Jizelu looked at Yan with a confused face, and tilted her head like a curious baby.

"He... Why did he use branches as weapons!" So stupid!

Even Jizelu knew that branches could not be used as weapons at all!

And they were used to confront sharp iron swords.

Yan smiled, did not answer, but continued to talk...

Lancelot, in a reversal, relied on his superb martial arts to defeat those enemies holding swords with branches alone, and finally snatched the horse and walked away calmly.

The story basically ended here.

Jizelu couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

The story of the "Knight of the Lake" told by Yan.

Although there are no "characters" such as the Demon King and the Hero that are familiar to this world.

Even the enemy is not a very powerful monster——

But Lancelot can use "branches" instead of weapons, and overcome the gap in weapons with martial arts alone, and defeat those enemies holding swords and wearing armor.

Such a story that simply highlights the "martial arts" to the extreme has never been seen in the "hero biography" of the other world.

Often those bards who record and write various stories.

The protagonists in their books are mostly described with empty adjectives such as "powerful" and "extremely powerful".

So, the question is. How strong is the hero?

The powerful martial arts of the hero have never been described in detail in the book. Because those bards have never seen the scene of the hero defeating the demon king with their own eyes.

They just use the terrible and terrifying "demon king" to set off the powerful strength of the hero.

And Ji Zelu, who has never heard of such a novel description of "Lancelot", is deeply attracted by the story of Yan.

In her young head, this night with unique significance and interesting story are engraved.

Why is the "Knight of the Lake" so powerful?

This question lingers in the heart of the young girl.

The unparalleled martial arts that Ji Zelu admired and admired sounded much more powerful than the heroes in the "Stories of Demon Kings and Heroes No. 303" that her father told her.

In this regard, Ji Zelu vaguely remembered what Yan said not long ago.

——They are a group of people who are very proud and willing to sacrifice their lives to protect the "love" in their hearts. They don't need anyone to understand. They just follow the chivalry and faith in their hearts.

Thinking of "Yan" who claimed to be a knight who "protects" himself.

"Lord Gege——I will definitely become the best knight in the future!" Ji Zelu looked at Yan with stars in her eyes.

Although I still don't understand what a knight is.

But since my brother said that he wanted to be her knight, I, Ji Zelu, believe that my brother will succeed.

Seeing that Ji Zelu liked this story so much, Yan held up his chin with one hand and thought slightly.

Maybe I can write all the "fairy tales" on Earth when I have time! Let the people of the other world also feel the charm of the ‘heroic spirits’.

At the same time, Yan, who had just finished telling the story of ‘Lancelot’, couldn’t help but simulate the possibility of ‘the knight not dying with bare hands’ in his mind!

If the ability of that treasure can be restored with magic knowledge.

Thinking of holding a staff in the future, he can strengthen the sharpness of the staff to Max in one hand, and use it as a holy sword to chop!

The British sword master - it’s settled~!

Yan’s mouth curled up a sinister smile. Since I have traveled through time, of course I have to let the people of the other world feel the charm of the ‘melee mage’~!

Spells are useless. Mages should add points like this: all points of life and endurance! Skills one-handed sword! Two-handed sword! Block! Critical hit! Charge! Whirlwind slash! Decapitation! Armor penetration is full.

Spells just need to add holy light!

Chapter 7 The ‘demon king’ who wants to make friends after reincarnation!

Just when Yan was telling Ji Zelu the story of the Demon King.

This world...

The real Demon King - at this moment, that delicate and beautiful face was looking at the sky outside his palace expressionlessly.

Under the light golden hair, there was a pair of blue and clear eyes like ice and snow.

White skin like snow, slender limbs, and perfect proportions like an angel.

The girl exuding a strong girlish charm, she is the existence called "Demon King" by the world. It is also the terrifying "Demon King" who is often killed by various weak heroes in the stories of the bard.

Of course -

Those "stories" are naturally false.

There is no hero who can defeat the Demon King in this world.

The so-called "hero" is just a fictional character that is fabricated and imagined.

'I am now -' holding a bright red and beautiful fruit like an "apple" on the earth in both hands, the "Demon King"'s clear and beautiful eyes that seem to be able to speak are staring blankly at the fruit in his hands.

‘So lonely…’ Such lonely words flashed through her mind.

Just now, a maid outside the palace accidentally fell down, and the fruits in her arms fell out of the basket.

She stepped forward to help her pick up the fruits, but was afraid of the maid.

She remembered that no matter how she asked, she was unwilling to get up. The maid trembled and lay in front of her, with her head buried in the ground.

