Hidti subconsciously followed Xiang Yan closer.

"...?" Yan looked at Hidi strangely, slightly surprised by her actions.

"Why, why are you so nice to me all of a sudden?" Hidi, who then realized what she was doing, stammered and took a step back.

Hidi held the book tightly with both hands, her fingers grasped the corners of the book through the gaps in the pages, entangled them, and stirred them. Her tone was a little panicked and timid.

Completely different from his usual confident and calm demeanor.

The girl felt very overwhelmed by suddenly receiving such a 'precious' and surprising gift.

This may be the second 'very meaningful' gift she has received in her life, apart from the gift from her mentor when she became a 'magician'.

I can no longer remain calm and calm in my heart.

What could be more touching than for a magician to hand over ‘knowledge’ (life) to another person!

"Well~! Don't say it as if we are enemies. That will make me sad, Hidi-chan." Homura waved his hand easily.

"I just--just did some simple things."

Hidi has already allowed him to see enough 'touchings'. When I fell into an absolute "knowledge blind spot", I still competed with myself for so long.

Even for humans in another world, that infinite possibility exists.

In a desperate situation, he still struggled and continued to explore, and finally broke through the predicament.

The kind of 'courage' that, despite being stupid, means racking one's brains and wisdom to survive.

Homura didn't mind this kind of Hidden and shared his knowledge with her.

They are not masters and apprentices, but they help each other...learn and verify.

This kind of 'friendship' formed through mutual help and exploration in the pursuit of the mysterious path is a rare and valuable friendship.

"This is a book specially written for you, in the name of 'Andersen', the only one dedicated to you, the only one." Homura said calmly.

Hidi was moved to tears.

She kept the book with great care.

Compared to the last encyclopedia which only had some basic common sense knowledge, Yan's preparation for her this time was obviously very thoughtful.

There was obviously nothing to do for her.

But he wasted a lot of time writing books just for her.

In the future, people may know many of Andersen's works, but no one will know that the bard also wrote a book, which is knowledge enough to affect the change of the entire "magic world".

The south is located on the border of Linduo, and it is also a border castle very close to the 'Conjurer' clan.

The Imperial Third Legion, which defends the southern orcs, is stationed here.

To the south of Linduo is the "orcish" continent with hundreds of small settlements and divided territories.

The orc country closest to Linduo is 'Kasas', headed by Golden Behemoth.

The king's name is 'Wonir', known as the 'Overlord', and he is a king who likes to invade and plunder other people's territories.

The prosperity of the entire country is also based on uninterrupted "wars" of aggression.

‘Golden Behemoth’ is a very powerful clan. Even among the orcs, they belong to the kind of bloodline that has completely overwhelming power.

During this time, ‘Kasas’ began to invade other surrounding ‘orc settlements and small countries’ with great fanfare.

The human empire has received the news and has begun to consciously strengthen the defense of the border.

The king was worried that Casas would launch an invasion of their humans after destroying and conquering the small orc settlements nearby.

So he sent the entire Third Army to the border.


The king's worries seem to have come true!

"Behemoth! It's Golden Behemoth!! They are the orcs of the Casas Empire!"

"Intruder!! Whoa! Sound the alarm!!"

Boom! ! Like a flash flood, a large number of orc troops rushed from the distant horizon.

The leader was a charge formation composed of several floor-high golden Behemoths.

That is one of the strongest types among the orcs, second only to the legendary creatures on the seventh ladder.

Chapter 53 The Sixth Step! Accessories that can’t keep up with the hardware!

Homura murmured and said, "It's a pity that although the doll is beautiful, it lacks a soul inside."

Placed in front of Yan was a silver-haired lolita wearing a black gothic dress.

In terms of appearance, Homura refers to the appearance of a 'mercury lamp'.

Because of the completion of the 'Human Computer', he has made greater progress in alchemy.

Many incredible conditions can also be achieved.

But it is still impossible to give the alchemy doll a soul.

‘Creating life is often just a sin that is too heavy for human beings. ’

When it comes to the realm of 'laws', even the [Simulated Star Creation Diagram] cannot make Yan become that powerful in an instant.

His body has been bathed in dragon blood and is approaching the peak of the sixth ladder. As long as he can understand his own principles, he can transcend the limit and drive the 'law' to successfully reach the seventh ladder.

The law of 'creating souls' that Yan wants to understand can also be regarded as one of the 'principles'.

But that kind of 'reason' is too powerful, and I have never seen it in the [Simulated Star Creation Diagram]. This ability that I have used smoothly all the way has lost its room for use at this time.

"In terms of magic, there are enough books in the library to enrich my knowledge. Except for the 'forbidden books' that have to be used by magicians who have not reached the seventh level, the rest are easy to analyze." After reading a book on black magic and putting it back on the bookshelf, Yan frowned and muttered to himself.

Magic knowledge that even a human being can hardly learn in his lifetime.

For Yan, it is the easiest to learn. On the contrary, it is--

"My body is on the verge of the peak of the sixth level. According to Hitti, as long as I can break through the limit of the 'human body' and understand my own 'reason', I can become a 'hero' of the seventh level." Yan continued to think.

The so-called 'hero' is the title for those who have been upgraded from warrior-type strongmen to the seventh level.

Its name is equivalent to 'magician'.

