This requires great courage.

Although Joan of Arc always thought that she was just an ordinary country girl, she was just acting according to God's revelation and did not do anything great.

But her noble character like a lily, and the courage and determination that ordinary people did not have, were the biggest factors that made her a saint who saved the country.

Joan of Arc could feel that she was now the main body of a heroic spirit, but in a rather complicated way, she had merged with this girl (Jenny).

It was like a heroic spirit possessing her, but it seemed to be a more complicated state.

I couldn't figure out where I was for the time being -

I didn't know where the mysterious existence (Flame) who brought me here had gone.

But in the past few days, through Jenny's perspective, I saw Atlantis in chaos.

Even though this is the capital, conflicts between the original believers of the sun god and the Crusaders began to occur from time to time.

If one of them is not resolved well, blood will be used to quell the conflict between the two sides.

Many civilians were also affected.

Because there was no king, the country's political power was confronted by the theocracy, the aristocratic faction, and the neutral faction.

The capital has lost the ability to control local forces.

The Crusaders who have settled in the main cities of various places have always been very aggressive.

Now the whole of Atlan is in chaos.

Watching innocent people surviving in the cracks of this country in dire straits.

Joan of Arc prayed for them in her heart...

She wanted to help them, but she didn't know what to do.

Now her spiritual base is trapped in this girl. Only when her consciousness is further combined with it can she exert her original power.


If the possession is successful, who should be the leader?

The kind Joan of Arc does not have any overbearing idea of ​​always occupying the dominant position of the body.

In addition, this is someone else's body. If she is robbing it——

What's the difference between that and robbery.

Although Jeanne's daily life in the past few days has let Joan of Arc know many of her secrets, such as Jeanne is also a believer, and a believer of the Church of the Sun God that is being attacked.

Although the beliefs are different——

Joan of Arc did not have any pagan ideas. She herself tends to be a moderate faction. Although she believes in the Lord, she is not a radical existence.

‘If only I could lend her my power…’

Jeanne’s inner desire to save the country was clearly seen and felt.

Joan of Arc still wanted to help her from the bottom of her heart.

‘Lord! Is this also one of your revelations? ’

Joan of Arc prayed in her heart.

The kindness in her heart began to find reasons for herself to help the girl.

This may also be part of her destiny after her death.

Her belief in the gods is that the gods did guide her to save many people, rather than crazy and obsessive twisted obsessions.

If it is a merciful Lord, he must not have the heart to see the civilians of this country suffer like this.

(Marshal: …!!! He disagrees! Gilles, de, and Les have a lot to say!

For details, please refer to the passionate declaration when summoning the sea demon!)

Joan of Arc’s anxiety is that she doesn’t know how to contact Jenny to discover the power hidden in the spiritual base.

On the other side——

The eighteenth Hassan was also sent out by King Hassan to spread the doctrine.

She took Kyouko away alone to train her...

It seemed that someone finally discovered her talent and shining points. First, she was recognized by Yan, and now she was favored by Shan Zhiweng, which made Kyouko flattered!

She aspired to become the next Hassan, and she had infinite respect for the leaders of all generations, especially the legendary Shan Zhiweng...

Now that she could receive personal training from Shan Zhiweng, Kyouko was so excited that she was very excited.


Kyouko, who liked to use the Wushuang and directly throw various Hassan treasures to fight.

After a few days, under the influence of Shan Zhiweng, she became more ferocious.

She learned many one-hit-kill techniques from Shan Zhiweng.

She also crazily praised the real assassination technique.

On the other side...

Sajo Aika: "Please... This is what I made by imitating the Manchu-Han banquet of the Celestial Empire. Because I don't know what cuisine everyone likes to eat. I made more!"

On a certain floor of the library, there are no books, but a completely isolated restaurant.

Looking at Aige, who was holding a tray and looking at her with a smile and expectation.

Yan felt that it was really doubtful how much Aige's "everyone" meant everyone.

From the beginning, Aige's eyes had never left Yan.

This made Ji Zelu on the side no longer feel like playing with Lily and the others. The little loli always felt that her brother would be snatched away by this perfect woman.

On the other side, Restia showed a more subtle expression for the first time since Sajo Aige arrived.

Sajo Aige gave her a special feeling -

But since it was brought back by Yan, it was also her friend.

