A crimson violent shadow appeared from behind Homura at the moment when their eyes met.

Hitty's heart skipped a beat.

A chill goes from the tailbone to the forehead...

‘It can’t be Yalong! Yalong would not have such a terrifying sense of oppression! ’

Hittie's heart screamed loudly!

Now she is very doubtful that Yan went out and directly met a dead pure-blood dragon, and then took a hot dragon's blood bath in the dragon's blood before returning!

Judging from the blood and aura of this dragon, he is at least on the seventh level of the ladder like her!


And he must be stronger than her. This sense of danger alone made her lose the fighting spirit to become an enemy.

The 'Thin Dragon Factor' was analyzed from the descendants of the 'King of Heroes'. After undergoing the simulation and restoration of the [Simulated Star Creation Diagram], it was directly traced back to the original dragon blood.

This is why the dragon's blood, which has basically no effect on 'Rhine', has such a big reaction when it is switched to Yan.

The blood purity of the two sides is completely different.

At this moment, let the dragon blood in Yan undergo transformation.

...It is no different from the dragon blood that the 'King of Heroes' bathed in after killing the evil dragon. Originally, it was the glory that only the 'Dragon Slayer' could enjoy.

Now it has been shamelessly and easily stolen by the 'Simulated Star Creation Map'.

Flame said that this feeling of getting stronger quickly without any effort is really amazing!

The strong dragon factor roared in his body.

The body that had turned into a 10-year-old began to grow again.

There was a crackling sound of bones, and his shrunken height finally began to recover.

1 centimeter, 2 centimeters... 10 centimeters keeps growing.

At this time, Hidi looked at the scene in front of her nervously and did not dare to touch Homura at all.

Waiting is a very long process.

Neither Homura nor Hidi knew how long had passed.

...Homura's skin finally stopped steaming, and the painful feeling began to slowly disappear.

His physical transformation has reached the final stage.

Until, the ferocious golden vertical pupils in Yan Yan completely disappeared, and then the original eye color was restored.

"Succeeded...?" Hidi asked uncertainly with some cold sweat on her forehead.

"Ah - it worked." Homura felt his strong heartbeat and said, with a smile on his face.

"Can you tell me in advance next time you do something dangerous like this? At least don't start it in the library!" Only then did Hitti dare to approach and complained dissatisfied.

"It's too much trouble——"

"Huh?" Hidi's eyes widened instantly. What does ‘too much trouble’ mean? ?

"Ah~ The thing I'm not good at dealing with is troublesome things!" Yan spread his hands and smiled happily.

"What if you suddenly explode on the spot and blow up the library?"

"How dare you say that...Hidi-chan, no matter how my library is doing, I should be the one to worry about it, right?" Homura.

"Hoo~!" Hidy's face turned red with anger, but she couldn't refute.

Is this a declaration of ownership of the library? ? How abominable!

But - who asked her to export the library!

Here, there, every inch of this library should be hers!

"Then Hidi, with my current physical strength and mental strength, I should be able to access higher-level combat skills and magic." Yan suddenly said.

"You are thinking! No way?! Your strength is growing so fast!"

Magically it's not bad——

But as for warriors, Hidi remembered that among the combat skills she prepared for Yan last time, there were skills that could only be mastered by the fifth level.

If the body cannot be tempered to the fifth step, it should be impossible to display it.

'Wait...that's not right! ’

Hidi suddenly remembered that whatever Yan learned, it was basically the kind of ability that could be mastered once.

As long as the 'conditions' are met, the 'magic' that cannot be released yet can be directly released, that kind of terrifying 'talent'.

‘It must be dragon blood! The dragon's blood just now made his body reach an inhuman level. Even if it has not become an immortal existence, it is at least physically comparable to a powerful creature on the sixth ladder. ’

'Now that his physical strength has caught up, those advanced skills are only a small problem and cannot trouble him at all! ’ Hidi thought about it for a while and understood what was going on.

"No more... If you want to learn more advanced warrior skills, you have to find a way by yourself." Hitty shook her head and said in amazement.

She was glaring at Homura like she was looking at a legendary monster.

Now Hidi is very suspicious that Homura is not actually a human at all.

He should be some kind of terrifying legendary creature cub that transformed into a human! ! How can humans have such perverts with such terrifying learning abilities?

Regarding the ‘more advanced warrior advanced skills’ that Homura wants.

Although she is a magician on the seventh level, she cannot take away other people's 'secret skills' by force.

"Is there no other way?" Flame asked disappointedly.

He could feel how powerful this body was now, and the continuous flow of powerful energy and blood made him full of energy at this moment.

He even had the illusion that if there was a real dragon in front of him, he could fight with the other party with all his strength and passion.

