I haven’t heard Merlin’s little secret about summoning King Arthur, ‘Artoria is ready to eat. ’

At this time, everyone's thoughts were still very simple and serious. The round table is still a round table, there is no connection with the dining table.

What is the true appearance and true name of that Noble Phantasm——?

Holding this common curiosity and itching.


People saw that the decisive battle was about to begin,

……the next day.

Hassan and Guda Mashu, as well as the wandering knights led by Lancelot, and the Sun King's army of mythical beasts, surrounded the Holy Capital.

Lancelot and the others were discussing tactics when they discovered that Aguewen had transferred all the archers to the tower, which was three times the number in the previous defense...

Had he already made a plan to abandon other places and use all his strength to defend the city?

There seems to be an explanation for the previous inaction.

They are all fully prepared for this final decisive battle.

But there was no other way. Lancelot gritted his teeth and said that he could only attack by force.

And Gawain, who is guarding the main gate, will definitely become their strong enemy.

Although Lancelot wanted to drag it into the night, Gawain, who had the blessing of [24 hours of daylight], could not defeat this time by stalling for time.

Sanzang said that he and Teng Tai would support Lancelot.

This made Lancelot couldn't help but get excited again.

"Well, that's up to you. Oriental women are really strong-hearted and very charming."

Claire, the little princess and the others QAQ, "..."

How long has it been since this happened? This male version of Lancelot is really - too disdainful.

Matthew's eyes sharpened instantly and he looked at Lancelot coldly: "The war will start in one minute. Is Sir Lancelot mentally ill?"

Well done! !

The noble young men said that they had almost forgotten how beautiful and touching the female version of Lancelot was.

Now this Lancelot is ruining his image.

Lancelot: "Well, disrespectful!

...Then get the flag ready.

——From now on we will capture the Holy City. "

Lancelot: "For everyone who lives in this land!

We want to impeach the Lion King for his faults!

Everyone, draw your swords! Now is the time to return the Holy City to its true form! "

Oh oh oh~!

War is finally here!

Perhaps men have a tradition of violence and passion in their bones. It is a memory engraved in their DNA, a feeling of excitement from ancient times to the present.

Seeing the knights and mythical beasts launch a general attack,

It was as if they themselves were in that team, and their minds couldn't help imagining what a magnificent scene it would be.

And if you want to break through such a dense and terrifying arrow rain——

I don’t know how many people will die and how much blood will be shed before we can climb the tower!

Just when people thought that a potentially "tragic" battle was about to begin.


A bell suddenly sounded from afar.

Then people saw that description,

Suddenly... amid the roars and shouts of the warriors, a huge sandstorm descended from the sky in the far north and engulfed the holy city.

Such a storm is a godsend.

‘The archers of the Holy City will also lose their accuracy in this environment. ’

Just when people saw this, their eyes widened and they thought with joy.

Soldiers composed of various forces suddenly discovered in panic and horror that a huge skull pattern appeared to appear in the sandstorm.

Roman was also frightened and screamed, reminding Mashu and the others.

‘Although I did see the skull pattern~! But that's not the point!

Shockingly, this storm contains no magic!

It’s pure natural imagination! ’


What...what, what?

Just a simple... natural phenomenon? Everyone rubbed their eyes in disbelief and felt a little dazed.

I'm afraid you're kidding me...!

Can natural storms form skulls? !

Chapter 729: Walking is a natural disaster, the terrifying King Hassan!

Curse Wrist: "Oh, this bell is...

Sir Lancelot, this is the power of the first generation. He kept his promise and now it's time to officially march! "

The first, first generation? !

Everyone looked at Curse Wrist's words in shock.

It turned out to be the first-generation leader, the first-generation old man from the mountains!

Just appearing on stage creates such a terrifying aura.

Is this really a situation that humans can create?

It’s like a natural disaster——

...The walking sandstorm, if you include the skull patterns that give people great psychological pressure, it would not be an exaggeration to call it a death storm.

Guda: "As long as there is this sandstorm, bows and arrows will not be able to shoot!"

Lancelot: "Throw away all your bows and arrows, they are no longer of use! Speed ​​is everything!"

Everyone saw Lancelot commanding the knights, and after avoiding Gawain in the center of the tower, they rushed towards the top of the city wall.

A fierce battle soon began.

This time, even with Gawain's command, the armies on the city wall began to receive news that they were about to fall.

I originally thought they were just Masters and Servants from Chaldea, but then I learned from the messenger that one of them was a knight troop led by Lancelot.

Because the sun is actually angry too.

Gawain: “——I want to use the holy sword.

The cavalry on this side are to be burned together with the traitors. "

Will Lancelot fight with Gawain? Just when people were thinking this.

At the same time, the soldiers were also shouting - finally they could see the glory of the holy sword of the knight Gawain, the Cavendish!

It seemed that as long as Gawain pulled out the holy sword, all the difficulties and dangers that were now befalling them would disappear immediately.


Puff~! Claire and the others shuddered violently, and their hair stood on end.

There were words and bright red blood forming an illustration.

On it was a soldier who was split in half from the middle. He was still shouting before, but now he was killed in front of Gawain.

This strange picture with an alternative beauty made everyone feel a little creepy.

Everyone: What's going on?

Suddenly -

A strange and heavy black shadow enveloped Gawain's vision,

and the mysterious person who came uninvited said such words.

? ? ? : "No need to go out.

The sandstorm covered everyone, and your path has been wiped out."

Gawain: "...You are the culprit of this sandstorm.

Although this technique is very wonderful, you are too stupid.

You actually took the initiative to run to me, Gawain.

I am undefeated in the daytime.

My sword can be compared with the holy sword of the Lion King.

No matter what the opponent is, there is nothing that cannot be cut off...!"


When everyone looked at the armor of the black shadow in the illustration, which was extremely familiar and had extremely distinctive features, they suddenly shuddered...

They had completely different ideas from the confident Gawain.

This, this is--

Bang, bang~! The two slashed each other with swords,

The air emitted a crisp sound of sparks interweaving.

Gawain was slashed by the sword and retreated in embarrassment.

And the other party...

Gawain: "Ugh...!?

How is it possible that the cloak blocked my sword with a wave...!?

Who are you...!?"

Wear... cloak? !

Seeing such words, Hermitos and the others, who imagined what happened in the previous fight, took a breath and looked a little unbelievable.

You must be kidding.

Although I guessed that this person might be the strongest and mysterious first-generation old man in the mountain.

As long as he didn't want to be discovered, he could silently take the head of even the Sun King from behind. He was an assassin with superb assassination skills.

But just now it was a head-on confrontation!

In the head-on confrontation, he split the Knight of the Round Table Gawain with a sword, and faced the attack of the legendary holy sword, he only blocked it with a cloak.

…………! Incredible.

This, this... is too incredible.

At this time, the black shadow also completely revealed its true identity. It was indeed the King Hassan.

King Hassan: "Hassan Sabah.

I came from the valley only to take away the living.

Look up at the sky, knight who is proud of his righteousness.

——Is there still the sun above your head?"

The words of the first generation of the old man in the mountains also made everyone react suddenly.

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