For many people, they will never come into contact with the "reason" in their entire lives.

They naturally don't understand how strong a "hero-level" warrior can be after understanding his own "reason".

Just by guessing, Baring's exaggerated attack now is definitely a hero-level one in their eyes!

"Can you do this kind of strength?" The old king in the palace in the capital asked the hero king.

The king was naturally curious about the "hero biography" that has been widely circulated among the upper nobles recently, and even the little princess can't put it down.

The war on the front line finally eased up, and he didn't have to worry too much. The old king took advantage of his rest time to catch up with all four volumes of King Arthur in one go.

Then he was deeply immersed in the "grand" epic chapter of Britain.

Until he saw the introduction of the "Holy Grail" and "tragic blow" in the Balin's biography, the king finally couldn't hold back his excitement and hurriedly summoned the strongest hero king in the empire into the palace.

He was eager to know whether this legendary warrior named Baring had finally found the legendary Holy Grail.

He believed that there was no king who did not desire eternal life.

If Baring could find the Holy Grail, then could the Hero King also do it! Before that, it was necessary to determine whether the strength between the Hero King and Baring was similar.

The Hero King glanced at the book placed in front of the king: "It's just to knock down a castle. Several people at the peak of the sixth step can do it."

- The Hero King's words were not finished yet.

Although it is very easy to knock down a castle.


To achieve "smash" a city, it requires more than just strength.

This amazing martial art, even "reason" can't help at all, unless the person understands the "reason" about "vibration".

What kind of martial arts can do such a thing.

Looking at the description in the book, the other party obviously did not use the power of "reason".

Thinking of this, the handsome face of the abstinence system, delicate and indifferent, also flashed a trace of heat and caution.

Knight Baring——

If he were still alive in this era, he would definitely be an opponent worthy of his all-out, desperate fight!

That terrifying martial arts that he could not even see the bottom of might become a new goal in his boring life!

Just as the Hero King was about to explain in detail.

"Great!!... I knew you could do it. My dear Hero King." The old king laughed happily.

His eyes were full of confidence in the Hero King.

Killing dragons, defeating evil giants, and overwhelming swordsmen of an entire era of swordsmanship...

The Hero King has too many honors and miracles.

If such a person is not as good as that 'Baring', then he will really be scared of that 'Britain' era.


Just the strength shown by Britain now has already made the old king feel extremely pressured.

Fortunately, that was a very long time ago.

If there is such a country in the neighboring country.

Maybe he will be like one of the kings defeated by 'King Berlinno' and 'King Arthur'.

There are not only several warriors who look like "heroes".

Like Arthur, King Berlino, Baring, and the Balan brothers, these are all people who have fought against an army alone.

The magician named "Merry" is also very terrifying.

There are actually magicians in this world who can predict the future and fate of so many people.

The old king originally thought that Merry's strength should be the strongest among the magicians.

But as Merry's predictions became bigger and bigger, even the prophecy of the "Holy Grail" came out.

He only had awe for the "Flower Magician".

Is it really only the "magician" who can do these things?

The king seriously suspected that it might be a demon god who turned into a human to play and wander in the mortal world.

As the king thought of the existence of "Merry".

It happened that "Merry" appeared again in the book.

She rushed all the way to rescue Baring and King Boran.

But King Boran was seriously injured and could not recover at this time.

Although Baring was fine, his partner died in the ruins in that blow.

Chapter 84 The first "hero" to be written to death!

"Your partner died because of your blow, and a noble king also lies there. Look..."

Meli pointed to King Boran.

"Unless the Holy Grail containing the blood of Jesus Christ is used, I'm afraid he has no hope of recovery."

"The spear you just used was the weapon that Longias used to pierce the heart of the god Jesus. This King Boran is a close relative of Joseph (the man who brought the Holy Grail from Arimathea to this land). He is also the most respected person of the time. He was injured so pitifully, and because of this tragic blow, he suddenly became a sad, miserable and pitiful person."


A weapon that pierces the heart of a god?

Many people took a breath, and the readers who saw this were crazy about the boldness of "Andersen".

He actually openly wrote such "text" into the "biography". In this era when the gods appeared, it is already blasphemy! ?

Everyone's heart was pounding.

On the one hand, I was worried that if I continued to watch, I would blaspheme the great deity named ‘Christ Jesus’.

On the other hand, the feeling of wanting to know the next half of the story after reading half of it is constantly tempting them like a devil.

