Noticed the existence of Mercury Lamp.

Or rather——

The large-scale special behavior of the Ex-Machina made it impossible for the Silver Knights not to notice the petite silver-haired figure above their heads.

Looking at Mercury Lamp, who seemed to be no older than his daughter, the leading Silver Knight did not hesitate at all, and acted according to the fixed "program" like a cold machine.

...Organized all the knights to perform God's blessings and miracles, trying to bombard the enemy.

Because of the bug-like effect of the previous Ex-Machina access control.

The Silver Knights, who were worried about the lack of power of the Moon Miracle, did not hold back this time and output all their strength.

Even Mercury Lamp became alert after feeling the amazing magic fluctuations...

Can't be hit by that.

Although it won't be a big deal, it will be very embarrassing.

As the most outstanding work of Homura (self-proclaimed), Mercury Lamp is quite confident in his physical performance, magic resistance, and material hardness.

But accidentally getting a hole in the clothes is also a manifestation of embarrassment in front of his father.

Her father taught her that as a lady, she should always be elegant...

Even in battle.

Especially when quarreling with friends, don't grab hair, spray water guns (shower heads) and the like. (The fight between Mercury Lamp and Shinku is quite fun, hhh cute, cute.)

"We must exclude you here--

You are a [threat]. Let's admit your value for the time being." Mercury Lamp said coldly while looking down at the Silver Knights.

The clear voice like a silver bell reached the ears of the Pope and others, and they understood that the combined strength of the Silver Knights had the ability to threaten the Flügel.

Where did those Silver Knights come from? ! Is their strength so terrifying!

Although the Silver Knights are now forced into a very embarrassing situation, people do not think that the Silver Knights are too weak...

It all depends on what monster they are compared with.

How can those Silver Knights be weak if they can get the recognition of the Flügel?


People who do not understand the threat from Mercury Lantern and do not understand the threat from their perspective.

A wonderful misunderstanding has arisen.

Mercury Lantern, which can fight against gods at full firepower, is not something that a group of Silver Knights who have not even reached the seventh level can harm, even if it is the original work of Flame.

The threat from Mercury Lantern does not refer to the threat to herself, but the threat to her Gothic skirt.

Chapter 764 Silver Knight: Why are my eyes full of tears

As a weapon——

To be able to obtain a god-killing weapon with superior performance, it is valuable and threatening.

...That may be the highest honor for the Silver Knight.

Although this honor is ridiculously from the enemy.

The Pope frowned and looked at the picture in the magic crystal.

Although the Silver Knights can exert strategic-level combat power like a natural disaster when they unite.

But the strength of the seventh level is the limit...

It is absolutely impossible to complete the feat of killing gods.

Although the Flügel species also rely on multiple existences to complete the feat of killing gods.

There was only one black Flügel in front of him, and he should not be able to exert such terrible combat power.

But it also depends on what level of god the Flügel killed.

The level of the creator, the ancient ancestor of the elves, the forest god Kenas of the forest elves.

Even this level of main god was defeated by the Flügel and his essence was blown up.

Even if the average combat power of the Flügel reached the level of ordinary gods, the Pope believed it.

He is not an ordinary person who does not understand anything and has confused concepts.

And the words of Mercury Lamp made him fall into confusion and thinking.

Could it be that the Silver Knights have something special that he has not discovered?

The Silver Knights can actually be comparable to the gods when they unite?

This absurd thing that he could only dare to think about in his dreams before -

now flashed through the Pope's mind.

At this time, Mercury Lamp raised his position to a higher altitude, "One second..."

With the highly concentrated ether - that is, elements, which is far beyond the reach of the Silver Knights below.

From the atmosphere and the planets, forced extraction - gradually concentrated and condensed.

Although it looks complicated, it is actually completed within this second.

Then the glowing Flügel -

No, it was the glowing Rozen Maiden's hands that showed an amorphous [Lance].

What needs to be stabilized is not the shape of the light spear, but the range it covers after falling.

Mercury Lamp, who knows this well, did not waste extra effort on shaping.

