‘It turns out that heroes don’t just have a glorious side. Can’t every hero get a happy ending? ' He murmured in his heart.

After many people became jealous and collapsed, they calmed down and began to reflect on why they felt such a big gap just because Baling died.

Biographies of heroes of the past——

The brave man will defeat the devil.

The winner will enjoy everything——

Power, wealth, princess.

It can only be said that people used to beautify the image of 'heroes' too much.

At this time, Claire's tears were falling down like pearls and soybeans.

"Wow! Why - why did you die? Give me back my brothers Baling and Balan!"

This is truly the first—

A ‘hero’ character that readers just fall in love with and then fall in love with.

It was also at this moment that the sound of crying could be heard from time to time throughout the capital.

‘It’s so tragic! So heartless! ’ Such an ending! Even if they had guessed it a long time ago, no one could accept it for a while.

When countless ‘whys’ emerged in their minds, everyone felt a fire in their stomachs.

Chapter 85 The breath of the abyss is as deep as the Overlord!

"Hey, have you heard?"


"It's that legendary warrior - Lancelot. Some say his name and image are exactly the same as the characters in a 'heroic biography' currently circulating in the capital."

In the second fortress, two soldiers were squatting in the corner of the city wall chatting with each other.

"Biography of a hero?!" Another soldier asked with a puzzled and confused look on his face.

Since the death of the Knight of Two Swords, fans in the entire capital almost had a riot.

Those warriors who regarded 'Baling' as their goal in life saw that their idol died after just one scroll. They were so angry that they just wanted to find 'Bard' Andersen, put a sword on his neck and let him go. Changed the ending.

It took a lot of effort to find a warrior with a stereotyped character that fit their taste, but they killed him in one volume! ?

...After that, no matter how these people went to major bookstores, they could not get even a shred of information about 'Andersen'.

Even those who were responsible for contacting the 'book' sales related matters had never seen the mysterious Mr. Andersen.

Homura lives in the Second Fortress or returns to the 'library' during the day, and ordinary people can't find any trace of him.

Even though some nobles wanted to know the exact information of 'Andersen' through a 'reward', they all came to nothing with the secret help of Hitti.

The magician of the 'Seventh Step' actually took action...

The nobles who received this news could only give up the idea of ​​continuing to search for 'Andersen' and force him to 'resurrection' Baling with a look of dismay.


It seems that Baling cannot be 'resurrected'.

Just when the crowd was excited and everyone was helpless and aggrieved to the point of wanting to vomit blood.

‘Andersen’ suddenly posted a message in his own name.

——Although ‘Baling’ died, he still has a new heir.

That 'hero' will get his 'sword' and continue to carry out his legacy to protect King Arthur.

Known as the 'Knight on the Lake', the 'Flower of Knights', a man with unparalleled martial arts skills of an era - Lancelot Du Lac.

When this name came into everyone's eyes.

The ‘successor’ holding Baling’s Sword? !

When Claire and the little princess heard the news, their eyes lit up and they were almost the quickest to react.

Isn’t Baling’s sword the ‘Indestructible Lake Light’?

The 'knight' holding the undestructible lake light must be 'Lancelot' himself.

Not to mention that when Homura drew illustrations before, he always left the ‘real name’ under the character.

The girls quickly found two pictures of Lancelot among the many illustrations of the Knights of the Round Table.

One is a picture of a white gladioli holding a golden 'indestructible lake light' that has not been polluted.

The white knight wearing a silver helmet and holding a golden sword has a handsome, noble and flower-like image, no less than the former 'King Arthur'.

Seeing this illustration, the girls' faces turned slightly red, filled with anticipation.

No matter what the strength and character of this knight are, his appearance and appearance seem to be no worse than Arthur (brother)!

As for the other picture, it was a picture of a black knight whose whole body was immersed in thick black fog, with only a pair of blood-red eyes projecting out of the ferocious black armor.

He is like a war weapon filled with the fragrance and temptation of blood. That wild and powerful beast-like posture looks like it was born to fight.

Such a knight can make people feel a sense of oppression just from the appearance.

One is elegant and noble; the other is full of power and wildness.

The girls were surprised to find that the name written under both illustrations was 'Lancelot'.

This made their thinking a little confusing.

Two ‘Lancelots’. Is this really the same person? Although the armor forms seem to be similar, the differences in posture and temperament are huge! ?

The character of Lancelot has become popular before he even appeared.

Many people want to know whether this knight is qualified to inherit Baling's 'sword'.

As 'King Arthur' became more and more popular, related rumors gradually began to appear in the Second Fortress.

When the image, posture, and name of the two knights are exactly the same.

