Those words caused Lancelot, as well as the people who were reading the epic poem, to fall into silence and contemplation.

For the knight they knew least about among the Knights of the Round Table, everything in the Iron Age rules seemed confusing and mysterious.

For the first time, people began to wonder what the knight was thinking in his heart.

The Knight of the Round Table, Arguevin, is, as Lancelot guessed, a schemer full of ambitions.



On the other side, flipping through the pages of the book opens a new chapter. From the next angle, people see an illustration of the knight Bedivere holding his arms and crying.

Everyone was slightly stunned.

Mashu, who came to look for his master in the dark night, also looked surprised when he saw this scene.

She asked Bedivere if his injuries hadn't healed yet and he was still in pain.

But I got that answer from Beckham,

“I was crying just now because of fear.

that. …because I’m not that mentally strong.

So scared——

I don’t even have the courage to raise my head...

That's why I vent my fear like this in a place where no one can see. "

Matthew: "Are you afraid? What a surprise. Although I am also afraid of fighting, but...

I thought Mr. Bedivere was already accustomed to fighting, so he had no fear at all. "

Beckham gave another explanation for this.

"No. It's not the battle itself that scares me, it's just that.

… Just fearful of what I’m doing. "

? ? ?

Claire and the others were a little shocked, what did that mean.

Would even a gentle and kind-hearted Mr. Bedivere be afraid of some of his actions?

Then they saw Bedivere speak again,

"Worrying about whether I'm doing the right thing, worrying about whether I'm doing the wrong thing. I'm uncontrollably afraid of that, and I'm terrified of my choices."

People know what Bedivere seems to have been hiding.

Everyone speculates that it is related to King Arthur and the Holy Sword.

Now Xiaobei... can't hold on anymore, is he going to tell the truth?

Everyone pricked up their ears, waiting for the unknown voice that came from Bedivere's heart, whether it was the truth or something else.


At this time, Ma Xiu told Xiao Bei,

I was equally scared, and even had a near-death experience.

In the Chaldea fire, her legs were crushed and she was saved. Someone held her hand in the fire.

Obviously that person is different from her, he is a person who values ​​his life very much. He is a person who is afraid of death. He is afraid that he will die and his knees will keep shaking.

[But that person still thinks about me.

If that person dies because of my fault——

To prevent me from having such thoughts, the man smiled and held my hand.

...That person cannot change my death before his eyes.

That would at least keep her in a relaxed mood until the moment of death, when that person believed this was the best way and acted accordingly. 】

Matthew still remembers the warmth of those hands, which was what awakened Galahad.

Now that she could understand the Heroic Spirit, Galahad was not the only one to admit it. Galahad believed in her and her predecessors, and believed in the goodness of humans who could do such a thing.

[I was not rescued, but entrusted to live for that kind of thing.

So I have to fight even if I am scared, because I am fighting for the beautiful things I see. In order to remember that beautiful miracle, I can still survive. 】

What a beautiful realization.

Seeing Mashu's memories, people immediately realized that this was Mashu who had just awakened as a sub-server. The story of Incineration just begins with the explosion in Chaldea.

It turns out that from then on——

(Gudda) Have you already begun to show your talents?

Everyone thought in shock.

'This is - the goodness of mankind...'

Bedivere also expressed his admiration.

Seeing this scene,

At the same time, Claire and the others also felt a strange sense of pride.

It's like seeing your child being praised for growing up.

Claire and the others are also very proud of Matthew and Guda.

And Bedivere apologized again. It seems that he should not treat Matthew as the same kind.

Originally he thought everyone was fake,

Matthew, a sub-server, and Bedivere, who is not worthy of the name Knight of the Round Table,

Even though he really didn't want to use the name.

No matter in terms of character, personality or beliefs, Matthew is different from me. She is truly worthy of the name of Knight of the Round Table.

Bedivere, who was somewhat arrogant, suddenly told the other party a piece of news that shocked both Claire and the others.

During the holy ceremony in front of the city gate, Xiaobei did not want to save the refugees at first.

He was trembling under the cloak. Instead of being angry, he was more thinking about how to sneak into the city to meet the Lion King.

... Later, when I was with Mashu and the others, I was also using them.

Bedivere mentioned the word atonement——

It also mentioned the end of this journey,

He had obviously lived for this reason until now, but now, he suddenly began to fear death.

The journey is so difficult, just because the journey is difficult, if you still don't get the corresponding salvation in the end.

...When he thought of this, he was so scared that he couldn't stand up. Afraid that it will end in vain in the end——


Everyone's eyes widened and their mouths opened slightly.

Their thoughts and emotions were also driven by those unexpected words, and they were suddenly confused.

Mr. Bedivere——Is he... in the end?

Chapter 728 A sandstorm with skull patterns! Another day when common sense breaks down!

What is Bedivere, the Knight of the Round Table, afraid of? People don’t know it, but…

They only know that even though Bedivere keeps saying the word "exploit", people still think that he is a trustworthy partner.

This kind of trust is not without reason.

It is the noble character that Bedivere, the Knight of the Round Table, has always shown.

Even if he talks about using Mashu and the others, Bedivere still protects everyone with his life every time he fights.

The charred body and soul were proof of that.

Everything about him was already in ruins. and--

Trembling and angry because of that shame, didn't Bedivere finally wave the sword in his hand in front of the city gate of the Holy Capital?

That shared adventure cannot lie.

A hot and depressing emotion rolled in everyone's chest. What's aggrieved is that they don't know how to express it.

Fortunately, they then saw Mashu’s resonant cry:


That's absolutely not going to happen. 】

[I and my body can tell. The end of the journey that Mr. Baileywell seeks,

It can't be meaningless.

Because you... were supposed to end this trip at any moment.

But you never let the journey end, no matter how hard it was,

What a fear,

We've all come this far. Because this is not a journey for yourself, but for others.

Even if Bedivere is a coward, she is definitely not a despicable person. So the end of the journey must be meaningful,

It is enough to repay you for leaving traces along the way, the final redemption. 】

‘A meaningful journey…? ’

I remember that at the beginning of the story, he appeared under the pseudonym Lucius.

The original stone statue in Avalon——

Bedivere, what a hardship he has gone through. This also made everyone feel unbearable, and they wanted to know Xiaobei's true goal even more.

When Matthew blushed, it was clear that he was not very mature yet, and he didn't even know the true name of the Noble Phantasm, but he said such handsome words.

At this time, Bedivere also mentioned Mashu's Noble Phantasm and gave her a little advice.

"The essence of this Noble Phantasm is to protect people. Do you think of it as [something to defend against attacks]?"

“Consciousness should not be focused on deflecting the enemy’s attacks, but should be focused on the object inside that should be protected.

This is the shield, no, the essence of our round table.

Not the fake Camelot that built that holy place.

It is the real road to the chalk city that will never collapse. "

As members of the Round Table, people also believe that Bedivere understands...

Naturally there are more than outsiders like them.

Beckham's character is also worthy of trust.



Regarding the description of that shield Noble Phantasm, huh...? !

‘——The road leading to the chalk city——’

Everyone was absent-minded and looked at in astonishment.

Bedivere: "Yes, you already have this qualification. The fact that I was saved by your heart just now is the best proof."

The essence of the Round Table, the Knights of the Round Table, and the chalk city.

Wait, I seem to have thought of something,

People connected these together and made new discoveries.

That shield...

Could it be that the symbolic meaning is the origin of the name Knights of the Round Table?

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