These words directly overturned all his previous conjectures. Guessed wrong?

Hermitos felt inexplicably relieved.

Then he looked at the three rumors and calmed down slightly.

Although not referring to the recent ‘Crusades’.

However, this is still very surprising news.

Just the fact that he pretends to be 'Christ Jesus' and deceives everyone into forming a Christian religion is enough to make people feel horrified.

How courageous is this god of the Cthulhu pantheon? Isn't he afraid of provoking the attention of that God?

As for the second world war, people don’t know much about it.

But just to be named after a world war...

It's enough to make people think deeply.

And it’s the second time——!

Who knows if the first time was also caused by Nyarlathotep.

Thinking about it further...

The epic says that he was keen on giving some unique gifts to mankind, which often led to the birth of war and killing.

Maybe there are figures behind those giant wars since countless mythological eras.

Some wars that cannot be studied and the cause cannot be found are immediately associated with this evil god.

Um? If you think about it this way, don't you understand everything?

Could it be that Nyarlathotep's bewitchment was behind those wars? !

Their brains are working like crazy.

At the same time, I felt a little frightened and frightened inside.

It was as if there were a pair of interested eyes beside them, watching them all the time.

Human beings are just like clowns, tools for their entertainment and pleasure.

The gods of this new pantheon! Really - fucked!

Chapter 518: Puppet, a meaningless myth for mankind!

When everyone saw it, they were speechless——!

Such gods are simply more terrifying and frightening than demons, demons, and monsters in the abyss.

The monsters just kill you physically.

But the evil god can even twist your spirit and soul, turning you into a clown like a puppet, performing entertainment plays for him.

"Suppose there is an ant at your feet. You won't care if you step on it. Because it is too small. Whether it is dead or alive has no effect on you. Among the gods of the 'Cthulhu Mythos', Human beings are just that ants... It’s so scary. Just imagining that scene can’t help but make people feel cold.” Someone couldn’t help but say while reading the epic.

Finally, with trembling hands, I held the pen and wrote these down on the paper beside me.

He should always alert himself to this.

Be wary of your own insignificance as a human being, at this moment...

He suddenly realized that he had learned too little in his life.

When faced with a giant who can crush ants to death with one kick, is he really capable of resisting?

What a desperate scene.

He could imagine how unfriendly those evil gods were to humans.

There is a great terror in the dark, as if the evil god is staring at him somewhere.

...very scared and very heavy.

At this time, he could only be thankful that not all gods were as terrifying as the Cthulhu gods described in the epic.

But new doubts arose.

Since they are both gods——

To the Cthulhu gods, humans are meaningless.

For the gods of other pantheons, can humans occupy a more important position?

Thinking of this——

His lips suddenly turned cold, his hands and feet were cold, and he did not dare to think about it further.

Later, the epic also listed many incarnations of Nyarlathotep.

There are also quite a few incarnations of this evil god.

This includes the story of the original pharaohs, the Black Pharaohs.

So... this has led to a new region that people currently don't understand at all - Egypt.

and a group of kings called Pharaohs.

It is said that the god they believe in is the sun god Ra.

As for the rumors about the Black Pharaoh, the god that the Pharaoh believed in at the beginning was not actually Ra, but another incarnation of Nyarlathotep - the faceless god.

That is, later on, the Sphinx was carved with a human face.

The legend about the Pharaoh is only passing by.

Just as one incarnation after another was briefly mentioned, people's hearts became heavier and heavier, and they were horrified to discover how many 'roles' this evil god had played in human history.

In the end, people just saw that sentence and made the final summary of this myth system.

‘This is the Gods of Cthulhu, this is the Cthulhu Mythos. A pantheon-cosmology that makes no sense to humans! ’

boom! !

Exploded! People already felt like their scalps were exploding, but this time their skulls and Tianling Caps felt like they were about to be blown away!

A…human…meaningless pantheon? !

Words that make people feel creepy at first sight.

Although I can understand it, I cannot recognize it.

As a human being…

For this unknown and mysterious powerful god, I started to feel fear from the bottom of my heart.

The vision returns to the epic story.

It took a lot of effort for people to calm down the hairy feeling in their hearts.

Then everyone saw Francois Platy giving the human skin book to the marshal.

It seemed that he was mentally contaminated by the magic book, and the marshal's body gradually began to change.

