Together, these two make a perfect match!

This kind of spiritual and taste satisfaction made her happiness reach its peak.

Love it, love it! Drunk, drunk!

At this time, the cat-eared girl Yuye's intoxicated expression, her pretty reddish face looked like she was drunk, and her cute furry ears stood up.

The hairs on it stood on end, making people want to grab a handful of them.

And on the other side——

‘Gills de Rey, who stood there covered in wounds, could indeed see the brilliance of the saint in the flames. These flames are existences that can purify, become the basis for the future, and become the existence that saves oneself. This is a scene that will never be forgotten even if one hundred, two hundred, or even a thousand years pass by. It’s a memory that I will never let go of even if I fall into hell——’

vertical sun...

Bookstores and printing plants, which were already working very efficiently, quickly put up new promotional banners.

When neighboring Atlanta was in turmoil, a bloody war was about to break out everywhere.

The Royal Capital side and the Elf Kingdom side are very peaceful——

There are even many people who are looking forward to Andersen's new masterpiece.

It also includes many gods...

The new promotional poster was finally released, attracting the attention of many long-awaited book fans.

It was a portrait of Joan of Arc, Joan of Arc, and Santa Lily, Joan of Arc·Alter·Santa·Lily.

Three Joans of Arc with different painting styles, different periods and different existences directly attract everyone's attention.

Homura's exquisite painting style, which is unique in another world, immediately turned many people into Joan of Arc chefs.

At least that's what it looks like now...

Everyone is fascinated by the stunning, beautiful and cute styles of Joan of Arc on the posters.

Behind them, there were three dark shadows with similar figures but obvious differences.

It was a male figure, as if transformed into a shadow, silently guarding behind it.

Then there is the sentence that people see.

That sentence - 'Even after one hundred, two hundred, or even a thousand years, I will never forget this scene. ’

Those touching words, full of fantasy.

Finally, people saw the names of the Joans of Arc, as well as the words "Giles de Rais" hidden in the shadows.

as well as……

Everyone's eyes followed the poster, and when they subconsciously saw the bottom, it was an indescribable and terrifying scene that could not be looked at directly.

‘What figure is painted on this? ~! ’

People saw such intermittent words:

"Once again...again...again...failed, failed...lost, lost, lost! This the same...can only darkness save the light?"

Like a desperate person who finally loses hope completely and makes a hysterical hoarse voice in the abyss...

When he no longer hopes for the light, but no matter what, no matter what the means, he must fulfill his wish to protect and save a certain lovely saint!

That force of will can even shake the gods!

Although I haven't read the text, I don't know what the story is.

Even after seeing a few words, people have been completely attracted.

That's a hero who doesn't hesitate to fall into darkness...

The craziest, most persistent... even if you sacrifice everything, a lifelong pursuit!

Chapter 499 "The Hundred Years' War between Britain and France"!

In 1404, on the land of Europe, two major countries, Britain and France, were engaged in a large-scale and long-lasting war, known in history as the Hundred Years' War between England and France.

At this time, the two sides had just concluded a twenty-year armistice agreement, and each was gearing up to prepare for the next full-scale war.

On September 10th, Baron Laval, who lived in the Chateau Chandoce, France, gave birth to a son. The baron named the child Gilles, whose full name is Gilles de Rais.

The armistice agreement was not over yet, and Britain went to war with France again. Both Gilles' parents died this year. 11-year-old Gilles became an orphan and was sent to be raised by his grandfather, Jean de Cragon.

The epic story takes place in those two countries.

——"The Hundred Years' War between England and France".

New heroic poems, chapters, epics, biographies!

As people await its release with great anticipation.

On the other side——

Jenny, who was far away in Atlanta, had another dream.

She dreamed that she went to a place and saw a book there, and the god she believed in finally responded to her... and gave her a revelation.

‘You were born into this world with destiny, follow the trajectory of destiny and dig out the power needed to fulfill your destiny. ’

There was an inexplicable voice calling her like this in her heart.

After Jenny woke up, she still clearly remembered the name of the epic in her mind - "The Hundred Years' War between England and France"?

Uneasiness and hesitation flashed in her eyes, and finally turned into determination.

She wants to walk on the path she dreamed of...

She wants to save her country.

Until she came to the place in her dream again and indeed found a book there!


