician.

At this time, if she was found to have books related to the sun god on her, she would definitely be arrested by the guards as a heretic.

Jenny knew that Yan was helping her to solve the danger...

But the kind-hearted Jenny didn't want the guards to shift their targets to the magician because of her.

But thinking of Yan's identity - 'He is a magician, he must be very powerful. He will definitely not be in danger. ' Praying in her heart, the girl couldn't help but pretend to pray again.

She knelt on the floor with her hands clasped together and clenched her fists.

Until she heard the footsteps of the soldiers approaching, she immediately opened her eyes, took a deep breath and stood up.

'Pretend that nothing happened -'

The girl thought so.

'It doesn't matter, the Bible is no longer in this room, they won't find anything...'


On the other side. Yan walked right past the guards.

However, no one could see him or feel him.

Darkness under the lamp - no, this is blindness.

'Reducing the sense of existence to the limit is even better than hiding the breath. ' Yan.

So what should we do next?

Speaking of which, the nobles of this country seem to be ready to assassinate their king.

They don't know that their fourth master has long been "dead".

How can a dead person be killed again?

"Kill again..."

Yan suddenly stopped -

Speaking of assassination, he thought of the old man in the mountain.

If the concept of death is understood enough, it is not impossible to kill again even if the person is already dead.

At this time, think about it, Ceylon City also needs to have its own assassin organization...

Whether it is dealing with some things that are not visible in the open, or protecting everyone's buildings and people in secret.

When thinking about the improvement of Ceylon, Yan has no intention of paying attention to Atlan's affairs.

"If Ceylon had its own assassins and intelligence organizations when the church came last time... I should have known their identities before they entered the city." Yan thought.

This is a backwardness in intelligence!

'Do you want to refine two assassination and reconnaissance puppets? '

... As soon as this idea was born, Yan threw it aside.

Thinking of the group of Ex-Machinas under his command - well, there are enough!

Let the puppets do everything, as long as the corresponding "skills" are recorded in the Ex-Machinas, they can meet any position...

Such a picture makes Yan feel bored.

'Is there any more powerful assassination organization in this world? '

Want to see if he can pick up a ready-made Yan, but he found that the first impression he thought of was the group of heretic judges who were destroyed by the Ex-Machina army outside Ceylon City - the Seventh Agency.

"Too weak -! Pass!"

"Not professional enough, and the disguise is completely unqualified! It doesn't matter if you can't sneak, at least you have to be able to use the Musou! You can't even use the Three Red Musou..."

And this is still the elite level of this world.

Although the Inquisition is not specialized in assassination missions, Yan still doubts the average level of the assassination group in this world.

"Wait... I don't have to choose the Assassins in this world!!" Yan suddenly thought of something.

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