‘In order to eliminate traces, Gilles would burn the corpses into ashes and dump them into the river after committing the crime. In order to avoid suspicion from nearby residents, Gilles would change the crime scene from time to time. In every castle where he lived, the souls of innocent children were left behind.

Because of his extravagant nature, Gilles de Rais often spent more than he earned. He urgently needed a lot of money, but he had no idea where to start. So Henriette Gryal recommended him and wrote to a black magician living in Florence for help.

The latter was named Jean de Fontanelle, originally from France. On the surface, he practiced medicine in Italy, but in fact he was a famous sorcerer. ’

“Witchcraft?! Black wizard?!!” Hermitos said in surprise.

That was a rare profession even in the past.

The magic practiced was also quite taboo.

This was much more terrifying, complicated, and evil than ordinary human alchemists.

Some of the powerful black wizards even practiced secret techniques that even the gods were afraid of.

Gilles actually mixed up with that kind of guy...

For the first time, the face of the God of Alchemy showed obvious disgust.

He is the God of Alchemy...

There is no clear good or evil for humans.

He only likes beautiful things!

Although he doesn't like human alchemy very much, he also admits that it is a way to alchemy.

The human body is inherently very mysterious.

But Gilles's behavior of seeking help from the black wizard, a being despised by the gods.

Hermitos would never approve!

Chapter 515 The ancient evil god who existed before humans!

'Jean de Fontanelle--

It is said that this black magician can summon demons from his shadow and fly on swallow feathers.

But because of his paganism, he was expelled from the French Church and could never return to his hometown for life, so he had to send one of his students to help Gilles de Rais.

This man is a handsome Italian man, 22 years old, named Francois Plelaty.

Originally a monk, he indulged in the study of black magic and geomancy, and returned to secular life and became a disciple of Fontanelle.

On May 14, François arrived at the Château de Tiffouges. With his eloquent speech and outstanding appearance, he immediately conquered the heart of the French Marshal and became the baron's new love and close friend!

However, it was also he who paved the last step for Gilles de Rais's road to the stake. '

"Burning..." The little princess opened her mouth slightly, as if she thought of something.

The complex color in her eyes became stronger.

The marshal...

Was he also executed in the end?

And it was the same burning as Joan of Arc. If Joan of Arc, who had already "died", saw Gilles like this in heaven, what would she think?


'Francois told the baron that in order to obtain gold, he must trade with the demon king named Baron with a living sacrifice.

Gilles believed it, and the five men immediately decided to give it a try.

So... one summer midnight, they held the first summoning ceremony in the meeting hall of Tiffouges Castle.

The baron and three of his men opened the four windows facing each other, drew the emblems representing the four directions and four elements in black magic on the ground with swords, and stood inside.

A burning charcoal basin was placed in the middle of the hall. Francois was naked, wearing only a black leather cloak, holding a magic book called "Raziel".

That was the so-called "mysterious angel of the secret realm and the highest". The legendary "Sefer Raziel" recorded 1,500 mysterious knowledge in heaven and earth. Raziel gave this book to Adam, so that he was later killed by God using this incident.

It is also called the Book of Wisdom...

(It is said that its appearance is the beginning of the Twilight of the Gods.

After the war, Enoch reproduced some of the contents of the Book of the Angel Raziel in the Book of Enoch, which was later given to Noah, who built the Ark based on it. Later, King Solomon of Israel seemed to have it for a short time, and then disappeared without a trace.)

While throwing incense, myrrh and aloe branches into the fire, he swung his sword and cut off the head of a black lamb.

While the blood was still splashing, he muttered: "I beg you, Baron, Orion, Beliar, Belzebus, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Virgin Mary and all the saints. Stand before us, talk to us and express our wishes."

But two hours passed, and nothing appeared except the wind blowing in from the open window.

François attributed this failure to the problem of sacrifice. "We must use a better living sacrifice." He said. You can imagine the expression on the baron's face at that moment---a relaxed and gloomy smile.

"What do you think of children?" he asked back. This kind of thing has long been commonplace for him. '

Gilles's performance at this moment made people a little scared and shuddered.

Imagination of the twisted and gloomy picture in my mind.

They finally confirmed the evil of the French Marshal.

He has become a cruel demon both mentally and physically.

He has become more reckless in his actions.

Giles' words and deeds made them doubt which image they saw was the real him.

On the other hand-

The God of Alchemy was somewhat absent-minded... His attention was not on Giles's changes, but more on the magic book about "Raziel".

1500 items of divine knowledge.

What an amazing and exciting thing.

There is also the Ark, Noah, and King Solomon who reappeared.