The demon king, who was not good at expressing his feelings, just spoke expressionlessly, saying, ‘You don’t have to be so respectful to me, raise your head.’

But it made the other party more afraid of her.

The girl curled up her legs, hugged her knees with her hands, and rested her chin on her knees. Her beautiful blue eyes continued to stare blankly at the "red fruit" in her hands.

She didn't understand why everyone was so afraid of her.

She began to recall--

She had a huge magic power that could affect "reality" since she was born.

The people around her called her a "perfect person" and a "naturally sacred" girl.

As long as she spoke, her words would come true, and even reach a powerful level that interfered with the operation of the rules of the real world.

This was the greatest favor given to her by God, but also a curse.

The world "spoiled" her too much, and eventually caused irreparable damage to her growth.

The girl's outstanding talent was discovered... As a duke, her father began to train her with all his strength.

She began to receive various "magic" knowledge studies and training since she was a child.

In addition, her father did not arrange anything else to do in her life--

This lasted until she was 16 years old, at her coming-of-age ceremony.

The powerful existence of the abyss of another world has set its sights on this world and the fertile land of her country.

The girl was pushed to the front and fought a fierce battle with the "demon pillars" that were said to have descended from the abyss.

In that battle, she won the final victory of the war with overwhelming power and was expected by everyone.

Unknowingly, she was also given the terrible title of "Demon King" and was feared by people.

"This is it--"

"It's just like the monster in the story." The girl stared at the "Bright Red" in her hand blankly, talking to herself in a dull and boring way.

The "Bright Red" fruit in her hand, such a bright color, is something she has never had in her life.

For the first time in her life, a trace of expectation appeared on that expressionless and delicate face.

I really want to--

have the same bright color as it.

If I eat this fruit, will my life become as bright as it?

Simple, innocent, and fantasy-filled thoughts flashed through the girl's mind.

If those guys who fear the girl's power saw this scene.

Claiming that the girl would never show any human emotions...

And dubbed her as the terrifying "Demon King" who was "cold and ruthless", "God-killing weapon", etc.

I wonder what wonderful expressions will appear on the faces of the bishops of the Church and the sages of the kingdom at this time!

...The "Demon King" carefully picked up the bright fruit like an "apple".

The "bright red" full of vitality was like the forbidden fruit that even Adam and Eve could be tempted and eaten by them.

She took a small bite of the fruit, and the sweet juice mixed with the flesh entered her mouth.

Other than that, there was no change in her body.

Until she finished eating the whole fruit, the girl fell into confusion again.


really very "lonely and lonely".

Since being dubbed the "Demon King". Even her only relative, her father who raised her since childhood, did not dare to appear directly in front of her.

The duke was also afraid of the girl's terrifying power that was beyond "common sense".

He no longer had the confidence to continue to control the girl--

The girl had not seen her father come to this "palace" for a long time.

After being dazed for a while, the "demon king" finally stood up again and began to wander around the palace aimlessly.

The ahoge on her head looked a little listless.

'I really want to make friends. '

As a demon king, the girl had such an unknown, ordinary and common wish in her heart.

But any ordinary human being could easily realize the wish, but she could not realize it!

Sometimes she would also wonder, is she really a "human"?

Born as the "strongest", even the gods in the sky are afraid of her power.

Such a girl has long been abnormal!

From the time she was born, it was--


The "demon king" began to walk out of his palace and came to the outside world.

She used magic to hide her existence and began to walk around the city.

The girl looked at the children chasing each other, laughing and playing on the street with some envy.

When she turned her eyes, she saw the children who were praised and patted on the head by their mothers, and she would also show a touch of touch.

These beautiful pictures kept stirring her lonely heart.

For the girl demon king who was born to be the ‘strongest’, she had never experienced these emotions called ‘friendship and family affection’ in her life!

She dared not even expect something like ‘love’——

“!?” Suddenly, when passing by an alley.

The delicate face of the ‘demon king’ girl froze.

She saw a ‘mother’ holding a baby and laughing with other women.

The happiness and gentle look on the ‘mother’, as well as the gentle eyes that looked at the baby in her arms from time to time, stunned the demon king girl.

Her silly hair suddenly stood up, and her eyes lit up.

‘…Yes. ’ The girl looked at the baby in the arms of the ‘mother’ with excitement and expectation.

A bold idea came to her mind.

‘Such a simple method, I didn’t even think of it.’ The girl’s eyes flashed with an innocent and angelic look of expectation.

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