His already distorted face began to become even more terrifying!

The text describes: ‘The end of Gilles de Res, who has peered into the abyss and been peered into by the abyss.

His eyes have undergone a huge mutation, and he has become like a "thing" living in the deep sea, spreading terror with his eyes.

It is not to make the other party feel fear through violence and coercion, but to make the other party face the "fear of the unknown" within themselves. It can be said that the other party loses his mind. ’

What a weird thing...

What a terrible magic book. People have a strong sense of rejection and disgust towards the human skin book.

Some people even speculate that the reason why the marshal changed so quickly was that he was also affected by François Prati and the human skin book in his hand?

Even if the marshal's original intention was to resurrect Joan of Arc.

But if Joan of Arc wanted to resurrect herself through such a crooked way, she would definitely be angry!

Everyone thinks so.

On the other hand, Joan of Arc, who also read the epic through Jenny's eyes, really didn't want to see such a scene.

If the "resurrection" is studied in this way, she would rather sleep in the darkness forever, without seeing the sun.

And as a dead person, she should not be resurrected and affect the world of the living.

Although she is still an immature heroic spirit, she already has such a will.

No expectation for resurrection!

This is also one of the reasons why she cannot accept the world's relief in the face of Amakusa.

'The future path of mankind should be chosen by mankind itself. '

"Gill..." Jeanne murmured the name of the marshal again in a complicated way.

And new illustrations appeared in the text.

At this time, the marshal had taken off his armor, and his smooth and young face, big eyes and smooth cheeks that were always moving flexibly, and his brown face that matched him very well, made people think of Munch's paintings.

The clothes were also very strange. He wore a wide robe on his slender body, and his clothes were decorated with a lot of luxurious precious metal jewelry.

His body was hunched, and at this time he looked like a monster living underground all day long.

Rather than the handsome, unrestrained, young, and wealthy baron.

It can be said that --

'Except for the resurrection of Joan of Arc, he has never changed. He has already become another person. '

"Gilles... this disgusting guy. Has he degenerated into this monster?" Someone said with disgust. He used to like the role of the marshal very much, but after the marshal killed innocent children, he completely lost his favor for him.

"He has become a demon and has completely forgotten the glory of being a hero. What an ugly face!" Someone else said.

People feel sad and angry about the image in the illustration.

Some people can't understand it. Is the death of Joan of Arc such a big blow to the marshal?

It can make a hero degenerate so thoroughly!

They continue to read the following text:

'A few days later, they held a second ceremony in a deserted pasture one kilometer away from the castle.

This time there was an unlucky boy. It is said that when Francois killed him, the originally clear summer night suddenly had lightning and thunder, and the wind was strong. Gil thought it was a sign of the success of the ceremony and was very excited.

Ironically, the bad weather made it impossible for them to stay outdoors, and the ceremony was forced to end.

Gilles de Rais was very angry after two consecutive failures. François Plelaty, a fake wizard who pretended to be a ghost, was afraid that he would no longer favor him, so he simply performed a so-called "Hell Alliance" ceremony on him and encouraged him to continue killing.

"The more blood on your hands, the easier it is to establish a connection with the underworld, and the more willing Baron is to obey the call." This instigation took away the last bit of the baron's reason.

In the past, he was more cautious in committing crimes, and the bodies of the victims were properly handled and not easily discovered.

At this time, he was eager to get the gold and could no longer care about many things.

Moreover, the continuous disappearance of children over the years and the increasingly strange behavior of this group of people gradually made the residents in the territory suspicious.

Gilles de Rais believed that he had made great contributions and had been doing whatever he wanted for some years, so he was still at peace and did not take the turmoil of the civilians seriously.

However, he was really wrong this time. ’

“The more blood on your hands, the more you can communicate with the underworld?!”

“It is indeed an evil god!”

“Is Francois really a liar? If so, how could the human skin book he gave to Giles be real?”

People looked at each other with disgust and whispered to themselves.

Although I don’t want to recall everything about Cthulhu mythology.

But I have to say that the previous description is really impressive.

At this time, people thought of the magic book "Luoyan City Textbook" which records the knowledge of summoning the ancient evil god.

Chapter 519 There is also a connection between fairy tales and epics? !

‘On March 15, Gil even broke into the monastery with 60 soldiers and kidnapped a monk named Jean de Ferron.

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