Jizelu is already five and a half years old, and Yan is already ten years old.

This age is the right age to play with other children in the town.

But the brother and sister are always together.

One is always like a little adult, holding his magic book and reading non-stop.

The other is not bored, sticking to his brother every day, running around.

If this continues, he is really worried that the two will become lonely and have no other "friends" in their lives.

Baird doesn't know now--

He thought that Yan took his magic book just for fun.

But he didn't expect that Yan had really started to study "magic" without anyone's guidance.

Although due to the conditions, Baird's magic book only has some basic knowledge, and there is no "powerful magic" with lethality for Yan to learn.

But in terms of understanding the magic corridor and the ability to operate magic, Yan's "attainment" is already far ahead of Baird!

'... What trouble, friend? ’

Yan thought of his current age. Children of this age would not still be playing games like ‘brave men and demon kings’, or ‘playing house’!

Suddenly thinking of playing ‘childish’ games with those runny-nosed kids, Yan had a headache.

‘Well – you mean sister? ’

‘What a joke, can those stupid bear kids compare to his lovely sister? ’

‘Of course he is happy to play childish games with his sister.

As for letting him play with a group of bear kids wearing open pants, he will never compromise. ’

Yan’s resistance was almost written on his face, while Ji Zelu on the side had her eyes all on her brother.

Looking at the two children in front of him who seemed not to take his words to heart, Baird showed a helpless bitter smile.

Forget it…

Children have their own ideas. When they get tired of playing, they will naturally want to make new friends!

Baird thought with an extremely weird mind.

He didn’t understand how terrible the power of a brother-con and a sister-con was.

As long as there is a brother (sister), they will be very happy no matter what they do, and will not feel bored!

"Ji Zelu, do you want to make new friends?" After Baird left, Yan suddenly asked with narrowed eyes.

Although he didn't want to play house games or games like the Brave Fighting Demon King with those naughty kids, he also had to consider his sister's feelings.

If Ji Zelu wanted to meet some people of the same age, he couldn't restrict her.


After letting Ji Zelu make new friends, he might be able to take some time to study the magic of this world!

If the theory of magic operation is thoroughly understood and mastered...

Not only can the power of the simulated star map be further developed, but his own strength will also be greatly improved.

Maybe he can also use the "brain hole" of those strange abilities seen in the second dimension before crossing to create his own magic formula.

Of course, he "absolutely" did not want to get rid of his sister...

"Friends?" Ji Zelu showed a cute expression of confusion, and pointed his index finger at his lips.

"Sir, what is a friend?"

"It's someone of your age who can play with you."

"But Ji Zelu has a brother to play with me!" Suddenly, Ji Zelu seemed to have thought of something, and tears began to well up in her eyes.

"Sir, do you not want Ji Zelu anymore?"

"Ji Zelu will be obedient, prince... don't leave Ji Zelu." The girl spoke pitifully, with tears in her big watery eyes.

"...Don't think too much. Ji Zelu is so cute, how could my brother not want you...!" Seeing that his sister seemed to be about to cry, Yan hurriedly comforted her.

He quickly reached out and hugged her in his arms, explaining non-stop.

Finally, Ji Zelu, who finally understood what "friend" meant and that she would not lose "Sir, Prince", burst into laughter.

She showed an innocent and lovely smile like an angel.

"I'll listen to you, Prince..."

"Then go make some friends!" In order for his sister to have a complete and wonderful childhood, Yan smiled gently and touched Ji Zelu's hair.

"Yeah!" Ji Zelu's eyes lit up and nodded seriously.


The little girl grabbed her brother's clothes.

"Prince... Onii-chan, you will stay with Ji Zelu for the rest of your life, right?" The little girl showed a timid and expectant look in her eyes.

I was going to let Ji Zelu make friends alone, and I wouldn't get involved.

Yan, who was about to go back to his room to continue studying magic, stopped...

Then a bright smile appeared on his face.

"Of course——my princess. I am your knight! It is the knight's duty to protect the princess. If Ji Zelu wants, I will become a knight and protect you for the rest of your life."

Ji Zelu said this.

Faced with such a look, how could Yan have the heart to refuse?

...He suddenly thought that he should protect his lovely sister closely and prevent her from making friends with bad boys with ulterior motives.

This was also the question Yan suddenly thought of.

What if those bad boys who haven't even grown all their hair get close to his lovely sister!

He didn't want his juicy cabbage to be eaten by other pigs after a few days of not seeing him! !

"Lord Gege, what is a knight?" Ji Zelu pulled the corner of Yan's clothes and showed a curious look.

Because Baird often called Ji Zelu his "cute little princess", Ji Zelu also knew that "princess" probably meant to praise someone as "cute".

Lord Gege should be referring to herself.

But what is a "knight"? This is the first time she has heard of this title!

"Knight?" In Yan's mind, an image of a holy swordsman in silver armor flashed by.