"Yes...if you are willing to become my disciple. I can recommend you some excellent warriors."

"Huh?!" Yan showed a subtle smile on his face.

Although he didn't want to mock anything - but...

In his current situation, is it really necessary to become a disciple? !

"No, that's too troublesome. It's better for you to find a strong man to fight, and just let me watch from the side. Yeah - this is a good idea, Hitie, please do as I say!"

"I won't -"

"A knowledge about quantum mechanics plus the specific principles of vaporization freezing." Yan smiled and raised two fingers, and Hitie's expression was shaken instantly.

Quantum mechanics - is it the knowledge related to the 'quantum vacuum' that day! ?

And vaporization freezing...!

Hitie's face flushed slightly.

Yan was sure that it was a condition that the other party could not refuse.

"Well~! Forget it, since you don't want to, then I'll think of other ways." Just when Hitie was about to give in, Yan suddenly spoke.

Hitti, who had been planning to "compromise", was interrupted again.

Then, looking at Hitti's frozen facial expression, Yan showed a very happy look.

He was not very eager for power, he just enjoyed the process of exploring the essence of these powers and knowledge.

Sooner or later, he would understand everything anyway.

There was no need to be too anxious-

Compared to that kind of thing, he now felt that Hitti's heartbeat was more interesting!

Seeing the girl's face getting redder and redder, and her anger and anger about to explode, Yan's smile on his face unconsciously became brighter.

With the excellent five senses strengthened by dragon blood, Yan's "perception" has become stronger now.

Judging from the heartbeat, the sound of blood flowing, and the expression, behavior, and voice, Yan always felt that if he wanted to, he could probably guess what Hitti was thinking at this time!

"What is your next sentence-"

Chapter 52 Dedicated to the only Hitti, with the only gift!

"I don't care!" x2 Two voices sounded almost at the same time.

Hitti was stunned.

On the other side, Yan waved at Hitti, who was stunned after blurting out the words with a blushing face.

"Come here..." Yan showed a hearty smile on his face.

"What...?" The girl showed a puzzled and vigilant look.

A bad guy like Yan must be thinking about how to tease her again.

She won't be fooled--!

Suddenly, Yan came closer. He saw Hitti's doubts and vigilance, but he didn't care. He reached out and held Hitti's little hand.

"!? Ehhhhh!" Hitti screamed.

Hitti, whose little hand was suddenly held by Yan, looked at Yan's face from a close distance.

She realized that after Yan experienced the transformation of "Dragon Blood", the childishness on his handsome face had been removed.

Now Yan looked like a young man.

Yan's face suddenly showed a faint smile.

Hitti's heart skipped a beat, and her heart beat faster suddenly.

Looking at each other at such a close distance, the already slightly red face instantly burned hot, as if dripping blood.

‘Wow! He, he is not going to confess to me! ? ’

The heartbeat of the girl who had long devoted her life to ‘magic’ and ‘knowledge’ accelerated!

Even a magician would feel panicked when encountering such a thing.

“…Hand, hand, touched! Too close… wuwuwu! Ah!” Hitie murmured in panic, and turned her face to the side a little unconvincingly, not daring to stare at Yan.

‘No, he is not really going to confess, is he? ! ’ Hitie.

Although Yan was only ‘10 years old’ before, he has never behaved like a 10-year-old child.

Hitie gradually treated him as an adult.

For Yan, who was full of mystery and had won her in the ‘competition’, Hitie actually had a great liking for him.

But before, because of Yan’s ‘boyish’ image, Hitie didn’t feel anything.

Even when she was thirsty for knowledge, she would occasionally disregard her image and approach Yan like a nympho, and there were many physical contacts.

‘Children’ cannot be considered boys!

This is what Hitie subconsciously knows. It didn’t feel like a big deal at that time.

But now——

… The girl’s eyes wandered, and she noticed Yan’s clothes that were about to burst, and her body that had become much stronger and more perfect.

The girl’s heartbeat became faster, and she didn’t dare to look directly at the face in front of her.

Yan’s smile was like saying: ‘As you guessed…’

“In the name of ‘Andersen’, this book is for the cutest and gentlest Hitie. Thank you very much for your help during this period.” Yan’s voice suddenly came, interrupting Hitie’s fantasy.

With a slight smile on his face, he put a book in Hitie’s hands.

“This, this is——”

“Quantum mechanics and vaporization freezing.” Yan smiled gently and spoke in Hitie’s dazed expression.

"What... when... obviously-"

"When I was writing the first volume of 'King Arthur', I sorted out the 'knowledge'." From the beginning, Yan was going to give these things to Hitti.

Yan let go of his hand and stood up.

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