No more, everything is gone, everything is meaningless.

Faced with King Yom who suddenly went crazy and was bleeding on the battlefield, the people of Sin City could not understand this change in Yom...

It was incomprehensible that just for the death of an insignificant person, Yum became so terrifying and even more terrifying.

That terrifying huge figure, the monster that can block the sun, and the big hatchet that can easily chew up enemies like animals.

A pair of bright red and violent eyes could be faintly seen from his crowned hood.

Not only the enemies, but also the people of Sin City were frightened when they saw it——

They couldn't help but think...

I wonder if this king will go crazy at some point? And then treat them as enemies and tear them apart together? !

And this lack of understanding, this feeling of being feared and questioned by the people is a prison.

All that can be gained is to make King Yom more lonely.

No one dares to provoke this king with words...

And this king, except on the battlefield, has never shown a state of loss of control.

The people in Sin City gradually relaxed and were happy with this status quo.

They all knew that as long as they didn't deliberately touch the brow of that lowly giant, Youmu didn't care what they said about him behind his back.


A fire fell from the sky, turning the city into a sea of ​​flames.

Many people were burned to death, and among the survivors, many were deceived by the fire of sin.

They started to become crazy and deformed.

This kind of flame, which is different from the first fire, seems to have a special ability to confuse people's minds.

Those under the influence of this flame began to like the torture of the iron and became violent and cruel.

Especially the number of guards in the prison began to increase.

Only in treating those prisoners can they release this cruel and wonderful pleasure to their heart's content.

It was also during this era that the first fire was extinguished again.

At this time, a new salary king is needed to pass on the fire.

Youmu was selected as the salary king this time.

There are also rumors that if Youmu, as the king, can successfully transmit fire, the fire of sins falling from the sky will disappear.

Although they don’t want to admit it in their hearts, Sindu people can’t help but think this way——

The fire of sin—is a kind of existence like a punishment from heaven.

Otherwise, why would it fall from the sky?

If you regard the fire of sin as God's punishment for this gathering of twisted people.

King Yom's great righteousness in spreading fire may allow the sky to withdraw these flames.

Even if you think that the fire of sin is a punishment for those who have sinned...

They would not think of sacrificing their own interests, or repenting, to obtain redemption...

Sindu people are Sindu people after all, and their first thoughts when things happen have not changed.

When facing a crisis, this group of people think about how to better utilize the value of their king to help them solve their predicament.


"Let Youmu spread the fire!" someone said.

From whispers at the beginning, to gradually rising voices, the growth of the crowd also strengthened their courage.

More calls began to sound.

Anyway, the one who has to be sacrificed is just a giant. As the king of Sin City, at this time - shouldn't he bravely stand up and set an example!

More and more people openly agree with this selfish idea.

As long as they are not threatened, no one will care whose interests need to be sacrificed, let alone the unpopular king? !

A small fragment is enough to give people a glimpse of how difficult King Youmu was living in his own country at that time.

Everyone was shocked by the shameless people of Sindu.

The people of Sin City are like tarsal maggots, they only regard this king as a king when they need him.

They lay on King Yom's body, greedily sucking the king's blood without restraint and shame.

Keep playing your own tricks.

This made people who looked at their true nature look extremely angry.

It’s too much—

Youmu probably wouldn't agree to it...those guys!

But thinking that Youmu would eventually become the salary king, although people didn't want to believe it, they still understood Youmu's final answer.


Youmu in the epic finally agreed to spread the fire.

Even if he had to sacrifice himself, he didn't get angry.

Just because he is the king of Sin City——

Some people once believed that he would become a qualified king respected by the people.

This kind of personality, which should be said to be stupid or too great, shocked people at the same time...

I couldn’t help but think about those people in Sin City——

As long as their conscience is still intact, some people should realize what a benevolent monarch their king is.

After making such a big sacrifice, there will always be someone who recognizes King Youmu!

However - what people didn't expect was.

The screen changes——

Things don't get better in Epic.

Even if he sacrifices his life to spread the fire, he will still be doubted by the people in the Sin City.

They are afraid of Youmu's power, and also afraid that Youmu only verbally agrees to talk casually.

If Youmu really wanted to resist, they couldn't force the other party to pass the fire.

What's more, is Youmu really so kind?

Will Youm kindly spread fire to pray for the stability of the country for those of them who doubt him?

It was obvious that they had been forcing Youmu.

Now, after getting the result he wanted, he was still afraid of his king because he was too relaxed.

But this kind of ridiculous thing happened to the people of Sin City and their king.


Youmu gave them the "Storm Controller" who could knock him down.

"If you don't trust me, and you think I'm a threat, you can use this big sword to kill me."

Leave the weapons that can defeat you in the care of others.

He has no intention of letting the other party take control of his lifeline.

And Youmu doesn’t need to gain the approval of these people——

He just used this to prove that he had a clear conscience.

But this kind of courage and courage are something people didn't expect.

In other words, I never expected that Youmu's mentality could be so open-minded.


Yeah, people suddenly reacted.

Precisely because he has put life and death aside, he can face the outcome of Chuanhuo calmly.


From the moment he prepared to spread the fire, King Yom was determined to sacrifice himself... so he didn't care if someone could knock him down with that 'Storm Controller'!

Chapter 780 The Agreement between the Onion Knight and Youmu

"I actually hid it until now and then took it out..."

For the emergence of "Storm Master" -.

Not only did the people of Suidu not understand this king.

Not to mention moved, maybe this was their first reaction.

Always thinking of others with ill intentions——

People feel unworthy of Youmu!

Simply speaking, even in this situation, Youmu did not fall into complete loneliness.

He also has a friend...

On a new page, in the illustration...people saw a familiar onion armor.

? !

That...that is...

Isn’t that the (onion) knight who helped Ashes fight together before?

"Old friend, I'm here to see you!" Onion came to Youmu with wine.

"Oh! Don't look depressed, I brought wine. If you are in a bad mood, come and have a toast!"

He heard that Youmu was about to become the salary king of Chuanhuo, so he came specially to see his old friend off.


“So cold, old friend.

It's me, Jack Baldo. Don’t you recognize me? "

It’s confirmed, it’s you!

People think of the righteous knights that Ashes encountered during the battle against the fire demon.

However, he seems to be a bit cute and careless...

In the previous epics, the story of Saliwan was always described.

There is also a brief mention of some Ashes’ encounters…

In addition to attacking the salary king, it seems that he also encountered Jack Baldo again.

At that time, the Onion Knight was even tricked into taking away his armor. He had to squat in the well miserably and think about it, and he would even fall asleep just thinking about it.

Until he was rescued by Hui Jin, he also taught Hui Jin a "happy hands" movement.

This cute and silly Tiehanhan...

Regardless of his onion suit, which is already outdated compared to the popular knight armor today.

As a person, he still feels quite loyal and reliable.

People can't help but laugh and imagine the scene where the Onion Knight and the giant Youmu become brothers.

The picture is here!

‘The two of them are actually still good friends? ! ’

These are things you won't see in Ashes' adventure.

People who watch the entire history of Dark Souls from a God's perspective are becoming more and more fond of this feeling of gradually unraveling the mysterious veil of the past.

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