When he turned to the first page, a line of words that made him feel quite profound but not quite understood caught his eyes.

"Only a storm can knock down a tree!"

Chapter 778 The person he wanted to protect was gone, and the shield had lost its meaning.


Knock down a tree? '

It seems that they can be understood when read separately, but when put together, it makes people a little confused.

In my mind, I imagined the appearance of a hurricane knocking down a huge tree.

'What exactly does the preface want to express——'

This question has become a puzzle in the hearts of countless people who turned to this page for a while.

The beginning of the epic——

It tells about several famous giants in the soul world, such as Hawkeye Goff, one of the famous Four Knights of the King.

This also further confirmed people's guess that this story is related to the giants.

This is really a rare thing.

Although the giants are generally powerful, there are not many legends.

Even if they appear in human epics, they mostly play evil roles.

Is there really any story to tell about such a group of existence?

As the story progressed, people learned about some of the giants' distant relatives that Ashes and the Undead had fought against, those monsters with holes in their brains.

And the fact that the giants were not doing well in the Soul World, and were even imprisoned and quite unwelcome.

It was in such a Soul World view that was full of malice towards the giants.

[City of Sin] -

A place name that was somewhat familiar and unfamiliar to people came into view.

‘City of Sin? It seems to be a place where Ashes had adventured before. ’

It has been a long time since the last epic update of the Soul series after several months.

Except for those loyal fans of Dark Souls who often review, most people... only remember the Undead Squadron of Farran, Overlord Wolnir, Abyss Walker, Salivan, etc.

There are heavy stories behind them and impressive bosses.

And others who once caused Ashes a lot of trouble, such as the Beast Knights of the Cold Valley, only have a general impression in people's minds.

In the city of Sin, people only remember that there seems to be a very strong Cinder King, who seems to be the giants.

I don't have much impression of the rest.

Even how Ash defeated the Fire King was not described in detail in the previous part, and was only briefly mentioned.

People could only guess with their brains.


When they saw the epic describing a rich city to them, they were stunned.

(The prosperity of the Sin City can be seen from the gold and silver wares everywhere.)

This is completely different from the Sin City in people's impression.

If they remember correctly, there was also a portrait of this Sin City before Ash challenged here.

The whole city looked like it was burned by a raging fire, and it didn't look rich at all.

It's not an exaggeration to say that it was a dirty underground sewer and ruins.

This is different from what they see now? !

People showed a bit of a bewildered expression--

The epic just started and there was such a big discrepancy. Did Andersen make a mistake?

Or did they miss something.

Until everyone discovered that the giant king Yum had not yet passed on the fire in the Sin City at that time.

——The timeline is actually in a much earlier time!

In other words, is that what the City of Sin used to look like? ? It was the kingdom before it turned into ruins!

The people who realized this opened their eyes wide.

Then, they saw...

Because of the richness of the kingdom, many peepers were welcomed.

The giant king Yum led his people to fight to protect the country.

He always fought in the front.

Because of his huge body, unparalleled strength, holding a big sword and a huge shield, he was like the strong wall of the kingdom that was unbreakable.

As long as he existed, this rich city would not perish.

Everyone thought so.

Compared with the dedication of King Yum to protect this country.

His people did not appreciate it.

In the description before the epic, people had already learned that the giants did not live well in the soul world.

They were far less powerful than the giants they knew in reality, and no one dared to provoke them.

Soul world——

Even though King Yum was a descendant of an ancient conqueror, his bloodline was much more noble than that of ordinary giants.

But people's prejudices will not disappear easily.

Yum, who is incompatible with the people because of his huge body.

Compared with the king,

for the people of the City of Sin, he is more like an indispensable guardian.

Only the powerful King Yum can protect this country and their wealth from being plundered.

But privately, people still have considerable fear and distrust of this giant.

What they need is a strong warrior, not a king who really rules them.

There is fear and suspicion about Yum's incredible terrifying power.

... They are always on guard against this giant king, not allowing him to have any thoughts other than killing the enemy.

"Why... like this..." Claire muttered unhappily.

Think about the ministers who swear to follow the king to death in the epic countries next door, such as the king's chef and the twisted king's chef.

Look at the treatment of the giant king Yum.

Originally, because of the giant in the biography of King Arthur (the giant who first raped and then killed the noble lady), she didn't have a good impression of the giant.

I can't help but feel sorry for the giant king Youmu.

This kind of treatment is too unfair.

Can’t the citizens of that country see the sacrifice of their king?

He regarded the king as a tool to protect the treasure, and never even regarded him as a human being.

This distorted view of life is somewhat incomprehensible to Claire and others, as it is too dark.

When people looked at the new page, the illustration showed the figure of King Yomu standing alone on the enemy's corpse, holding a hatchet and covered in blood.

Against the gloomy, dark and windy background, the king looked particularly lonely and lonely.


Finally, someone who understood him finally appeared.

A mysterious new character appears in the epic.

That was a friend I don’t know whether he was a boy or a girl…

When everyone doubted the king, they chose to believe in Youmu.

He (she) trusts Youm and believes that Youm is really fighting so hard for this country.

More responsible than anyone else...

I believe Yum is a trustworthy king.

"You are probably the only one who would have such thoughts..." Youmu knew this very well.

He has always been aware of people's incomprehension and criticism, but he has never paid attention to it.

Even if everyone doesn't recognize him.

... He will not give up his responsibilities because of this.

He is the king of this country,

It is the king's duty to protect his people.


In such an era, meeting such a person who trusts him,

Giant King Youmu can also feel warmth in his heart.

It is precisely because there are people who trust him that his shield... everything he protects has value.


One day, there was no explanation as to why.

The person Youmu needed to protect, the person he wanted to protect... was gone.


The shield was discarded by Yum.

The big shield used to protect others has lost its meaning.

"Uh-oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ah, ah, ah, ah!" King Youmu let out a desperate roar and an angry roar like the abyss.

The king changed his backhand posture to holding the giant sword with both hands.

When the giants holding hatchets came into people's eyes,

People's pupils shrank, and then they connected it with the figure of King Xin who was defeated by ashes in their minds.

Chapter 779 The Storm Controller! King of self-restraint!

Who is the person Yomu wants to protect...?

Where is Ashes, the protagonist of the Dark Souls series, now?

All kinds of doubts plague people's minds...

But there are also some who are not surprised.

The epic of Dark Souls seems to be different from other biographies and stories.

His perspective does not mainly stay on the protagonist Ashes...

Sometimes it will start from the perspective of other characters to show people the huge and unique soul world view.

From the beginning, people simply regarded it as a vague prophetic book.

Later, I was completely attracted by this thing that was between reality and fantasy.

People at this time looked at King Youm just as they had seen the second epic with Saliwan as the protagonist.

...and in the epic.

'I agree with you...' The person Youmu wants to protect.

No one would ever say those words to Yum again.

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