Especially those men who are attracted to the northern hemisphere and have no resistance to this mature version of the Lion King...

Regardless of age, young people, teenagers...

Even if they don't admit that they are LSPs, they still feel guilty mentally.

They were not sure that the Lion King and the holy spear in his hand could protect their little thoughts from being seen through.

If the Holy Baptism Ceremony is to be carried out in this era——

The first person to be eliminated may be 'self'.

If the Lion King is angered, give them [Holy Judgment] with a backhand——

Hiss~! Just thinking about that kind of situation makes many people tremble.

In a world where magic and gods are real.

People will not treat the huge meteorite crater caused by Holy Break as a simple epic or a false scene that only appears in stories.

If you anger other monsters, you might just be killed.

But if the Lion King is angered, maybe one day a meteor will fly over the family.

The huge territory will be punished by the light of the holy spear falling from the sky.

Everything on the earth will be hit and baptized indiscriminately until the land is turned into ashes.

"Is King Arthur now a Wild Hunt phenomenon - or has he become a deified Lion King?" Someone couldn't help but murmured.


If you think about it carefully, no matter what form or period of time you encounter the Lion King, it is quite dangerous for human beings today.

It would be best never to see that king.

And on the other side——

Da Vinci: "It's coming...!"

Master, prepare to fight!

The enemy is the Lion King Artoria——

No, that is no longer a heroic spirit!

If you want to give her a name, yes...!

The incarnation of the Holy Spear, the goddess Lungominiad...! "

[Goddess...Lungo...Miniyad! ! ! 】

Everyone's pupils shrank, and they didn't expect to see shocking words again, and they almost cried out in surprise.

Many speculations have come to mind from Leonardo da Vinci's words.

Has the current Lion King's thinking been completely assimilated by the Holy Spear? Even more controlled!

However, in a burst of white light, the Lion King entered a fighting stance.

Matthew, Bedivere and the others fell into an unprecedented fierce battle.

There was no time to think too much, and people were attracted by the next battle.

However... at this time, the book's detailed description of the battle is extremely omitted...

When everyone is anxious and concerned about the final result——

Roman: “Wow, how many pieces of Sheba exploded——!?

Has the magic power reached here?

Damn it, the image is almost completely invisible!

How are you all! ?

Have you defeated Lungominyad...? ? "

The doctor asked what everyone wanted to know.

Da Vinci: "Ah~... Well, it seems, there is no way...

The difference in firepower is too big...the power beyond the omnipotent divine domain...

It can be described as...power...

Ordinary servants alone are no match for him. "

The power of the gods...! !

It turned out to be power.

Really - even the power is displayed.

...Those who understood the concept of power showed expressions of surprise, panic, or fear.

The goddess-like Lion King is no different from the true god!

They thought there would always be differences, such as the possibility that this heroic spirit body would not be able to exert its true god-level combat power.

The result now——

People later discovered that the Lion King was much more terrifying and powerful than they imagined.

More people felt annoyed - they should have thought of it when the previous king changed the background of the throne and revealed the raging waves at the end of the world.

When they saw that scene, they should have understood...

The unparalleled power of the Lion King.

Mashu and the others and the Lion King... there is no comparison at all in terms of strength shown in the epic between the two.

Unless a miracle happens now! Otherwise, this kind of enemy would be impossible to defeat.

Bedivere: “Ugh…!

My legs...can't move forward...!

That Lord was wrong. For that Lord, I have to fight...!

However, my body doesn't obey my orders...! "

‘Feeling of oppression? Divine power? Or was he injured in the battle? Or is it that the broken body has finally reached its limit in the continuous battle? ’

At this moment - the climax of this epic plot, the words of every character in it can touch the hearts of countless people.

When people saw Bedivere's words, people also had a clearer understanding of the power of the goddess from the side.

Guda: "... Damn it."

The Lion King: “It’s over.

Your elimination will free the end.

I am the Lord of Storms. The raging waves that engulf the earth from eternity.

I am, the end of the world. "

When the Lion King said "I am the end of the world".

Claire's and the others' brains were running at high speed like a roar, and the machines that exceeded the requirements suddenly exploded, and they could no longer remember anything else.

His mind was filled with that domineering declaration.

——The King of Storms who compares himself to the raging waves that engulf the earth from eternity!

——Comparing himself to the king of the end of the world!

The Lion King: “…no need to lament.

This is the happiness of mankind (you).

Turn limited life into eternity. "

Trembling, shocking, shaking...

I was impressed by this powerful spirit and shocked by the despairing strength displayed by the Lion King at this time.

When the Lion King continued to declare: "Freeze and preserve the burned life.

Stop it and turn it into something with unchanged value.

This is to protect life.

The ultimate conclusion of protecting mankind. "


Seeing this plot gradually heading towards a trend of total destruction, people were instantly anxious and dumbfounded.


No way, no way?! We have persisted all the way here.

In the end, we are going to lose because we can't beat the Lion King?! What should we do? What about the human beings of this era...

Chapter 749 When the pure white ideal city rises from the earth!

This world is really...full of disasters...

Everyone sighed in their hearts.

They continued to look behind the epic.

Facing the strong and invincible speech of the Lion King——

Guda: "…………This is..."

But before she could finish, a voice completed it for her.

???: "This is wrong! wrong!"

Looking in the direction of the voice, Bedivere showed a surprised look on his face: "Ms. Mashu——! ?"

Guda: "Mashu——!"

Mashu: "You are wrong.

I don't agree with the happiness you are talking about! "

[I don't agree——!!]

When people saw those bold and black words, they gasped and felt a different kind of surprise.

As the person who is most likely to choose the ideal of the Lion King...

As the person with a short life span, who is most likely to be affected by the eternity in the mouth of the Lion King.

When they saw Mashu angrily shouting "I don't agree".

The surprise, complexity... relief, confusion?!

All flooded into people's hearts.

'Mashu she——? This is...'"

Mashu: "Because of me!

In this era, I have witnessed many lives!"

"There are people who lost their lives to save children!

There are people who are very sad about this!"

Swish~! A clear picture immediately formed in people's minds.

That was when Mashu and the others had just arrived in the Holy City.

Rushd's mother gave up the opportunity to enter the Holy City alone to protect her child, and finally died with her body blocking the sword. This is a great maternal love.

Mashu: "But - even so, I have to keep living.

The one who raised his head and said that as long as he was alive,

my mother's life would continue!"

Swish~! The scene in people's minds changed again, and it became the conversation and growth of Rushde and Mashu late that night - the moment when they truly grew into men.

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