Chapter 6 Knights do not die with bare hands! Ask: How to add points to the mage? ! Urgent!

Whenever the sun shines on the earth, the light shines in every corner.

The figure of a hero will appear, and they exist in everyone's heart.

As long as you open your eyes, you can find the light called "protection", "courage", and also "faith".

In ancient times, there was a king who created such a profession that clearly defined "heroes" - knights!

Among the knights, there are ten declarations like this, which have been passed down along with the name of the king.

"Swear to the sky to make my will clear; do not bully the weak, and spend the days humbly;"

"In the battles you go through, do not be afraid of strong enemies; I will cut down their flags wherever they are evil!"

"Women are weak and children are old, and they fight for it; they ask for help from prisoners, and I will do my best to help them;"

"Women are delicate, and they should not be offended; colleagues are of the same mind, and they will do their best to help them;"

"Treat friends sincerely and treat them as gentlemen: I love you, and I am loyal!"

The so-called knights are a group of people who hold iron swords and fight for the unarmed people with their lives.

At night, in the quiet attic, in Yan's room.

Yan held Ji Zelu in his arms, sitting on the bed and telling her the story of "knights".

The promise made to the girl during the day aroused her curiosity about that very distinctive profession.

In this different world, there is no profession called "knight".

In people's eyes, warriors are warriors, and at most they can be divided into professions such as swordsmen, spearmen, and archers.

Name the professions according to various weapons.

There is no chivalry in this world, nor is there the so-called chivalry. Yan doesn't mind promoting the profession of "knight" in this world one day in the future.

But now it is more important for Yan to satisfy the curiosity of her cute sister.

"Gege - I still don't understand." Ji Zelu looked at Yan with a confused and helpful look.

Although Yan just said the ten declarations of the knight.

Ji Zelu still didn't have a clear impression.

"Don't understand? Well, it doesn't matter. You don't have to be understood and recognized by everyone to become a knight. You just need to know that they are a group of very proud guys who are willing to risk their lives to protect their "love" in their hearts."

Ji Zelu nodded thoughtfully.

"Then let me tell Ji Zelu a story about the knight of the lake-" In the flickering candlelight, Yan controlled the water flow to form a magic light curtain like a "fairy tale book" in front of her eyes.

There was a gentle smile on his lips, and a hint of interest flashed in his eyes.

Ji Zelu's little head rubbed against Yan's arms obediently, and her little face showed a comfortable and cute expression like a cat.

If we talk about chivalry, the perfect knight known as the Knight of the Lake - Lancelot of the Round Table, is undoubtedly a good model candidate.

Of course -

This is without considering his life experience in the second half of his life.

The stain that Lancelot brought to the world-renowned Knight King cannot be washed away.

Yan did not intend to tell Ji Zelu the complete story of the Knight of the Lake and the Knight King.

Although in the era of Richard the Lionheart, there was a General William who was also known as the most perfect knight in English history.

However, compared with Lancelot's legendary life experience, Yan still prefers the "Knight of the Lake".

Just because that man, in a certain world, has an ability that Yan likes very much - a treasure. The knight does not die with bare hands!

And what he was going to tell Ji Zelu was the story about the ‘legendary’ martial arts.

“Once upon a time there was a knight who was brave, strong and helpful.”

Lancelot was the son of King Ban and Queen Elaine. He was abandoned by the lake when he was still a baby.

It is said that he was picked up and raised by the fairy of the lake, so he was also called “Knight of the Lake” and “Lancelot of the Lake”.

When he grew up, Lancelot was not only handsome and tall, but also gentle and considerate. He became an excellent Knight of the Round Table with strong martial arts and bravery.

He is known as the “Flower of Knights”.

He possessed unparalleled martial arts that surpassed an era, and even sublimated into a skill called ‘Infinite Martial Arts’.

It was such a knight who once fell into a situation of fighting without weapons due to the strategy of his enemy Felot.

Fighting in the predicament of not carrying a sword, he used a branch he broke off at random to knock down Felot and his accomplices.

The treasure that was sublimated from that legendary story is [Knights Never Die Unarmed].

Under the voice of Yan, how Lancelot fell into danger and how he escaped from the extremely dangerous situation.

As Lancelot was discovered and hunted down——

Jizelu's little face also became nervous with the ups and downs of the story.

When Yan said that Lancelot was surrounded by a group of enemies on horseback without weapons or armor, Ji Zelu made a cute babbling sound and her eyes widened.

She opened her eyes wide, looked at her brother cutely, and unconsciously hugged Yan's body with both hands.

'Have you put yourself into the role of Lancelot? ' Yan smiled lightly as she looked at Ji Zelu, whose body was tense but still very soft.

Then Yan began to talk about Lancelot's sudden inspiration and broke off a branch from the big tree next to him to use as a weapon.

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