And even this amorphous [Lance] brought people an indescribable sense of oppression and fear.

It is - Sky Strike...! It must be that Sky Strike!

Compared with the stable form of Sky Strike, this amorphous Sky Strike at this time makes people more worried about whether the terrifying power contained in it will explode at any time.

Even though they knew that their real bodies were not in Emerald Cold, those who saw this scene up close through the magic crystal had a lot of tears in their eyes...

They dared not look directly at the light.


There was no doubt that the Flügel had transformed all the structures in their bodies into nerves connecting the Elemental Corridor, drawing power from the source current of the Elemental Corridor and striking——as the text indicated, the biggest and strongest strike.


The mercury lamp's sky strike is different from that one, it doesn't take away everything from her.

But the destructive power has not diminished.

Although there is no need to use the maximum power of Sky Strike at this time.

Above the heads of the Silver Knights, the power swirling like a whirlpool, the irresistible truth told in this brief second.

It makes the people watching feel like their days are like years.


【Sky Strike】Falled from the sky!

It descended on the Silver Knights on the ground below.


In the second second, people who did not see it with their naked eyes, but felt the strike with their own eyes, showed dull eyes.

Then—boom! !

It was impossible to defend.

Even if each of the Silver Knights is given a Dragon Hunting Shield, it is impossible.

With a 360-degree bombing without a viewing angle, even the armor with the strongest lightning resistance cannot protect all blind spots.

Not to mention, the Mercury Lamp's [Sky Strike] can also be controlled manually after landing...

It is not the kind of force that simply strikes out, like a wild horse that breaks loose and bombards the ground indiscriminately, and even its owner can no longer interfere and is powerless.

The terrifying hot sand dust storm spread from the Silver Knight's location to the surrounding cities.

Just as the civilians in Jade Leng watched the shocking scene and screamed in horror, they discovered that the hot sand seemed to separate consciously and spread outward at extremely fast speeds.


The city walls and houses all shattered into pieces after being swept away.

The earth is roaring continuously.

In the end, the northern city wall on the Silver Knight side was completely thermally sanded...

And formed an extremely huge sinkhole, which formed a sharp contrast with the south side of the city.

Look at the earth and ravines whose depth cannot be measured with the naked eye.

Even if you understand that the sky strike can easily achieve terrifying destructive power against a city or even a country,

Even if they understand that the blow in front of them may only contain a small part of the power of a real sky strike, people are still shocked by this terrible destructive power.


Hiss~! During that war period, he could become the most powerful god-killing weapon that many races feared, a minion of Artho, the God of War...

It's not without reason.

Such amazing destructive power...

In this era, no country dares to speak out without shame...

Your own capital can withstand the next heavenly strike.


Although the mercury lamp tried its best to control this power.

But such a terrifying blow, a blow that can change the terrain, even if it bypasses the civilians in the northern city...

The impact of the aftermath alone was enough for them to drink a pot.

"Three seconds...!" Mercury lamp.

Exactly three seconds...


Although there was nothing wrong with them, the Silver Knights were eliminated by priority strikes, and many Crusaders were also killed.

The city wall to the north has completely disappeared, and so have the buildings underneath.

At this time, I saw a large pit that seemed to be missing from the map.

"..." Mercury lamp.

It is obviously the minimum output that has reached the limit.

Why does it cause such terrifying destructive power!


[Sky Strike] Is this too destructive skill not suitable for releasing on buildings?


Mercury Lamp became a little nervous.

If I had known earlier, I would have directly penetrated the surface of the earth and guided all the power of the sky strike deep into the center of the earth.

Although that situation is also very bad, not much better...

If you accidentally use too much force, it will be impossible to drill through the planet... An earthquake or surface collapse may cause even more terrible damage.

But this result is no longer perfect.

Facing this hellish scene in front of her, how could she be so embarrassed to ask for credit from her father?

And the Pope—

I had learned about this [Sky Strike] from the Black Priest that once destroyed a forest outside Ceylon City that connected to the Elf Territory.

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