This seems to be not the first time that Andersen has written a blasphemous act.

It must be said that the bard who can write such a wonderful biography is also the craziest bard they have ever seen!

... Baring and Meili said goodbye.

He passed through three countries along the way, which were all kingdoms under the rule of King Bolan.

Because of the loss of the king's management, those countries and towns that were once very beautiful were now full of dead and murdered people.

The survivors condemned Baring: "Because of the tragic blow you gave to King Bolan, three countries were destroyed. In the end, the disaster will undoubtedly fall on you."

At this time, the people who read this came to their senses.

It turns out that the "tragic blow" that is second only to the "creation of the world" refers to the real "tragic" here!

It is not as they thought at the beginning that the three countries were destroyed by one blow, but the bad lasting impact!

——A spear that caused the innocent people of three countries to fall into disaster and hardship.

Thinking of this, many readers who originally loved and supported Baring felt a little uncomfortable.

They knew that Baring had always been fighting only to defeat the bad-tempered knight ‘Kalan’.

But they could not deny that Baring’s spear did bring terrible consequences to these countries and humans.

This made many people not know how to look at the character ‘Baring’ for a while.

The little princess was even more dazed.

There was some confusion in her eyes...

In the world of the book, black is no longer black, and white is no longer white.

Heroes do not necessarily only do good things, and bad people do not necessarily only do bad things.

They stick to their hearts, but sometimes they do things that they can't foresee the consequences.

Now, people can only use their own eyes to judge and recognize the essence of a person.

They had already had similar hesitations in their hearts when ‘King Berlino’ appeared, and this time because of this ‘tragic blow’, it caused a greater shock to their hearts.

... Baring continued to embark on the road to pursue the miracle holy grail.

At this time, he was left alone.

When he rode aimlessly for eight days, he finally found the place of "miracle".

It was a magical island.

A sign blocked him.

'No single knight can enter this island on horseback. '

Baring ignored the warning on the sign.

He stubbornly entered the island, but was stopped by a group of noble ladies and knights who were hunting on the island.

The hostess of the castle violated the rules because Baring had no partner.

She required Baring to fight with the knights guarding the island before he could pass through here.

After Baring agreed, a knight admired the name of this "Double Sword Knight".

(Because he always had two swords on his waist, everyone called Baring the "Double Sword Knight".)

The knight handed his big shield to Baring and told Baring that his original shield was too small and too tattered, so he should use this one.

Baring readily agreed. However, this became the "Disaster Shield" that "brothers turned against each other" and died tragically not long after.

The knight guarding the island was Balin's brother Balan.

Balan could recognize Balin because of his armor and the familiar double swords.

But because Balin changed to a bigger shield, Balan thought that the knight was not his brother, but just a little bit like him.

Two equally outstanding knights, brothers, killed each other here.

The ladies on the castle screamed and shouted excitedly, tore their clothes, blushed with excitement, and their hearts beat faster.

The two brothers were stimulated by the women's screams and gradually killed like wild beasts.

Until the end, the two were covered with wounds and dying, and they took off each other's helmets to recognize each other's identity.

Balan died first, and Balin cried bitterly for him, and finally died in the middle of the night.

The two were buried together on the island.

The story ended with the tragic ending of "brothers killing each other".

It seems to confirm the curse people had on Balin after he delivered the "tragic blow".

Sooner or later, this disaster will befall you.

The extra chapter about the "Double Sword Knight - Baring" ends.

This is a wonderful life.

A life that is enough to write another "hero biography".

But it is different from what many people think.

"Ahhhhhh! Why did Baring, such a good knight, suffer such a fate!" After a short silence, a warrior who likes Baring suddenly roared wildly.

"This is too miserable! Brothers died because they didn't recognize each other's identity..." The emotional girl couldn't bear to watch the final fratricide.

Heavy, sad...

The image of the "knight" and the life of the "knight" appeared in the minds of many people.

His glory and glory began when he pulled out the "Indestructible Lake Light", and from then on, he was deepened by the "curse".

Is it really the problem of that "sword"?

If only Baring had not followed the path of the knights to search for the Holy Grail; if only Baring had not accidentally injured King Boran after killing Karan; if only Baring had not replaced his shield and recognized Balan's identity before fighting him.

But fate does not have so many ifs——

The Earl's son, who loves to dream of being a hero, was shocked by Balan's final outcome and now looked confused.

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