Restia thought nervously.

For some reason, she always couldn't help but keep her eyes on Aige. Such rude behavior made her feel a little sorry.

However -

After everyone tried the food made by Aige, they all exclaimed cutely.


"Nice! Nice! Nice!" Hidi, who had learned a lot of words that others didn't understand from the Internet slang book, suddenly showed an expression like the spirit of a medicine king, her face turned slightly red with excitement, and she kept praising her.

This cook is great!

She announced that Yuzuha had been fired by her!

From now on, she will only eat food made by Shatiao Aige, ahhhhh!

Ji Zelu and Restia also puffed out their cheeks and chewed, both showing bright and innocent smiles.

For a time, my feelings for Shatiao's love song skyrocketed.

Ai Ge smiled on the side, very polite and not arrogant.

For such a simple way to build a good relationship with the people around Prince, she doesn't mind spending more time!

Shatiao loves singing, and the plan goes through!

Chapter 498: Bai Zhen, Hei Zhen, Christmas Young Zhen! Giles:! ! !

"It's almost done..."

Homura thought that Hassan had become active in Atlan and began to work hard to spread the teachings.

Although it was very chaotic considering the multiple forces in Atlanta... it provided a good environment for Hassan and others to preach.

But as a newly emerging assassination sect.

Even with the powerful leaders of the past generations, they cannot swallow up the entire faith of Atlan in a short period of time.

As the saying goes, fat water does not flow to outsiders——

In this case, otherwise, let a new party join in, stir up this muddy water even more, and tear a piece of meat from the mouth of the pope of the Theocracy.

It's time to help Jenny discover the power of that gift.

I remembered the little gift I had given the girl on the way after watching another perfect assassination by Wang Hassan and becoming the only witness to the king of the mountain.

The second meeting——

He did not appear directly in front of her eyes, which was why Jenny dreamed that she met the Flower Magician.


It’s time to discover the power of the heroic spirit Jeanne d’Arc!

The battle between the Crusaders and the local armies and nobles is about to break out...

This is an inevitable contradiction.

Just like the Eastern Crusade on Earth, bloody and barbaric massacres abounded——

When the conflict reaches an irreconcilable peak, Atlan's dispersed power cannot organize an effective resistance at all.


"The saint who saves the country. Save 'your' country again." Flame murmured.

I have already thought about how to induce the awakening of Jenny's spiritual power.

Although she has seen part of Joan of Arc's memory, her memory is not very deep and she doesn't understand much.

As long as she understands where the spiritual energy in her body comes from.

Understand the definition of your true name, the Noble Phantasm that liberates yourself.

"That's enough... I'm talking about my understanding of Joan of Arc. There is a saint who understands what it means to save the country and a cook who understands the essence of Joan of Arc. There is no one more suitable than the marshal." A calm expression appeared on Yan's face. with a smile, and then handed the new manuscript to the cat-eared girl Yuye.

"I'm begging you this time, please make one more trip, Yuzuha. I'll ask Aige to prepare dried fish and wait for you at home." Homura said.

Yuye, the cat-eared girl who was originally very calm and calm: "???"

...! ! ah? !

The blood seemed to boil in an instant, and the pomelo leaves floated!

Me, me me! !

I can! Dried fish, dried fish!

All my thoughts suddenly turned into dried fish leaves.

Ahhhh! That's her favorite.

Thinking of Aige's perfect cooking skills, even the food she usually hates the most can be easily eaten.

If the dried fish prepared by Sajo Aige——

Suck! Yuzuye is drooling, she is greedy.

Without saying a word, she sent the little rabbit on her chest to accept this glorious task.

This time, she didn't even think about peeking at Homura's new work in advance. Yuzuha immediately set out from the library portal with enthusiasm, preparing to find the printing house.


After completing this task, Yuzuha quickly went to various bookstores and helped with the notification tasks.

Don’t be too familiar with the road section, perfect!

When the cat-eared girl returned to the library, Shatiao Aige had indeed prepared her beloved dried fish.

The dignified Princess of Origin will only willingly work as a cook for others when she faces Homura's request!

Yuzuha enjoyed an ultimate enjoyment...

She felt that the first half of her life in the orc empire was simply in vain.

The epic of flames, and the dried fish that loves to sing——

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