There is a short paragraph at the bottom of the page in the text, telling some brief stories about Adam and Noah's Ark, and the Great Flood that destroyed the world.

In that ancient mythological era, every word made Hermitos feel extremely fascinated.

'Too little... too little, the Great Flood that destroyed the world. It sounds similar to the Great Flood in "The Epic of Gilgamesh". Or is it the same flood?

What happened between humans and gods in the past. And King Solomon, who was briefly introduced once when Galahad held up the Holy Grail. '

There is really not much information for the God of Alchemy to explore, and he can only suppress the urgency in his heart.

More, he needs more!

Ah! What a torture, the flower magician!

He is not a god, but he knows secrets that even gods cannot know. What a scary guy!

‘There are also rumors that the book Francois was holding at the time was not "Raziel".

It was "Prelati's spellbook", a textbook of the city of Luoyan, a magic book bound with human skin.

Francois's master believed in paganism and was also a skilled user of black magic.

As a disciple, Francois was naturally not an orthodox Catholic. ’

The words in the text suddenly turned.

When everyone saw the textbook of the city of Luoyan and the "magic book bound with human skin", their hearts jumped.

There were goose bumps in their hearts.

Although many people have heard that black magic is often very radical, dangerous, and taboo magic, they did not expect that the black magic in this epic, even the magic book was bound with human skin.

Thinking of the terrifying scene of the so-called Francois holding a human skin book, lying in the magic circle and muttering non-stop.

The horror made everyone's scalp numb!

Is that black magician also a believer?

What does he believe in? !

There are gods who like that kind of disgusting sacrifice... This is probably not a demon!

At this time, Hermitos was also stunned.

In his cognition, although the demons in the abyss have a strong desire for destruction, it seems that there are really few who can meet the conditions to create such disgusting believers.

Could it be another god from the past era that he didn't know about?

Hermitos, who had just thought about this, saw such words at a glance:

'That is the taboo knowledge about the ancient evil gods before the emergence of human beings.

The magician Francois Prelati has an Italian translation in his hand, and the original text is Chinese from the Xia Dynasty of the Celestial Empire. It is said that the earlier original text is recorded in a language other than human. '

... The ancient evil gods that existed before the emergence of human beings!


……! ! !

Without looking back, the huge amount of information in this sentence alone made countless people, including Hermitos, freeze their brains.

Chapter 516: Small and meaningless, unless he is full of malice towards you!

Since the existence of human beings, the relationship between gods and humans has been closely related.

Many gods were born from human imagination...

The emergence of "No Game No Life Zero" once made many people think that it was the earliest myth since the beginning of the world.

The human species at that time was also regarded as the earliest human ancestor.

However - the ancient evil gods that were born earlier than humans.

How far back in time was that?

Perhaps even the forest god Kenas and the god of war Artosh did not exist yet.

In the distant past -

I think of the gods in Andersen's other work "Dark Soul".

Because Dark Soul is more of a prophetic nature, many histories seem to be fictitious...

People have never been sure whether the gods in the soul world really exist.

Are the evil gods mentioned in the epic referring to those gods?

Hermitos suddenly shook his head. If Gwyn, the Sun God, didn't say it, it would definitely not be an evil god.

The same is true for others.

The timeline is also a little inconsistent.

At this moment, the atmosphere of the entire epic suddenly became a little strange and intriguing.

From the birth of mankind to the time of France, the gods who "spread faith" were still there.

A god who has lived for so long -

The long years of his legend alone are enough to make people palpitate and shocked.

When they continued to look at the back of the epic.

Originally, Hermitos and his friends thought that this time it would only be a passing mention. They found that the epic gave a detailed explanation of this "human skin magic book" and "ancient evil god":

'The Luoyan City teaching book is derived from a variant of the R'lyeh Text.

The author of the R'lyeh Text is unknown, and it is estimated that it was written around 3000 BC.

Except that the original manuscript was written in the language before humans, the rest of the details are unknown.

There was also a view that the original manuscript was written on a clay tablet.

In addition to the Chinese translation, English translation, and German translation, there is this Italian manuscript in the hands of François Prelati.

That is the translation of the R'lyeh text that Marco Polo brought back from the mysterious Celestial Empire.

It is said that it contains the method of summoning gods from another world.

It describes the Deep One, the Father God Lagon, the Mother God Hydra, and the relationship between Cthulhu and his followers and the sea.

It also records the silence of Mu Continent and R'lyeh, and the words that imply that R'lyeh will return again.

In the Cthulhu mythology system, it is a magic book that can be ranked alongside the Book of the Dead. Written in the R'lyeh language, it is an instrument used by ancient priests and magicians. ’

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