
Claire and the little princess stared at Sanson's words blankly.

‘I wonder which nerve Jeanne touched in Lancelot? ’


Joan of Arc is the saint of France!

Lancelot's era was as early as the era of France, and I don't know how many years ago it was the period of Camelot.

How do you know Joan of Arc?

Even more so, you won’t be excited by the existence of Joan of Arc, right?

Did Joan of Arc say something special just now that caused Lancelot's reaction?

He should obviously be in a state of madness now!

Everyone was a little confused——

This Lancelot has no sense at all.

As a berserker, he already possesses berserk attributes. After strengthening them——

Now it looks even crazier!

'Does he really still have the will to discern Joan's words?

Or did you see some familiar scene that struck a chord with you? ! ’

Chapter 565: King Arthur cannot be a girl, the same as Joan of Arc? !

Bang! It was the sound of sparks intertwining metal.

Ignoring Sanson and Camilla who were leaving alone, Lancelot suddenly struck Jeanne with a sword.

Joan of Arc could only quickly raise the flag to resist...and was forced to fight!

‘Joan of Arc: “Ugh…!

Why are you attacking me...! ? "

Matthew: "I...we have to stop him!

Master, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! "

"Although it goes against the spirit of chivalry, I should still kill Lancelot now!"

Guda also quickly gave a positive answer, let’s fight!

Guda: "Anyway, that thing doesn't look like a knight!"

Lancelot roared again, this time his voice was finally clearer: "...A...A...Ser..."'

It was this roar that made everyone stunned.


What a familiar name!

Lancelot...Did Lancelot just call Arthur? !

You must have called my king’s name! he--

Was King Arthur also in that era? !

Hiss~! Thinking of that possibility, everyone's eyes widened suddenly, and then they stared at the text behind it.

'Joan of Arc: "Arthur?"

…You mean your King Arthur?

——Sorry, I am Joan of Arc.

I am not the King Arthur you seek. "

Matthew: "...

Ah, that’s it. "

Master: "What's wrong?"

Matthew: "I know why Lancelot is obsessed with Miss Jeanne d'Arc.

It's because Miss Joan of Arc looks a lot like King Arthur. "

Matthew: "It doesn't mean the appearance, but the soul——."'

...! !

It was like a roller coaster, with everyone's moods fluctuating up and down.

ha? !

When Matthew said that Lancelot mistook Joan for King Arthur, the little princess and the others were all deceived.

Are you fucking kidding me?

Isn't King Arthur a man? Similar to Joan of Arc?

Are you sure this Lancelot isn't blind and can't even tell the king's face and gender?

It wasn't until the twist in the last sentence appeared that people's tightly held hearts relaxed. turned out to be the soul!

King Arthur and Joan of Arc…

! ?

Everyone was suddenly startled. Speaking of which, both of them were indeed people of unimaginable noble character.

You must have picked up the weapon just to protect people’s happy smiles!

Protection regardless of type——

As long as the mood is the same, they are all worthy of respect.

People continued to watch this absurd drama of 'misidentification' with somewhat complicated emotions.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Matthew and the others beat up Lancelot righteously.

And after everyone worked together to 'defeat' Lancelot.

To everyone's surprise...

They actually defeated the unparalleled Lancelot. It was as if Lancelot's true strength had not been brought out.

At this time, Lancelot, who was on the verge of disappearing, suddenly spoke.

'Lancelot: "King...ah...I...please..."'

That word trembled, and the Black Knight, who was obviously the most unlikeable and should not have any reason, woke up at the last moment. At this moment, how much perseverance and obsession did he say these words.

Joan of Arc and the others were stunned.

The little princess and the others were also stunned.

In the end, they learned from the text that Lancelot also turned into a spirit and exited the scene. What Lancelot wanted to say in the end has become an unsolvable mystery in people's minds.

For a moment, a deathly silence fell in the air.

"Lan... Sir Lancelot..."

"What did he want to say in the end? To Joan of Arc - no, it was what he wanted to say to King Arthur..." Claire murmured with a complicated face.


I can’t think of it!

What on earth is it!

That answer aroused people's deepest desire to explore, but it was not relieved at all, and they vomited blood in frustration.

‘Joan of Arc: “…”

Matthew: "Miss Jeanne, let's go."

"Joan of Arc: "Yeah! "

At this time, Marshal Gilles, who had previously led the artillery team to support Joan of Arc, rushed over. Gilles: "Joan of Arc!

Please stay! You are the real Joan of Arc! ”’

An extremely peaceful and joyful smile broke out on Gil's face, and the emotion in his eyes was completely different from the weird look that would later become Bluebeard.

It was an expression that seemed to have received spiritual salvation and peace of mind.

At this moment, Giles could not see any appearance of the cruel executioner in the future!

Even Claire and the others were in a daze when they looked at Jill in the portrait, unable to connect it with that rickety, protruding-eyed monster...Marshal Caster.

'Gil: "Not the "Dragon Witch", but a real saint...!"

The Marshal said in such a trusting and sure voice.

Joan of Arc: "..."

Marie Antoinette: "...won't you answer him?"

Joan of Arc: “If I answer, it will put Jill in a very bad situation.

At this stage, we should and do not need to ask them for help.

Most importantly, the hatred towards me from those former comrades was even more unbearable. "

Marie Antoinette: "But... do they really hate you?"

Joan of Arc: "——Let's go."'

There was no answer, Jeanne just turned around and walked away.

‘Aren’t you going to explain? ’

Such thoughts appeared in everyone's mind, and they were a little confused.

Joan of Arc——

There should be a chance!

As long as she explains it clearly, both the current marshal and the soldiers will recall the days of fighting side by side. Do you believe her?


——Because the artillery led by Gill also supported Joan of Arc before, people now have no ill feelings toward the soldiers who were deceived and were victims.

And at this time——

Joan of Arc seems to have a new knot in her heart?

Hermitus read this dialogue several times in silence.

‘Joan of Arc—

It seems that he still cares about everything his other self has done! ’

‘Commander: “Marshal.

That was just now..."

Jill: “I don’t know.

Although I don't know...but let's investigate the "Dragon Witch" again. "

Jill: "Is it really Joan of Arc who killed Charles VII?

Or a bad fake?

Or...there are two Joans of Arc in this world? ”’

The encounter with the French army ended here——

I won't interact with them for a long time.

People looked at Giles's guess at the end and felt a different kind of emotion in their hearts.

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