But soon, Yan felt that he had thought too much;

Although this Vonir's personality is a bit similar to that one, he is the royal bloodline of the 'Golden Behemoth'.

He conquered the surrounding countries by pure hard power and various unscrupulous calculations, and there is no sign that Kasas's army has used the power of the 'Abyss'.

But that kind of thing is fine-

What Yan is more concerned about is, these 'invaders', are they... 'strong'?

In these few months, Yan has completely finished the second, third, and fourth volumes of King Arthur. There is a lot of 'free time' to do what he wants to do later.

The second volume of the story of 'King Arthur' in the capital and the 'Fairy Tale Collection' have also been on the market for several days.

A collection of beautiful fairy tales that are well-known to every household on Earth.

It is a 'story' dedicated to children in the name of 'Andersen'.

The beautiful fantasies and various small stories about 'courage, wisdom, and kindness' in it will attract even many adults.

...I couldn't help but read the story slowly and quietly.

Many readers who were originally loyal fans of King Arthur also bought a copy of the "Fairy Tale Collection" because of the name of "Andersen". As a result, they soon fell in love with these short stories.

Many people even read these stories four or five times.

Unlike the heroic epics that people admire like King Arthur, the stories in the "Fairy Tale Collection" are real "fairy tales".

Each of these stories basically retains the traditional setting of "happy ending".

Stories such as Little Red Riding Hood, Sleeping Beauty, The Ugly Duckling, Six People Traveling Around the World, and King of the Golden Mountain are even more popular with the little princess and Claire.

Many children in the capital have become little fans of "Andersen".

At night, many children are completely unwilling to go to bed if adults do not read them "Andersen's Fairy Tales" once.

In a "small village" far away from the capital, a child named Ji Zelu has unknowingly realized the "fairy tale fantasy" that "children" dreamed of most.

Every night, the little girl could sleep with Yan, the bard ‘Andersen’ himself.

She listened to her beloved brother telling all kinds of ‘fairy tales’ that had not yet been circulated in the market.

If the kids next door knew, they would definitely cry with envy!

——Similarly, the second volume of King Arthur is also a book that people have been looking forward to for a long time.

In Yan’s second volume ‘King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table’, the book describes in detail the results of Arthur’s simultaneous battles with eleven kings.

It tells how Arthur adopted Merry’s strategy, suddenly changed his weapons on the battlefield, and used the ‘golden sword’ to lead the knights out of the siege.

Such a plot made the suspense in the hearts of the readers in the capital disappear, and they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

‘Arthur’ did not fall into that ‘hell’ future, he defeated the enemy!

... The result excited everyone.

Many people looked at Arthur’s invincible figure on the battlefield with the golden sword in the book.

They seemed to have witnessed that era with their own eyes.

His eyes traveled through thousands of years and witnessed the glorious moment when the king defeated the enemy with fewer troops than his own army, which was ten times larger than his own.

Among the upper class nobles, a wave of "King Arthur" fever began to rise.

Many young sons of the lords made a golden sword and put it on their waists.

Because Arthur performed unparalleled deeds on the battlefield after changing into the "golden sword".

These young people began to imagine the handsome scene of themselves suddenly changing into the golden sword on the battlefield and destroying all the enemies.

At the end of the second volume, Yan finally wrote the name of the "golden sword".

The illustration of the golden sword inserted on the stone platform, with its real name written below: "The golden sword of victory - Caliburn!"

So, the sword named Caliburn instantly became the holy sword that many young people dreamed of for a long time.

However -

Turning to the next page, I found that there were several thick pages of paper behind the illustration, and the little princess showed an expectant expression on her face.

"Eh...!? Is there more to come?"

Then, the text, which was basically one page with an illustration, shocked the little princess.

When she read only half of it, she looked like she was about to cry.

'How could it be! ? '


It started with these words, and then it was probably described as 'a human empire called Rome suddenly sent twelve knights to ask Arthur to pay tribute. How Arthur attacked them. '

Like many readers who have already read this.

They all think that a true king like Arthur would not be so cowardly as to bow down to other countries.

Sure enough——Arthur's choice of counterattack made them feel excited and recognized.

When she first saw this, the little princess was very much looking forward to it and hoped to see Arthur's heroic figure sooner.

At the same time, she felt that the update of 'Lord Andersen' was too slow.

That's right——'Lord'. In two months, King Arthur had already become popular in the capital, and even began to spread to surrounding cities.

Several places near the capital have already started selling the first volume of "King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table".

However, the second volume can only be seen in the capital at the earliest.

For the bard who brought us ‘King Arthur’, everyone is very curious about the true appearance of this mysterious bard.

Many people speculate that Andersen may be a sunny and brave warrior like Arthur.

Some people also say that he is actually a beautiful magician like Merry.

