Placed next to the cat-eared girl's bedside is a set of biographies of 'King Arthur'.

Last night she saw that it was very late before she fell asleep.

The human country inside - Britain, is so beautiful that it is so desirable.

The same is true for intruders...

In the face of the invasion of other countries, Britain has a reliable and gentle king of destiny, Arthur, to stand up.

... He stabilized the situation, turned the tide, and saved the country.

In the country in that book, there is no war, no cold eyes, no discrimination, and no ridicule.

There is none of the tragic treatment that befell the ‘subjugated people’.

The cat-eared girl felt that she seemed to understand why those humans liked this book so much.

If at that time, Casas invaded their country.

It would be great if there was an orc prince who could hold the golden sword high and lead his father and the others to victory.

"Black Knight——Lancelot?" The girl's eyes were a little dim, and she lowered her head lowly.

The cute furry ears are also a little listless.

She already knew the general definition of 'knight'.

Having seen the image of 'Lancelot' once from a distance with her 'spiritual vision', she knew that he was indeed dressed exactly the same as 'Dark Lancelot', one of the Knights of the Round Table in the book.


In the book, he almost symbolizes all the beautiful heroes she can imagine.

If Lancelot were as noble a knight as Baling, Arthur, and King Berlinor.

If I ask for his help, will he save me and everyone else?

The girl quickly shook her head and said, "Knights and such - such things don't exist in the world at all." ’

The cat-eared girl gritted her silver teeth.

There is no country in this world called 'Britain', and there is no helpful King Arthur and knights.

No one cares about others, let alone that the Black Knight is still human.

Judging from the current situation, the orcs in Casas are constantly invading human territory.

It would be nice if the other party was not hostile to me, and would not care about the life or death of her orc.

She has already subjugated her country. Even though she is now clean and safe, she still cannot get rid of her identity as a 'slave' to the overlord.

She and her home were gone long ago when the country was invaded.

There is only one country in the world that will care about her and her mother's life and death, and will give them fair treatment to the orcs who have "subjugated their country", and that is the "country" where they once lived.

Eyes red——

Whenever she thinks about that 'country' and that 'home' being gone now, the cat-eared girl feels cold and powerless all over.

"...Cuckoo...Cuckoo..." Suddenly a sound of pigeons came from the window.

The cat-eared girl looked at the railing of the window.

A dove is standing, with magic circle patterns in its eyes.

‘Magic communication’——

A kind of 'magic' that transmits words through low-intelligent animals.

The pigeon's eyes flashed, and the magic circle in his eyes suddenly disappeared. The next moment, a voice came into the ears of the cat-eared girl.

That was a new order from the Overlord.

Ask her to investigate more about the 'Black Knight Lancelot'.

Because in the girl’s last report, there was information that the Black Knight was suspected of possessing the power of the ‘Abyss’ that was comparable to him, the Overlord was now very concerned about this Black Knight.

This time she asked the girl to blend into the human world herself.

Not only 'Lancelot', but also the information about the saint who just arrived in the human capital must also be collected. It is best to find the weaknesses of these two existences.

The cat-eared girl's face instantly turned very pale!

‘To the kingdom of men? !

And also to collect information about the saint of the Theocracy. ’

Even if the conditions for activating 'spiritual vision' don't need to be too far away, as long as you see yourself, you can use it.

But that saint is someone you can see casually.

Compared to that kind of dangerous mission——

Well, the cat-eared girl thought of the 'Second Fortress' where the Black Knight is now. She shook her head desperately.

This one is more dangerous!

Once discovered, they will be swallowed up by those human mercenaries and warriors in an instant, right down to the bones!


The cat-eared girl saw a pile of books beside the bed.


Wait, it seems that the way to understand the Black Knight is not just to get close to him, right?

And on the other side——

A work that was somewhat ignored by people at first finally began to explode.

After many people had just gotten over the shadow of ‘Baling’’s death, they finally remembered that the bard ‘Andersen’ seemed to have published a book called ‘Dark Souls’ at the same time.

Some people have bought it before, but forgot to read it later.

When people start reading ‘Dark Souls’…

Chapter 87: Swear on wolf blood, the French Undead Team appears!

"Boss, pack me a copy of all the 'books' by the bard Andersen." As night fell, the cat-eared girl finally sneaked into the human capital and nervously shouted to the bookstore owner.

She knew that the 'Black Knight Lancelot' was born from the writings of the 'Bard Andersen'.

Although it sounds ridiculous to find the other person’s ‘flaws’ in a book.

But this is the girl who thinks that this is the easiest way to understand each other.

Well, it's definitely not because she is interested in other works of 'Andersen', at most she only has a passing interest.

