That was the same idea as theirs——

Because they could see the actions of the two Joans, how different their personalities were.

That was why they had doubts——

But Giles had only met White Joan once, and he had so many thoughts, and he made the right judgment at the critical moment, helping Joan to defeat the monster!

As expected——

He knew Joan very well!

That should be the case, right?

It was because of his understanding that he would never mistake the difference between a saint and a witch.

It was because he always believed in Joan's kindness that he thought the Dragon Witch was a fake.

He at this time was completely different from his later years!

Chapter 566 Sent to the guillotine by the people themselves!

‘Mashu: “…This seems to be an abandoned fortress.

Let’s rest here for a while.”

Joan: “How is Siegfried’s injury?”

Marie Antoinette: “My Noble Phantasm can provide a little healing effect.

But it seems to have no effect on his injury.”

Siegfried: “…It seems to be a curse.”

Joan: “Why are you in that city?”

Siegfried: “I seem to have been summoned relatively early.

When I was wandering alone without a Master…

I happened to see the city being attacked.”

Marie: “So you went to help?”

Siegfried: “Yes. …Although I am no longer the person I was in my lifetime, as long as I have this fantasy sword, I can always find a way to deal with it.

But I really can’t resist the siege launched by multiple servants.”’

After that, people learned from Siegfried that he was hidden by Martha.


That saint Martha.

At this time, people remembered her disappearance and couldn’t help but feel sad again.

Is that so? !

Ah——No, forget it. She should have realized this a long time ago.

But I didn't expect that --

At that time, Martha could already rely on her own will to achieve this level?

It's hard to hide Siegfried under the attention of other "partners".

At this time, Siegfried couldn't help but speak:

Claiming that the saint risked her life to save him who was useless, it really made me feel guilty.

But in fact, as a dragon slayer, Siegfried is the only way to deal with Fafnir.

In the end, Mashu and the others decided to separate in France to find servants with saint attributes in order to remove the curse on him.

Joan of Arc alone cannot complete the baptism of removing the curse, at least another saint is needed.

But at this time, Joan of Arc showed a trace of hesitation --

Everyone saw it, but didn't take this description to heart.

"If Martha hadn't died and wasn't driven crazy by Black Joan of Arc, she would definitely be able to help Joan of Arc!" The little princess couldn't help but murmured at this time.

Then they saw Mary and the others draw lots for grouping.

Because Marie and Joan of Arc were grouped together, Amadeus, who had been taking care of Marie, hesitated a little and called Marie before leaving...

In the end, he just warned her not to walk and walk to the snack shop because she was hungry.

'Mary: "What are you doing? I thought you were going to propose to me again, and my heart was pounding!"

Amadeus: "-Wait. Why did you mention this at this time!"

Matthew: "Propose...?

Huh? To Miss Marie? Mr. Amadeus?"

Roman: "Huh? Don't you know, Matthew?

This is quite famous.

When Amadeus was six years old, he proposed to Marie, who was seven at the time."

Mary: "Yeah. When I saw him fall, I reached out to pull him up. As a result, he stared at me with his golden eyes--."

Mary blushed and said, imitating the boy's voice in her memory: "Thank you, beautiful man.

My name is Amadeus.

If a beautiful person like you has not yet been engaged, can you allow me to be the first to propose to you?"

"That's what he said to me!

Since I was born, that was the first time my heart was so pounding!"

Amadeus: "I didn't expect this to be passed down to later generations... It's simply a nightmare..."'

At this time, people also remembered the story about the musician who met Mary during a performance in the palace.

Hey hey hey? Is it that time? !

‘Mary: “Oh, of course.

I was so excited to tell everyone about it!”

Amadeus: “So it’s because of you! So it’s because of you!

Didn’t you refuse? What a devilish woman!”

(Everyone: How miserable! Amadeus! For a moment, I felt a little sympathetic towards this musician. His dark history was known to the whole world and even to countless generations of people.

There is nothing more heartbreaking than this!)

Mary: “That can’t be helped.

Who can’t I decide who to marry myself?


Amadeus: “And?”’

! ! ?

Everyone was very excited! They were all attracted by Mary’s ‘and’.

Is there any secret in this? !


The story of the legendary musician and the legendary beautiful queen’s childhood must be told!

Eh eh…?

Such a secret, please tell me more, more!

At this moment, both commoners and nobles, even the little princess born in the royal family, are all curious about the love story between two people with completely different statuses and classes!

I like to know things that ordinary people don't know.

Especially the lives of those important people whose status is far higher than themselves...

For many civilians who may never be exposed to it in their lifetime.

Not being curious – it’s impossible!

The heart that is ready to move makes people's eyes light up like sparks.

"And" what? !

However, what awaits people is not what they expect to see.

Just like that 'and' -

‘Mary: “You know very well the life I went through, right?

My decision was the right one. Fortunately I refused. ”’


Everyone was suddenly stunned.

Then recall some descriptions of Mary.

The life I experienced after that... does it refer to the political marriage and being married to King Louis XVI?

"Queen Mary——

Was she involuntary? "

As he murmured in his mouth, the heat in Claire's heart suddenly cooled down, and she gradually fell into silence.

The marriage of an aristocrat cannot be decided by oneself. So it turns out that being born noble is not necessarily a good thing?

‘Mary: “That’s why you’re so loved as a musician.

Because of this, I will face death with the reputation of a stupid queen. ”’

Stupid Queen? !

What do you mean, is that——?

Everyone was startled, and their consciousness, which had continued to read casually, gathered together, and they regained consciousness from their daze.

‘Mary: “There’s no way. There’s nothing that can be done about it. Who keeps me immersed in the dream of love?

I must love France deeply.

Can't love someone.

I can only love the whole country.

Just because I am such a woman who knows nothing about heaven and earth,

Only then would he be guillotined by his own citizens like that. "

Joan of Arc: "Mary, this..."'


Like a bolt from the blue, people were shocked and stunned by Mary's astonishing remarks!


Sent to the guillotine by his own citizens...?

Huh~! ! Um?

Although it has been speculated that Mary's final life seems to be unfortunate.

Still beheaded by that Sanson himself.

But people never thought about it——

Mary's death was carried out by the citizens themselves.


Wait! !

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