Only a sister like the flower magician and sage Merry can write such a wonderful heroic biography.

Some people even pointed out that in the first volume of King Arthur.

In the preface of the novel, the story was initially told from the perspective of ‘Merry’.

The sentence ‘Let’s tell a story about a king! ’ impressed many people.

This sentence has become a phrase that most ‘Merry’ party members often say.

Some people even think that Andersen is Merry.

Chapter 55 Yan silently threw a trump card!

The great bard ‘Andersen’!

He brought the ‘perfect hero’ holding the holy sword to this world.

He added many ‘fairy tales’ works that ‘children’ can also read in the other world.

He brings brilliance to this boring world!

The stories he tells make people love them. No matter how many times you read the book, you will feel as amazed as when you read it for the first time.

But no one has ever seen what Andersen "in person" looks like.

When the fantasy of Andersen is combined with the admiration for the flower magician Meili.

The male animals are crazy.

They shouted the slogan of Meili my "wife".

They even imagined that "Andersen" is Miss Meili's vest.

The young baron, the noble son of extraordinary status, and even the ordinary civilian boy.

They all admired Meili in the illustration, but some people did not dare to express it, fearing that their ideas were too shocking.

After all, that was a "character" from many generations ago.

'-Why is Meili not from their era? '

They have never imagined in their hearts that if Miss Meili is willing to be with them...

Even if the age difference is "thousands of years"! ! !

That's definitely not possible (righteously, seriously)... Well, actually (with a hesitant look)... Well -

'As long as it's Miss Merry! Nothing else matters!!!' Excited, gradually perverted.

When someone guessed that 'Merry' was 'Andersen'.

For a time, many male compatriots 'agreed' with this statement.

'It seems... there is really such a possibility! '

Some people even directly pointed out -

The magician and flower magician who appeared to be omnipotent and seemed to have endless wisdom in the story of 'King Arthur' had been assisting the old king since he was young.

She remained young and beautiful until Arthur grew up.

Merry may have mastered the 'magic and wisdom' of immortality.

Although her face cannot be seen, she still has smooth, delicate skin and a soft figure in the illustration.

Time seems to have been fixed on Merry, and she has not aged for a long time.

Merry may really be able to live from Arthur's time to the present.

Then he began to use the pseudonym 'Andersen' and bring them the legend of the 'king'!

Who else could know so clearly about the epic of the 'hero' that was so long ago and had no records at all! ? Yes, that's right! It must be like this! It must be 'Merry' who wrote this 'hero' story based on her own 'memories'.

... Yan had heard some of the readers' perverted thoughts about him.

In response, he just quietly added some 'material' to his dear readers at the end of the newly released second volume.

Regarding your behavior of calling your brother 'wife' directly.

'Andersen' threw a trump bomb very 'happily'.

"Broken...!!? The golden sword - Caliburn is actually broken?! Woohoo!" Claire looked at Rhine with tears in her eyes, looking pitiful like a puppy.

At this time, she was watching the 'preview' clip of the third volume.

Rhine didn't say anything, but subconsciously touched the sword on his waist, but found nothing... Then he remembered that he hadn't changed his clothes yet.

"It's okay, Claire. Have you forgotten the other unknown holy sword we saw before?" Although he said so, Rhine looked at his good friend with a gentle look, but his fingers kept making empty grip gestures, as if he wanted to split something.

Rhine was pointing to the holy sword shining in the illustration when Arthur saw the future fragment.

——'The broken sword of the king because of injustice'. At this time, such a line of words was written on the illustration of the book on the table.

That was the perfect knight king, who violated the chivalry for the first time and was brave and aggressive.

The breaking of the golden sword was his own fault and his first defeat.

One of the two knights in the illustration was Arthur, and the other was King Berlino.

The broken sword stuck in the ground was the 'golden sword of victory' that made countless readers crazy.

"Why?! The golden sword is broken!!"

"How is it possible? How could the golden sword be broken? It is the chosen sword!"

'Such a magical, dazzling golden sword. '

'The golden sword that guided Arthur to defeat countless powerful enemies time and time again. '

'It has never been broken in the battles with the armies of 11 kings, but it is broken now? '

The little princess showed an expression that was about to cry, precisely because she saw this. At this time, people who also saw these ‘previews’ were also furious.

They only had one thought in their minds: ‘What’s going on? ’

Because it was just a preview, Yan did not describe anything in detail, and did not release in the preview that Arthur had received another sword from the fairy in the lake.

This led to many people not knowing that Arthur could get a more powerful holy sword.

And the legendary Caliburn actually broke... Let the nobles and barons of the other world who were still imitating ‘Arthur’ and wearing various ‘win-win golden swords’: ‘…’.

At this time, their mood was very broken, subtle, and complicated.

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