Yan did not expect that his physical fitness would be 'upgraded' faster than his magic literacy!

Then the problem is back!

Although his body is very strong now, his combat awareness and skills are still at the 'learning' stage.

Without the forging of blood and fire, even if the "human computer" can accurately refine combat skills to an error of 0.01, it will always lack some feeling.

Compared with the "hero", Yan feels... Even if he can break the limit of the sixth step, he will only become a precise "war weapon", not a so-called "hero".

"So now I have a level 99 account, but I am wearing nothing but white clothes?"

The accessories can no longer keep up with the hardware.

'Well. It would be nice if I could participate in a war. '

Yan shook his head and thought jokingly.

The human territory of this world spans three continents, with vast land, and there are countless countries.

There may be a war going on in a corner of the world now.

But as far as Yan knows now, there is no "war" near Linduo.

And Yan has no intention of leaving this country and going to other places now.

At the same time-

In the capital, the king temporarily summoned important ministers to hold an emergency meeting.

Even the "Hero King", the guardian of the empire, was summoned this time.

"Kasas has conquered all the small orc settlements around. They have launched an invasion of our territory at the border."

"The Third Legion suffered heavy losses. The fortress sent an urgent report and we need to send people to support it immediately."

"How could it be... so fast!?" The ministers all changed their expressions.

"Kasas's king, Overlord Wolnir, is a man who will do anything to achieve his ambitions. This time, they directly sent a whole army of 'Golden Behemoths' to form a charge. It seems that he is determined to swallow up our southern border fortress in one go."

"If the king had not sent the 'Third Legion' in advance to increase the garrison, the border fortress should have fallen by now." Everyone spoke up at once.

"The general combat effectiveness of the Golden Behemoth has reached the fifth and sixth levels. Facing the charge of so many powerful creatures at the same time. It is not easy for the Third Legion to hold on for so long without a 'hero' in charge."

"Let the hero king go! If the hero king leads the army, he will definitely be able to repel the orcs." Someone couldn't help but speak angrily.

"The Hero King wants to protect the safety of the capital. He will not join the battlefield until the critical moment. And if the Hero King takes action, the 'Overlord' will probably go to the battlefield himself." The king frowned and said in a deep voice.

He has been posthumously named the 'Hero King' and has many beautiful names such as 'Sword Saint' and 'Dragon Slayer'.

He is the spiritual pillar of the entire country.

He symbolizes the power and stability of the kingdom. Like the 'king', he will not go out in person unless it is absolutely necessary.

Once there is any 'problem', it will be a deep blow to the entire country and its citizens.

And the king of Kasas, Wonir, is said to be a strong man of the seventh ladder.

He once relied on defeating all the large 'beast race' countries around him to establish the new Kasas regime.

He robbed the crowns of those old kings and destroyed and smashed them one by one, leaving only the one that belonged to him.

Because of that legend, Wonir, the name of 'Overlord' was born!

When the king mentioned the name 'Wonir', there was some fear in the eyes of the ministers.

Even humans have heard of the brutal and horrific deeds that the Overlord had done in the Orc Kingdom.

When they heard that the other party might take action personally, no one persuaded the Hero King to go to the battlefield.

"But without the Hero King, what can we do to deal with the Golden Behemoth?" Someone asked worriedly.

The First Legion, led by the Hero King, is responsible for guarding the safety of the capital.

The Second Legion is the general term for the troops of the entire country and cities.

Only the Third Legion can be mobilized and was sent to the border fortress for defense, but now it has returned an emergency distress signal.

"Recruit troops from nearby cities to rescue. At the same time, contact the mercenary teams above the Mithril level. I need their combat power." Although the situation seemed to be very tense, the old king quickly calmed down and issued an order.

'Humans are really too small. In front of a huge monster like the Golden Behemoth, there is no effective resistance. '

If an overwhelming force cannot be sent to suppress these golden behemoths, the fall of the fortress is only a matter of time.

In the other world, the "mercenary group" is a very special organization.

They are not affiliated with the country, but they are the deepest place in the entire continent.

...There are definitely no fewer strong people among them than the kingdom.

If it is just an ordinary "orc" invasion, just send reinforcements and repel them back.

But the golden behemoth is different. To deal with this kind of creature with thick skin and strong individual strength, it is necessary to deal with those "mercenary groups" who are better at single combat and hunting monsters.

As for how to get along with this group of mercenaries, the kings of the other world have already had a complete set of detailed plans.

Chapter 54 Andersen: Actually, my Melida!

In the blink of an eye, two months have passed.

The news that the Overlord Wolnir's army is pressing in spread in the capital.

Because of Hitti, Yan knows more than ordinary civilians in the capital.

In less than half a month, the Third Legion was defeated by the ‘Golden Behemoths’ before any rescue could arrive.

Then the second expeditionary force recruited by the king and a large number of hired mercenaries began to build a second line of defense behind the lost castle.

When Yan first heard the name of the orc king, he thought he was hallucinating.

‘Overlord’ – Vornier? !

Was he the ‘Overlord’ who longed for the power of the abyss and finally killed himself, relying on the holy sword and three bracelets, the relics of the priesthood he had killed, to keep himself from falling completely into the abyss?

Is this actually the world of ‘Dark Soul’! ! ! ?

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