Isn't this the place where she originally buried the Sun God Bible?

After Jenny came to a small slope following the feelings and familiar yet unfamiliar memories in the dream, she was surprised to find that she had already been to this place.

When the Theocracy first searched for heretical divine doctrines and classics...

Homura hadn't taken away the Bible yet.

At that time, Jenny buried it here in order to keep the secret.

And now——

The Bible is gone, but she is here again under the guidance of fate.

And the burial spot that was supposed to be empty contained a beautiful box containing an epic poem.

Jenny’s face turned slightly red with excitement…

She further recognized mentally that the voice in the dream was the guidance given by the god she believed in in response to her prayers.

She must complete the mission entrusted by the gods...

We cannot live up to the expectations of the gods.

But what the girl doesn't know is...

The one who buried the epic here was not a god, but one of the many clones of Hassan.

Now all the Hassan's are taking orders from Yan. People like Bai Mang are numerous and capable...

The little gymnast prince who can do gymnastics when he has nothing to do, of course Homura must give full play to his talents.

When Yan once traveled to Atlanta, his senses easily spread throughout the capital.

And he also saw the scene where Jenny buried the Bible...

Only then did Yan pay attention to him and finally meet him.

It doesn't have to be easy to create a coincidence that is like a prophecy and sees through the past and future.

And on the other side...

Also hidden in Jenny's body.

The things that Jenny can see and the world that she can feel can also be perceived by Joan of Arc.

When she noticed the epic poem in Jenny's hand, according to Jenny's memory, the font on it clearly meant 'Hundred Years' War between England and France'.

The cover of the epic is actually not much different from the poster. It is full of Joan of Arc in various professions and the figures who guard her devoutly.

"...!!!" Joan of Arc.

How does it feel when you see your own image being made into various vertical paintings, even when you were a child?

Joan of Arc didn't know clearly before, but now she understands.

If she had a body now, she would be blushing hotly.

What a shame!

Why, who painted her appearance on it?

It actually serves as the cover of an epic poem.

If the 'Hundred Years' War between England and France' mentioned above is what she thought, how could she be qualified to be a key figure representing the entire war!

Joan of Arc thought that she was just a lucky and ordinary country girl.

There is nothing special about it.

‘If we had to choose a representative figure, it should be His Majesty King Charles VII, or an outstanding marshal like Gill. 'Joan of Arc.

Even though she knew that she would be added as a saint in later generations, she was still very thin-skinned at only 16 years old!

With Jenny turning the first page of the epic.

The words behind it immediately attracted Joan's attention, while she was still embarrassed and her mind was blank.

The first words she spoke firmly locked her heart.

‘The man named Gilles de Rais... He is the son of a Breton nobleman (father) and the child of the niece (mother) of a famous French general in the middle of the Hundred Years War. ’

"Gil!! Is it Gil?" Seeing the name of her comrade and friend appear on the epic poem, Jeanne's consciousness widened her eyes in surprise.

How could she forget the hero who had saved France with her...

But Joan of Arc didn't know the story of this old friend's childhood.

In this epic, the birth of Gil is told at the beginning. Could it be that the hero described in the epic later is ‘Gil’?


Joan realized something.

That shameful image (cover), with countless black shadows standing behind 'myself', seems extremely familiar.

'Are those all...'

I thought that even I had been transformed into the image of countless eras.

The idea subconsciously born in her mind made Joan feel a little ridiculous.

How could Jill, who is so smart and talented, become my vassal?

If the country of France must be missing someone, it can be without me, but it must not be without an excellent marshal like Gill.

If he knew what Jeanne was thinking at this time and sincerely praised his achievements as a good friend, the marshal might not be so excited that he would cry.

However, it was impossible for him to hear Jeanne's heartfelt voice across so many worlds.

What was even more impossible for the French Generalissimo to guess was that his story and life would soon be described in a biography and heroic epic, and would soon be seen by his beloved Joan of Arc.

Yes - a hero!

In the first half of his life, Giles was a true hero, but in the second half of his life... he was an anti-hero.


For a long time, the settings of heroic spirits and their divisions have been explained in various epics.

But this is probably Homura’s first story with an anti-hero as the protagonist.

Chapter 500 From Great Britain to England and to France!

Although Gilles de Rais was born into a noble family, his living conditions were favorable.

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