The Lion King: “Human principles were burned away, and human history returned to nothing.

But that goes against the meaning of my existence.

We are what you (human beings) created.

God cannot exist without humans.

That's why I have to keep you.

Protect at any cost.

——This is my will.

If the Magic King is so arrogant, then I decide that I will act arbitrarily as well. "

And that arbitrary act - is it the manifestation of the Tower at the End! ?

In an instant, everyone finally understood and understood everything.

But it aroused people's resistance even more.

Whether it's the Magic King or the current goddess, the Lion King...

Their arbitrary actions always bring disaster and pain to mankind.

The Lion King: "...That's right. Frankly speaking,

I've wanted to do this for a long time.

I love you all.

You are very important.

So, I can't bear to lose you.

I decide to give eternity to mankind (you).

Suitable for the souls to be preserved for future generations——

Do not do evil, do evil but still do not know evil,

People who never tire of doing good and have no awareness of doing good.

Collect these pure souls, fix them, and make them into materials.

From now on, no matter how long it takes,

They will be stored in my gun forever as objects of unchanging value.

Is there anything wrong with this? In the end, my great achievements are all for you humans.

My great deeds are all for mankind (you). "

Hiss~! Everyone took a deep breath, feeling a chill behind them and their scalps numb.

On the other hand, the words of the Lion King can also be understood as...

For you...for the sake of humanity, the excess humans have to be killed.

And most of them have no confidence that they can be selected by the Holy Spear.

Even many kind-hearted and simple people will be ashamed of having done something wrong due to an accident or two.

Shame is an emotion arising from one's own 'wrong' performance.

According to the classification - making mistakes is not related to kindness.

On the contrary, it may be evil.

Human beings develop a sense of shame because they understand good and evil and can clearly recognize what is wrong and wrong.

According to the Lion King, even if you are exposed to evil, you will not understand what evil is.


The little princess thought of Tristan and Gawain who ordered the massacre of refugees.

There is also the matter of the Lion King using the Holy Spear to land on the Holy Break, trying to destroy the village of the Mountain People.

That's what The Lion King and the others said——

Don’t you understand what evil is?

Just do what is right, what is right, what you think is good.

Excessive existence must be eliminated——

This terrible common sense and cognition made the little princesses and the others feel horrified in their hearts.

Doing evil deeds without knowing what evil is... sounds much scarier than being a simple evil person.

It's like the purity blooming in a blood-colored flower... This kind of absolute goodness is twisted and monstrous to the extreme.


The Lion King may not mean that. But her words did remind people of many, many things.

Guda: "This is just a specimen!"

People could relate to what the Master said at this time like never before.

Lion King: "——Do you think so?"

After saying that, the Lion King looked at Mashu again,

"Do you think so too, Shield Knight?

Although people have life span,

But among them, those whose life span is more limited...

Matthew Kirilet.

If it were you, you should be able to understand my ideal, right? "

There was no time to investigate the Lion King's reasons, but he seemed to know Mash's physical condition very well.

With the words of the Lion King.

People remembered the memories about Mash's past that appeared at the beginning of this epic, from the doctor's tone, as well as sub-servants, test-tube babies, etc...

All kinds of miserable settings.

People suddenly became nervous.

They didn't know how Matthew would answer, and whether they should expect Matthew to agree or an angry veto.

Thinking that Matthew might not survive this year,

I have never experienced the time passing by bit by bit at the end of my life, the fear of having to face the cessation of body functions in the most beautiful years of youth.

No one dared to say that they must understand Masu's heart.

Will Matthew, who has a short lifespan, long for that eternal way of existence——

They don't know.


Even if it is difficult to accept it from a normal person's world view, there are always those who have reached the end of their lives and will feel moved by that way of survival.

Matthew: “This——


When he saw Mash lowering her head, she didn't look like she was resolutely scolding or refuting the Lion King's concept.

Everyone trembled inwardly.

‘Ma Xiu——could it be that you are really moved? ’

Guda: "Could it be know...?"

Roman: “Ritsuka, there’s no need to say any more!

The Lion King's spiritual structure has been completely deified!

She has lost her values ​​as a human being!

It cannot be solved through dialogue! "

Looking at Ma Xiu's expression, he was worried that if he said a few more words, not only Ma Xiu but others' views would also be distorted.

Roman's anxiety was even noticeable to everyone outside the epic.

Hermitus at this time "..."

Because gods are different from human beings in terms of life level, they have already reached a higher dimension, and naturally their values ​​​​when viewing things cannot be exactly the same.

Even though there are joys, sorrows and joys——

But in human understanding, most gods are those who are arbitrary and difficult to contact.

Even the good gods are like this——

Once a certain idea or viewpoint is firmly established, it will not change with just one or two words of advice.

Even a god who is gentle to humans still does not easily adopt people's maxims.

Because the two parties are not essentially equal (equal) beings.

Does the elephant care about the annoyance and anger of the ant?

The Lion King didn't come up to fight Guda and the others directly. According to Hermitus, they all have a gentler personality.

Roman: "Use fighting to destroy that holy spear!

In this way, this era can be restored to its original appearance! "

When Roman spoke anxiously, urging Guda them.

The Lion King: "——You are so impatient, Romani, Achiman.

Very much your style. But my conclusion is the same. "

Everyone seems to have smelled the sharp aura of the swords intersecting in the epic poem, and the battle seems to be about to break out.

Chapter 748 The Lion King: I am the end of the world!

The Lion King: “I’ve answered the question.

If you deny me, then I will deny you too.

Things that will eventually pass away, things that have long since passed away. People who lament that life is limited.

Know your limits and accept my protection.

Shield Knight.

If you want to protect life - don't be my enemy. "

Saw The Lion King’s final announcement——

People were trembling all over.

The love of the Lion King is too heavy for humans.

The heavy weight caused Claire and others to have a subtle, breathless illusion across the epic poem.

People subconsciously rejected the idea of ​​The Lion King.

But as the Lion King said, 'If you deny me, then I will deny you'.

Think about the tip of the iceberg that this king has shown so far, his terrifying performance.

Everyone is really worried——

That Storm King should be wandering somewhere in this world now.

One day, the singularity will come to their time.

Or maybe that king, out of his love for human beings and his Noble Phantasm, appeared in this era to have the Tower of the End.

They simply don’t have the strength to veto any of Lion King’s decisions.

Seeing an epic is like seeing a possibility of the future.

Most people think that their psychology is not pure enough.

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