This kind of disgust is not just an expression of Agrawen's fear of Morgan.

After understanding the truth, people were shocked to find that they had never known the real Agrawen.

Just like they didn't know Mordred, Gawain and others at the beginning.

"... Agrawen, Gawain, Mordred, Gaheris, Gareth - woo..." Claire muttered about the Knights of the Round Table born by Morgan, and suddenly found something incredible.

This -

If you count carefully, half of the small round table was born by the witch Morgan for the Knight King.

Is this love? ! This is true love.

Claire thought with a tingling scalp.

What kind of mentality can cultivate so many loyal to the Knight King, and each one is more obsessed than the other.

Although it was malicious slander and complaints in her heart, Claire really had a little doubt.

Does Morgan really hate his brother (sister)?

Although he said he wanted to take away Arthur's throne, he contributed to the prosperity of Britain and gave birth to half of the Round Table.

So, it's true...

The truth is out! Morgan is the biggest chef? !

Damn, Claire's girlish heart was blown up by her own guess.

Incredible, incredible...

... On the other side.

The perspective of the epic has returned to Guda and the others.

As for whether Lancelot or Aggiven failed in the end, all kinds of grass mud horses and beasts ran through people's hearts, and they could only imagine it themselves.

Andersen, this old thief, always writes the key moments and exciting parts, just when they arouse their curiosity, they change to write.

Although they have gradually begun to get used to it, well...

Get used to it! ! If they didn't know where Andersen himself was, they would definitely lock this old bitch in a small dark room and release him when he finished writing all the epics they wanted to read.

One hero biography a day, no... two books... forget it, ten books!

They don't think it's too much!

When the epic is finished, when will he be given food!

At this moment, regardless of identity, gender, or race, even the innocent girls now have a strong resentment... maliciously fantasizing about the "wonderful" scene.

If Yan (Andersen) was just an ordinary person, under this considerable amount of resentment, his body might be so sensitive that he would start sneezing non-stop.

In a world with real gods and beliefs,

resentment is a kind of spiritual belief to some extent.

And back to the epic,

the sixth crown is designated, and the final project has begun!

Pushing open the door, the Chaldean group finally met the lion king on the throne face to face.

Lion King: "- Answer me."

Before Da Vinci, Guda and the others could say anything,

the lion king on the throne spoke first.

Chapter 745 Although it is good, it allows evil.

Lion King: "——Answer me.

Who are you?

Why did you come to my castle?

Why did you appear in front of me."

The holy, perfect, and not-human Knight King, no——the Lion King was sitting in the center of the throne in the main hall.

The green eyes shone like comets in the sky, looking at the people of Chaldea indifferently.

It was supposed to be a crusade——

but now it looked more like a scene of a minister meeting the king.

Lion King: "I am the Lion King. The King of Storms, and the Lord of the End.

The remnant of the heroic spirit who controls the holy spear Rongomyniad."

The sacred melody sounded in the hall again——guarding the king.

Mashu: "…The sound alone can make people retreat…

This is like a Geass…!"


Everyone swallowed their saliva, got a glimpse of the leopard from Mashu's words, and imagined the power of the Lion King ruling this world.


It's the final decisive battle. Whether the disaster of the sixth singularity can be solved depends on this battle.

Either they lose to the Lion King, and can only witness a small number of humans being kept alive as beautiful specimens, and human nature being burned.

Or they defeat the Lion King and repair the sixth singularity.

Success or failure depends on this battle!

Bedivere also raised his head at this time, ("That is the Lion King——

King Arthur who has been holding the Holy Spear...")

("...I have already realized it,

but I didn't expect it to be so scary...But,

Even so——I should face that adult...!")

The fear that Xiaobei talked to Mashu that night seemed to be still vivid.

Seeing Bedivere's mentality at this time——

It seems that they will soon be able to completely understand the real reason why Bedivere dare not meet the king.

Lion King: "——Answer me."

The Lion King still asked slowly, and the calm tone brought a great sense of oppression to everyone.

Lion King: "Are you the ones who called me?

Are you the ones who disobeyed me?"

Silence, not only the Chaldeans in the epic did not dare to speak at this moment.

Claire and the others watched nervously outside the epic, holding their breath... afraid of missing any exciting moments.

Lion King: "(Guda). The last master from faraway Chaldea.

Why do you want to visit the end of this world?"

Guda: "I'm here to correct human rights! I'm also here to defeat you!"

The Lion King: “Both are the same.

Being righteous is equivalent to ending my life.

You are here to kill me.

It's a pity. You will not be chosen by the Holy Spear. "

Even when the person he was talking about was himself and the word "kill" was mentioned, the king's expression did not change at all.

The goddess of the Holy Spear is standing there, even if she does nothing, she still has the majesty of being calm and majestic.

‘Kill the Lion King—? ’ People took a deep breath.

It seems that we still have to make the worst choice.

If you want to save humanity and defeat (kill) the Lion King, you have to proceed.

People clenched their fists...

Although they know that the current Lion King is not the one they like...the Knight King in their impression.


Although this king lacks human emotions and has become a goddess, his own purpose is probably to save mankind.

Even from people's perspective, those things are excessively cruel.

But from the perspective of the goddess, it may not be called evil.

On the contrary, it may still be a great kindness...

She could have ignored the burning of humanity and allowed the Demon God Pillar to turn this world into a breeding ground for the Demon God.

What’s waiting for Guda and the others shouldn’t be the Lion King——

...And this kind of salvation out of the goddess's kindness is more terrifying to most humans than pure malice...

Sacrificing the majority, leaving only a few to survive in another form.

This finally led to the people of the mountain, the servants, and Chaldea uniting to resist her.

For this Lion King, people's senses are quite complex.

To the Round Table, she is the perfect, mature king.

The Lion King allows the knights to choose whether to be loyal to him or to rebel.

She could the King of Knights, enforced orders on the knights.

But it didn't do that.

She has considerable trust and tolerance for the knights who are loyal to her, such as Gawain and Lancelot.

Even if Lancelot, Tristan, Gawain and others knew about it and did not report it (about Bedivere's existence),

Or secretly protecting refugees, or even questioning the king's behavior (Holy Judgment).

The Lion King never doubted the loyalty of the knights.

Even though Agguiwen strongly opposed it, he never changed his attitude.

The entire round table, except Ageguiwen...

The other knights were arrogant and rebellious, more or less each acting with selfish motives.

This is somewhat similar to King Arthur's experience during his lifetime.

Only this time the knights died for the king and fought to the end.

In order to deal with this group of young men, Tie Zhi A Ge Gui Wen probably had to worry a lot.

As a king, there is nothing wrong with her in treating her subordinates.

As a goddess—her purpose is to save mankind.

Looking at this Lion King, people really can't completely separate him from the Knight King.

Add to that a grand mind that understands people's hearts, and a beautiful and mature attitude.

if you can--

People would rather see the Lion King persuaded by Guda and the others to give up that absurd idea and give up fighting.

Fantasy is always fantasy. They did not expect that the Lion King would completely block all words as soon as he opened his mouth.

And at this moment——

The king watched Guda continue to speak, and suddenly said something that made people a little stunned and thought deeply.

: “Your soul knows what good is, but it still does evil.

Although good, evil is allowed.

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