Within a few days, rumors began to spread in the fortress.

In the end, almost everyone knew that there was a book about Lancelot.

Many warriors and mercenaries who had long admired Lancelot's heroic appearance on the battlefield began to become curious about the book "King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table".

Originally a biography that was widely circulated among civilians, nobles, and ordinary people, it gradually began to spread to 'professionals'.

"You are really useless! Mr. Zeles." A clear, cute girl's voice sounded in a dark room in a border town in Casas.

Lying on the bed in the room was a thin man wrapped in white cloth.

Hearing someone calling his name, the gray-haired man on the hospital bed slowly opened his eyes.

"Pitch black..." The hoarse voice was full of unwillingness and resentment.

"Are you talking about the 'dark warrior'?" The pleasant voice came to mind again.

"...You know him...?" Zeles finally turned his head and raised his head with difficulty to look in the direction of the sound.

It was a feline girl with sky-blue hair and fluffy ears.

A pair of clear, beautiful eyes like sapphires were staring at Zeles silently.

A delicate face, a slim waist and slender legs, and skin as smooth as milk and silk.

Sure enough, just like the legend, every cat-eared girl is qualified to become a forbidden concubine that drives the nobles crazy.

It's a pity that in Zeles' eyes, there are only living swordsmen and dead swordsmen, and the rest are all worthless 'waste'.

He looked at the girl without any surprise.

The cute girl in front of him was far less attractive to him than the dark knight or the descendant of the Hero King.

"Lancelot Du Lac. The name of the soldier who defeated you that day... I advise you not to provoke that guy again. He seemed to have discovered us when I rescued you last time. If we do it again, Maybe he will chop off your head with a sword before we can even react." Catwoman was silent for a while, looking at Zeles and said.

Then, despite Zeles' frantic struggle to get up, he looked at others with lustful eyes.

The cat-eared girl left the room.

She didn't go far, just sat down quietly in the next room.

Then he looked at the set of 'books' collected on the desk that were said to be related to 'Lancelot'.

Recalling the cold gaze from the black knight that day, the cat-eared girl tensed up and bit her lips...

The cat-eared girl's face turned a little pale, with a hint of fear in her expression.

Although she was very calm when facing Zeles and even mocked him a few times.

But that's just because Zeles is now seriously injured and is almost a 'waste'.

If he hadn't been useful to Overlord Warnir, she wouldn't have cared about that annoying guy's life or death.

But for that 'black knight', the cat-eared girl's fear is not even much lower than that of the Overlord.

It's not because of the Black Knight's strength, but the aura of the abyss that is equally thick and frightening.

‘Lancelot du Lac’——What kind of human being are you?

Chapter 86: No one in this world cares about their life or death!

It started with flames, the fire crackling the house and the ground.

The beautiful towns and villages were all devoured.

The armies of Overlord Casas sacked the surrounding countries.

A dozen small tribes and nations gathered to resist the brutal Casas Legion.

But they all died in the end——

With the defeat of the frontline troops, all the "resisters" were arrested and the leaders became slaves.

The young princess ran away crying in the palace filled with flames. She accidentally ran away towards the direction of the group of 'executioners' and the rulers.

My father was killed and my mother was picked up and humiliated by the soldiers.

In her mother's voice telling her to run away quickly, she kept running and escaping timidly, not daring to look back at the horrific scene.

Although the soldiers did not catch up, the screams coming from everywhere in the palace still frightened the princess.

Until she was finally caught by the soldiers and her head was pressed to the ground.

Fear completely consumed her soul.

With her childish eyes wide open, when she raised her head again, she saw the 'Overlord'.

After just one glance, the moment his eyes focused on that figure, his consciousness began to be frightened and blurred.

Indescribable, indescribable darkness, a darkness that seems to swallow up all light——

I had never seen it before, but I suddenly understood what it meant.

It was her innate ability of 'spiritual vision' that allowed her to clearly see through the essence of the man in front of her - the 'abyss'.

The man seemed to sense something, and the corner of his mouth curled up.

"What did you see?" Overlord asked softly.

The girl spoke the answer fearfully.

Because of the value of 'those eyes', she survived intact in the end, and even her mother was spared the bad fate of being a military prostitute.


——The cat-eared girl suddenly woke up and sat up.

She pressed her little hands on her knees, her whole body dripping with sweat, and she stared blankly ahead for a while before she came back to her senses.

Then he tried not to cry.


She just dreamed of that terrible scene again.

‘My mother is still waiting for me in the capital of Casas. ’

It's not the time to cry yet.

If I can’t show my worth to the Overlord, not only myself but also my mother will once again live a life worse than death.

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