When the cat-eared girl put on her hood and stuffed all the books into her arms and left in a hurry, the bookstore owner shook his head.

‘Isn’t it just buying a book? Why are you so shy? ’

Which young girl nowadays doesn’t like to read ‘Arthur’? Even he, who has never read books, knows the stories of ‘Golden Sword’ and ‘Unspoiled Lake Light’.

This is because many warriors came to the bookstore with swords to intimidate him last time.

As a result, the bookstore owner later read ‘Unspoiled Lake Light’ and the story of Knight Baring. If he wasn’t busy with his work, he would have wanted to finish reading all of Andersen’s works.

It’s really very attractive and addictive!

In a sense, this bard is the strongest ‘poet’ he has ever seen.

Thinking that the bookstore is about to close, the owner couldn’t help but think of reading a book.

The bookstore owner cast his eyes on the counter of ‘Bard Andersen’.

Last time, he read the extra chapter of King Arthur.

This time, is he going to read the main volume of King Arthur or the new Dark Soul by ‘Andersen’?

The bookstore owner hesitated, and finally he looked at the covers of the two books. The picture of the rich and beautiful fire keeper holding a flame on the cover of Dark Soul attracted the owner's attention.

The cover of a group of warriors surrounding the golden sword is not as good as the cover of the young lady.

I heard before that the endings of several characters in King Arthur were very tragic.

He hated to see "dead people" the most, well... In the end, the owner decided to read Dark Soul.

Just for this warm flame, just for this beautiful and gentle fire keeper. This must be a healing book.

And it is Andersen's new book, which must be more "exciting" than the old book!

——The bookstore owner thought so.

At the same time, the cat-eared girl who had just returned to her temporary rented room in the capital also curiously opened the Dark Soul.

——The beginning of the story is a simple popular science conducted by Yan in order to let people better understand the soul world.

In the original world, everything was set to be gray, with only ancient dragons.

Until one day "fire" was born, other creatures were born in the world.

Four people got the king's soul. Among them, Sun King Gwyn got the Soul of Light. He led the witches and the Tomb King to fight the ancient dragons and started the era of Lordran belonging to humans.


The First Flame gradually extinguished, the curse of the undead was born, and the world began to fall into the crisis of sinking into darkness.

The witch wanted to use her own Chaos Flame to copy a new First Flame, but she played too much and created a bunch of "demons" instead.

In the end, Gwyn threw his body into the First Flame as firewood.

Along with the text, the king wearing a crown on the illustration slowly said the shocking words: "The Age of Fire will last forever!"

All readers who just finished reading the opening setting were stunned.

"Evil, demon... This, this is the demon in the abyss?!"

"Ah! Was there only the dragon clan in the world at the beginning? Those terrible demons in the abyss were actually created by the 'witch' playing with fire?"

"The Sun King actually used himself as firewood, burned himself, and kept the world bright...?!"

Many people were horrified at this moment; there wouldn't be people who were still 'burning' to keep the light and heat of the world!

Dark Souls tells the story of the undead constantly passing on fire and maintaining the 'Age of Fire'.

In the setting of this book, if the first fire is extinguished, the world will fall into darkness, and will never see light and heat again, and will never see the rising sun.

And the undead born because of the curse of the undead will not be really killed, at most they will lose their humanity.

They have become the best firewood.

"The protagonist is - Ashes?" Under the magic lamp at night, the little princess made a shocked and surprised voice.

This book is different from the world description close to the country like 'Arthur'.

From the beginning.

The grand world view that begins with this unknown ‘secret’ from the beginning of life instantly attracted people’s attention.

People in the other world never knew the origin of the terrifying place ‘the abyss’, let alone how the demons and devils in the abyss appeared.

Unexpectedly, this book gave a detailed explanation of the birth of ‘demon’.

People subconsciously applied it to their own ‘world view’.

As a result, things got serious!

If one day, someone tells you the truth of the ‘world’.

Behind the ‘peaceful and tranquil’ life that you don’t know, there is a group of people who have been silently burning and sacrificing themselves to illuminate the whole world. What would you think then?

When people continue to read with a shocked and turbulent heart.

They found that the protagonist this time was not the ‘Sun King’ Gwyn who burned at the beginning of the book, nor the ‘undead’ heroes who passed on the fire later, but the story of an ‘ash’.

In the setting, the ashes are actually the only hot residue left after the undead passed the fire. It is a good thing to say that it is non-combustible garbage!

——When readers saw that the protagonist was such an "unprecedented low-level" template setting, they were shocked!

This, such a character can also become a "protagonist"?

Can the residue left after the burning of a "hero" achieve great deeds and epics again! ?

Doubt, confusion, tension, fear.

The madness of this book is far beyond their imagination.

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