Cthulhu Mythos? !

A god related to the sea?

And what is the Necronomicon?

It doesn’t sound like a beautiful existence!

Is the mysterious celestial dynasty from which that translation came out, which ancient human country it is?

A lot of problems arise from people's hearts.

And coincidentally, there are also notes about the Cthulhu Mythos in the book.

Everyone couldn't help but look at the annotation, feeling an inexplicable sense of uneasiness suddenly arise in their hearts.

The emergence of a new mythological system should be an exciting and exciting process of exploring the mystery.

But this time many people have a bad, unexplainable feeling.

The little princess and Claire thought it was their illusion at this time.


They saw words like that.

‘‘Human beings are meaningless compared to the universe. If there are gods, it is impossible to help such small humans unless... they have malicious intentions. 』

If you think this passage is reasonable, then when you go to church to worship, look at Jesus Christ in front of you, and listen to the priest or priest telling you that God loves the world, what will you think of? ’

At the very beginning of the commentary, there was no explanation of what kind of mythological system it was, but such a strange sentence suddenly appeared.

Claire and the others were slightly startled.

I didn't react at first. When you taste it carefully and think about the meaning of that sentence.

...! ! !

Exploded! Everyone's scalps exploded.

——Jesus Christ, that is the god who appeared in King Arthur and now the Hundred Years War between England and France.

People already know it very well.

They knew that it was a very famous god from a bygone era.

When everyone imagines according to the picture described in the words in their mind——

A sense of penetration suddenly arose in their hearts.

Is it impossible for gods to help small humans?

No, there should be a reason. For example, for faith...

But when thinking about ‘faith’.

At this moment, Hermitus, as a god himself, thought of those gods who did not need faith and relied entirely on their own powerful concepts to exist——

What reason do they have to help humans?

Is it true, as the epic says, unless they have evil intentions?

And are all the gods in the Cthulhu mythology system such gods?

Kneeling in front of the statue of God, listening to the priest's teachings - talking about how God loves the world, but in my heart I clearly know God's malice towards mankind.


Even as the darling of the royal family, the well-protected little princess suddenly started to tremble. (Bai Long yawned, um... very well protected. I seem to have not appeared for a long time!)

Scared...cowardly, pitiful, and helpless!

"...Gu..." People swallowed their saliva.

They continued to look behind them, but they didn't expect that this was just the beginning of their nightmare.

‘At the core of this mythological system is a group of terrifying ancient beings with great power called the Great Old Ones.

It is said that they once ruled the universe in ancient times, but were sealed by the ancient gods and slept in a death-like sleep.

The most famous among them is Cthulhu, which sleeps in the underwater city of R'lyeh in the past known as the South Pacific. Rumor - when the stars are in the right position, R'lyeh will rise from the bottom of the sea, and Cthulhu will wake up and bring havoc to the earth.

Although Cthulhu is so famous that an entire mythology is named after it.

But it is not actually the most powerful among the Old Ones.

The one who occupies the center position of this system is Azathoth, the leader of the demons, while Nyarlathotep has more frequent contact with the human world, and compared with other old rulers , it prefers to deceive and seduce humans. ’

"Like to deceive and seduce humans?!!"

When I saw the description of the god Nyarlathotep, in the royal capital, in the city of Ceylon...

Even Jenny’s body suddenly trembled.

As humans, they suddenly felt a little better.

——! ?

Chapter 517 The man behind the instigation of the Crusades! ?


And indescribable! A terrifying god! ’

The description of this unknown system continues:

"Suppose there is an ant crawling next to your feet. You won't care whether you step on it or not, because it is too small. Whether it is dead or alive has no effect on you."

In the eyes of the ancient evil gods described in the "Cthulhu Mythos", humans are like ants.

Human beings are far from being the masters of the world. In the unexplored and unknown universe, there are hidden unimaginable and indescribable horrific truths. Just a glimpse of them can make people fall into madness or death.

As a certain sentence says: "The oldest and strongest human emotion is fear; and the oldest and strongest fear is the fear of the unknown." ’

"Drives people into madness or death."

“Is the oldest and strongest fear the fear of the unknown?”

Everyone looked at those words with some shock and said.

While they imagined their own insignificance——

Regarding humans and evil gods, it is like the metaphors of ants and humans.

This made them tremble with fear, but also felt inexplicably reasonable.

So this is the truth?

Will humans pay attention to ants walking casually on the roadside? Yes! Put yourself in their shoes. Aren’t we humans also ants compared to gods?

If humans are interested in ants.

Whether it is a good interest or a bad interest -

For ants, it is the greatest malice.

They are the same to gods.

Too small and fragile, even the slightest fluctuation may cause death.

As mentioned before -

If gods help humans without asking for anything in return, it is hard not to doubt why they do this and what is the meaning.

‘Unless they have bad intentions. ’

That sentence echoed in people’s minds again.

Even a trace of doubt will cause people to feel uneasy.

And apart from fanatics, who can guarantee complete and unreserved trust in a god?

They don’t understand God, and understanding God with human cognition often only sees one side.

Or it is precisely for humans that any action of gods may cause great harm and impact to them.

They will feel uneasy.

For gods, even very ordinary interests, just this interest itself, is malicious to humans.

In this mysterious myth, Nyarlathotep is such a god.

And he is not just interested.

The epic mentions this god again...

Then -

People saw such a description:

'It is said that the human incarnation of Nyarlathotep is usually a dark-skinned, tall and thin man with a hearty smile.

He is the messenger and spokesperson of the outer gods on earth, especially obedient to Azathoth;

Unlike most outer gods who are not interested in humans, Nyarlathotep sometimes gives humans some unique gifts, but these gifts often cause wars and killings.

Nyarlathotep is always keen to deceive and seduce humans, and his highest joy is to make humans fall into terror and despair. In Cthulhu mythology, its image is closest to the traditional concept of "devil".

He is often active in various periods of history.

It is said that he was behind the famous Crusades. ’



Many people who heard about what happened in the neighboring country suddenly widened their eyes and were dumbfounded.

Hermitos’ pupils shrank even more, and he took a breath of cold air. Ten thousand alpaca beasts galloped in his heart!

‘Crusade…! ’

That Nyarlathotep, is he still ‘alive’ now? !

What amazing information did he see from that sentence!

Since the recent ‘Crusade’ was his work, that Nyarlathotep must be a god who lived in this era like him!

The God of Alchemy suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

He realized his blindness, arrogance and stupidity.

He always thought that the Flower Magician was a legendary sage who survived from the past to the present, so he knew so many secrets that the gods did not know.

But the era in which Meili could survive for so long...

Then why can’t there be powerful gods who have survived to this day!

Could it be that many ancient and powerful gods are still alive?

Are they hiding behind the earth, secretly watching the operation of the whole world?

Compared with those truly powerful gods, what are the gods now?

For this amazing "revelation", both Hermitos and other people who are reading the epic broke out in a cold sweat.


'About Nyarlathotep, some of the most famous legends are-

"Disguised as Jesus to deceive everyone to form Christianity, and then incited Christianity to launch the Crusades hundreds of years later!"

"Disguised as Hitler, gave an inspiring speech to form Nazi Germany and start the Second World War!"

"Disguised as a cute girl, combined with a male boy out of a prank!" and so on.

In addition, there are still many unknown disasters around the world, and his figure is behind them. '

"Christian... Religion?!" He paused slightly and spoke in amazement.

Wasn't it the Crusades?

Did Christianity also carry out the Crusades?

People were suddenly confused. This was not what they imagined.

Hermitos, who was sweating all over, became stiff;

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