Those were probably the Ex-Machina from the Great War.

With so many machines, there are always new ones born, right? I'm going to carry an analytical body with me, isn't that too much? "

"I'm going to carry an analytical body with me. Isn't that too much?" +1

After that, the barrage was full of repeaters.

Hubie's model was originally an analytical body.

As we all know - analytical bodies are a scarce resource among the Ex-Machines.

In fact, it is simply because Hubi is an analytic body that everyone loves him...

Everyone wants an analytical body to go back to.

But just as they were about to go to the battlefield and carry back an analytical body, let alone an analytical body...

Even if they just pick up an Ex-Machina and run away from the outermost edge, they don't have the guts.

"By the way, I remember that although Ex-Machina does not have gender distinction, there are Ex-Machina with male appearance.

If all Ex-Machinas like Riku...uh..."

As a special barrage appeared in the magic crystal, the originally lively barrage screen suddenly became quiet.

Ex-machines have no gender...

Every Ex-Machina is manufactured.

At birth, their gods did not set those complex concepts for them.

The last few major consoles are in the shape of small boxes similar to Rubik's cubes.

Do you expect a Rubik's Cube to understand its own gender?

In terms of appearance... no matter whether they are men or women, in fact it is just people who habitually use their own vision and worldview to judge, and divide the Ex-Machines into genders.


Theoretically, there is no difference between the love of Ex-Machi species.

People know that, but few accept it.

Their current feeling was as bad as the scene when Kong encountered all the Ex-Machines 6000 years later in the game's life world.

If it’s a girl, that’s it…

Among them are many handsome guys with mechanical looks, including Einziger.

Whoa whoa--

This is so exciting.

People stopped talking for a moment and were thinking about taking the machine home.

Sure enough, not everyone can bear this deep love like Riku.

They admitted that they had followed their heart.

And on the other side——

With the firepower support of the Ex-Machina, Jade Leng was quickly breached, and the Crusaders' defense was vulnerable to the Ex-Machina and Wyvern army.

Even after Atlanta's army arrived, they started to make soy sauce throughout the whole process.

Just watch victory waving to them bit by bit.

The flames of war spread to Jade Leng...

The Silver Knights soon replaced the Crusaders as the final line of defense in this war.

Looking at the thickly stacked armor, the Silver Knight still resisted tenaciously despite the dragon's breath and the magic cannon bombardment.

very good--

Yes, a very powerful knight.

But there was a trace of pity in people's eyes.

Such a powerful knight group, if the enemies it faces are not so many flying dragons and mechas, even giant dragons can fight it.

But now he can only be reduced to a sandbag and beaten constantly...

Defeat is only a matter of time.


It seemed that the tenacity of the Silver Knights finally caught the enemy's attention.

"I can't let you hold me up..." A small figure in the sky, inside the Ex-Machina, said softly.

Black wings, long silver hair, bright red eyes, and petite figure.

If you don't look carefully, you won't even notice that there is a Rose Maiden Mercury Lamp mixed in with the Machine Kai species.

Although Homura initially only planned to let the Ex-Machina participate in this war.

But Mercury Lamp desperately wanted to help his father and prove that he was his proudest work. How could he watch the Ex-Machina take the credit alone?

She also came here.

As soon as she saw the Ex-Machina take action, she was eager to give it a try, and a strong desire for expression surged in her heart.

She is also aware of the existence of live broadcasts.

Father might be looking at this right now! If you can perform well in this battle...

She will also be praised when she returns.

Chapter 763: You can already threaten her little skirt.


As the mercury lamp exercised its authority to log in to the machine species.

The surrounding Ex-Machina suddenly dispersed, surrounding the mercury lamp in the middle like a guard of stars, and retreated thousands of meters away.

In case the attack later would affect the Ex-Machines, Mercury Lamp gave the order to retreat.


Only the petite figure, still independent in place, under the sky, became the focus of countless people's eyes.

"That's...!?" Through the broadcast of the magic crystal, I saw the petite figure with silver hair and red eyes wearing a black Gothic lolita costume in the sky...

But when people noticed the black wings stretched out behind the mercury lamp, they were stunned.


Wings actually grew on the person's back.

When did such an existence sneak into the Ex-Machines?

Thinking of the era in which the Ex-Machina lived, people immediately thought of the Flügel...

A superior race among the sixteen intellectual races, another race that accomplished the achievement of killing gods during the war.

"...Gudong..." Someone swallowed.

They can't really be Flügel, right?

But——the wings are black.

Such an ominous posture and the oppressive feeling brought by the dark wings...

Under self-psychological suggestion, the pressure increases.

Because of the fierce reputation of the Flügel in the epic, even though they were thousands of miles away, people's heartbeats accelerated just by experiencing the immersion through the magic crystal.

Although Mercury Lamp is very cute, very cute, very cute!

Cuteness is justice, which is very important...

But is Jibril not cute?

Considering Xiaoji's terrifying strength and difficult personality...

If it is really the Flügel in the epic concept.

If you approach such a dangerous existence, it would be ok if you don't attract the other party's attention, and you can still pray that the other party will let you go.

But if you attract the interest of the Flügel and want to collect rare heads——

That's no different from being directly issued a death notice.

Even if people don't know, there is already a god (Hermitos) who believes that he is not as powerful as Jibril, the extra individual of the Flügel.

But no one will doubt the powerful strength of the Flügel.

None of the races that can kill gods are simple.

"Three seconds——" In the sky, Mercury Lamp looked at the Jadeite below and couldn't help but read.

Perform the Sky Strike from here, control the power so that it does not leak out, and after defeating the enemy...

Transfer all the remaining aftermath into the ground, and destroy the enemy as much as possible without hurting ordinary people.

Although the whole process looks complicated...

But with her control over the Sky Strike, three seconds is enough.

Then-completely defeat them!

Just like in the forest outside Ceylon.

Achieve injury instead of killing the enemy...

Now what she has to do is more difficult, simply kill some, but ensure that the other part is not hurt.

Eager to make a contribution and get praise, Mercury Lamp still maintains a sense-

Emerald cold civilians will sooner or later become the people of Atlan.

That is their own people.

For the people on their side, my father still takes good care of them.

At this time, with Mercury Lamp's actions, the camera gave her a close-up.

Just saw the delicate face of this perfect little girl who doesn't look like an angel on earth up close.

People's eyes flashed with surprise.

Even in the epic, we know that most of the "Flügel" are beautiful girls.

People who have prepared themselves mentally, still lost their minds for a moment, and then heard the words "three seconds".

Three seconds? What three seconds...

People who don't know what Mercury Lamp will do next, all look at the black-winged Flügel in front of them with instinctive fear and excitement...

Is it a Flügel? !

Why is she with the Ex-Machina.

Aren't the Ex-Machina and the Flügel enemies? And what about the black wings?

At this time, no one cared about the words "three seconds" that Mercury Lamp just said.

In any case, people will not associate that with the time when the war is about to end.

Now the Silver Knight can obviously hold on for a long time——

When the magic crystal prompted, he also entered it, no longer using the crystal ball... but directly saw the battle situation outside from the perspective of God.

At this time, the Pope gradually had a bad premonition in his heart, and a solemn look flashed in his eyes.

The Mercury Lamp moved forward at high speed, and now it had flown above Emerald Cold, and then to the Silver Knights.

A complex and huge halo was drawn above their heads.

When the Mercury Lamp opened its hands, the excited people gasped and fell silent.

‘That… that is… ! ! ’

It was obvious that the people who had guessed something were shocked as if they had a magnitude 10 earthquake.

At the same time——

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