This is synonymous with evil.

Although I had expectations for the latest human who arrived at my feet——”

(Although it is good, it allows evil.

Synonymous with evil...?!!)

The crowd who had seen the evaluation of Guda and human goodness did not expect to get a more alternative evaluation from the Lion King this time.

Just like chaos——

It is impossible to distinguish between light and darkness, good and evil are not clearly separated, but mixed together.

Such words made Hermitos feel a little palpitation in his heart, as if a flash of lightning suddenly flashed in his inherent thinking mode, making him understand something.

He did not regard the words of the Lion King as random nonsense.

The deified Lion King would not joke about such things.

And if the good and evil symbolized by humans who save humanity itself——

is defined in this way.

Hemitos, who always believed that it was not accidental that Guda could become the protagonist of the epic and the master of Chaldea, made a new discovery in his understanding of "human beings".

Chapter 746 Something that only humans can do!

Guda has always been a special individual in the eyes of Hermitos.

Perhaps he can represent the "individual" of human beings to a certain extent...

Fate is a very wonderful existence.

Some people are destined to become heroes.

In the past epics, the stories and stages of heroes were limited to an era and a piece of land...

Maybe even just in one country.

Although what Guda is doing, saving humanity and repairing the foundation of human power is more magnificent, more special and different than any previous epic!

But this unique experience,

in the eyes of Hermitos, is more like a bigger platform (stage) for heroes to let go.

With the entire human history as the stage, the famous heroes in history, the gods and monsters in mythology and other mysteries as decoration and side dishes.

And the hero who can save humanity must be the most special, which is more in line with this mode of thinking.

So -

Is there anyone more suitable to save humanity than humans themselves?


The God of Alchemy flashed through his mind before I have seen countless episodes in the epics of heroes.

Heroes have also done wrong things and may even turn black.

Villains are not simply evil, they often have their own justice in their hearts.

If you think about it carefully, the so-called human beings are not such "chaotic" existences.

Between good and evil.

There is evil in good, good in evil, and good and evil coexist.

This taste reverberating between the clear and the turbid is thick and continuous.

Hemitus frowned slightly, and then he showed a smile of understanding and relief on his face after thinking it through.

Humans don’t have to be pure good to be good.

It is precisely because of such vivid joys, anger, sorrows and joys, and such or such emotional entanglements that are memorable and touching.

The joy and sorrow of heroes, even helplessness and anger, will become so touching.

Just like Acardo, who cursed the gods, licked the blood and laughed wildly to become the ancestor of vampires.

Even if he becomes a villain, he has his own unique and powerful charm.

Such "humans" are the most interesting.

Hermitos wishes there were more of them.

How boring it would be to have only comedy and no other elements in the world.

He is keen on pursuing touching and happiness. If he is about to live in such a world during the long life of the gods, he will definitely go crazy...!

But the Lion King naturally cannot know the thoughts of this god in another world, and will not give up his plan because of Hermitos.

Lion King: "Die.

The ideal city I created does not need your soul."

"--Then, liberate the round table." A blue magic hurricane passed through the holy spear and the Lion King.

Lion King: "Look. This is the wave at the end.

After peeling off the surface of the world, the true appearance of this planet."

The next moment, in a dazzling white light, the whole world changed.

The new illustration that came into people's eyes was a throne with a completely different background.

People who saw that scene subconsciously opened their mouths in shock.

This, this is...! ?

The throne, which was independent of the steps, had disappeared behind the magnificent and sacred architectural style, and

the walls with blue flags with patterns were also gone.

What appeared before people's eyes was a raging wave that could never be seen at this moment.

It was boundless-until the distant horizon...

and the raging wave that merged into a line with the vast sky! !

Da Vinci's face changed: "The raging waves behind the throne are...!

Has the Lion King been waiting at the end of the world since the beginning...!"

Mashu: "The Lion King has stood up from the throne...!

Get into battle mode...!

Master...! What should we do...!?"

What... should we do?

Everyone looked at Mashu's words and subconsciously put themselves in Guda's shoes——

Looking at the scene of the world changing.

According to the Lion King, this is the wave at the end.

The true appearance of the planet after peeling off the surface of the world.

The king who can show this "world", this kind of can we defeat it?

It was only after seeing this scene that people had such awareness in their hearts.

The Lion King——

She is indeed a different existence from other servants, she is a god!

Far stronger than all previous enemies, an invincible powerful individual.

What should I say at this time——

People opened their mouths slightly, but were somewhat silent and speechless.

Any words of encouragement will seem feeble now.

Just when the little princess felt a little depressed and lost——

She looked behind her to see how Guda would react.

Guda: “I don’t understand why we have to close the world!

! #%...What an ideal city! "

--anger! !

An emotion that was unexpected but reasonable was vented without reservation at this moment.

People's eyes widened slightly.

Facing the Lion King who showed such a miracle, not only did he not feel defeated or discouraged in his heart, but he also had the courage to express...anger?

Matthew also opened his small mouth in shock, and his purple eyes widened slightly.


Da Vinci: "Wow, how audacious!

Even the followers were so frightened when they saw the godhead that they dared not move!

But well said, keep talking!

This is something only you, a human, can do! "

[Something that only a human can do], everyone was stunned when they saw those words.

This sentence makes people feel as heavy as a thousand stones, and it also awakens the passion and courage in people's hearts.

It’s just an epic—

It's not like he really wants to face the king.

What do they have to be discouraged and afraid of!

They are not even afraid of facing the mighty Guda head-on, and they cannot embarrass humans.

They don’t need the kind of rescue that The Lion King does—!

As humans, they defy the will of the goddess.

Since there is no need for the salvation of the Holy Spear, there is no need for the help of the Lion King and the Goddess, no matter how strong she is now.

Even if it is ten thousand times has nothing to do with them.

As long as it is clear what should be done and what to do at this time, it is enough.

'Stop the Lion King and stop her from doing anything further.

Defeat her here...restore the singularity of this era! Restoring manpower and laying the foundation! 'In the depths of everyone's minds,

Every thought that flashed through their minds became more intense. People clenched their fists one after another, and their fingertips penetrated into the flesh of their palms without even realizing it.

Lion King: "...reason?"

At this moment, facing Guda... questioning and shouting about his identity as a human being.

His expression remained unmoved, and his sacred eyes stared at Guda and the others calmly.

The Lion King spoke: "No matter what era you are in, you humans like to ask this (reason)."

Chapter 747: God’s values ​​and human values.

No matter what era, human beings are asking questions like that...

Looking for reasons.

It comes from emotion, from reason, and from the instinct of survival.

The Lion King: "The reason why I closed the world is to keep humans (you)."

"Because of someone's great deeds,

The history of this planet is over. "

Someone's...great deed?

The name of King Solomon flashed in everyone's mind.

Human incineration, which can be said to be a devastating disaster for mankind, is called a great cause, which makes people feel complicated and unspeakable for a while.

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