This story is almost the same as the ending after Faridon defeated Zahak. )

Faridon believed gold was a lucky color.

He was waiting for the lucky opportunity that would allow him to defeat Zahak.

The golden sword is the embodiment of his ideal. Although the material is not as special and powerful as the sacred bull spear, it still has a special meaning.

Faridon cannot kill Zahak now, but the pressure he brings to Zahak is increasing day by day.

Every night, in the dead of night, Zahak would have that dream about Faridon.

Nightmares kept him awake, and sometimes Zahak even called out Faridon's name to himself.

From time to time he had an ominous premonition.

The already powerful Faridon was preparing to attack him.

In order to eliminate the fear in his heart and finally kill Faridon, he decided to do whatever it takes.

One day, King Zahak once again summoned sages and priests from all over the country.

Even though his heart was already weak and exhausted from fear, on the surface Zahak still spoke very normally and arrogantly: "I have a biggest enemy. I have always wanted to kill him, but I have never been able to kill him. Now I feel he has grown strong enough.

Not only do I have heroic strength, but my heart is also filled with firm fire (faith). I want to form an army to fight with him to maintain my rule.

In order to express your loyalty to me and to the kingdom, I need you to swear an oath to me and be loyal to me forever. You should write your name on this oath. "

So Zahak began to read out his oath——

"King Zahak is a just and benevolent king. Every word he speaks is for the unity and justice of the country.

If he opposes anyone, everyone here must firmly oppose them and become their enemy. "

Everyone was very afraid of Zahak, and despite their reluctance, they had to sign their names on the declaration.

People looked at Zahak’s almost single-handed dictatorship——

They all felt chilled and panicked.

This is really despicable!

Zahak, who already had a large number of palace soldiers, was still not satisfied...

Forcing others to be loyal to you in this way.

Doesn't this mean that Faridon has less hope of defeating Zahak?

Even if someone is unwilling to obey Zahak's order, I am afraid that others will attack them in groups——

If this continues, who would be willing to be the leader and lead the flock to resist Zahak.

Faridon will lose a group of powerful allies, but Zahak can make his army stronger.

Everyone who wanted to understand was gnashing their teeth angrily.

Just when Zahak's conspiracy was about to be fully realized——

Suddenly, an old man in blacksmith's clothes came to the palace. He came to Zahak and said bluntly: "King, you claim to be a just and merciful king. But how do you embody your character?" What about the merciful ones?

The one who killed my entire family and became food for the snake on your shoulder.

Or is it my last remaining son who is about to be killed? "

The old man's loud and moving voice resounded throughout the hall.

Zahak also paused for a moment.

Damn it——! !

Infinite anger rushed into his heart, and Zahak almost forced himself to hold it back.

He looked at the priests who looked horrified and secretly cast doubtful and fearful glances, knowing that he couldn't let this bad reputation spread.

Even if everyone knows that he is not a good person.

But on this occasion, he had to prove himself a merciful king.

The atmosphere in the palace became tense for a moment, and everyone could smell the smell of gunpowder.

They looked at Zahak, waiting for his verdict.

Chapter 799 Kawei’s Flag and Victory Spear

The old man's name is Kavi and he is a blacksmith.

He had eighteen sons, but seventeen of them had been killed.

The last son is his crutch and his eyes,

He scolded the king, which was worthy of being called just and merciful...

The words of blacksmith Kawei also moved those who were afraid of Zahak's wrath and dared not speak out, and suppressed the idea of ​​continuing to sign the declaration.

Zahak had no choice but to let go of the son of blacksmith Kawi.

"Well, now you know what a kind and great king I am.

Then blacksmith, please sign my oath and be loyal to me like everyone else. "

Zahak did not forget his purpose and made further demands after ordering the release of the blacksmith's son.

When the blacksmith saw the words "King Zahak is just and merciful" written on the oath,

He laughed and said: "Only those who have sold their souls will sign this affidavit full of lies.

Although I am a blacksmith, I will never give in to sin and the devil!

To say that the man with the snake on his shoulder is a just and merciful king is not worthy of him at all. "

In the end, the blacksmith made an oath, but it was an oath that he would never be loyal to King Zahak.

After saying this, in front of countless people who were shocked and dumbfounded, the blacksmith tore the oath book into pieces.

How dare he? How come you have such courage?

And while Zahak and the others were stunned, the blacksmith had already escaped with his son.

Even Zahak didn't think about it for a moment, and sat on the throne in a daze, without immediately issuing an order to capture the blacksmith.


Until the blacksmith managed to escape home with his son.

Many righteous men who heard what happened in the palace gradually gathered around his house.

These people were worried that the blacksmith Kawei would be captured by the angry Zahak because of his angry rebuke in the palace. They were all here to protect the blacksmith's family.

When Kawi saw this, he simply didn't do anything. He directly picked up the walking cloth used for blacksmithing and hung it with a spear as the flag of the uprising, calling on people to resist Zahak! !

At this time, the outside world, the father and son of the royal capital blacksmiths who were squatting at the door of their blacksmith shop watching the epic together, could not help but subconsciously look at the aprons they wore when blacksmithing.

...? !

Can this thing be used as an uprising flag?

Since when have blacksmiths become so awesome?

For a time, blacksmith Kawei became an idol-level existence among blacksmiths in the minds of father and son.

Especially the big blacksmith. He has been working on iron all his life. Not to mention he is as awesome as Kawei in the epic. Even the king...

No, I haven’t even seen the noble Lord’s face.

When did you dare to denounce those big shots so passionately and impassionedly, or even be bold enough to raise a flag of rebellion?

If it were him, he would probably be grateful and excited to save his last son.

——Have courage!

Blacksmith Kavi's words were cheered by everyone. The flag made of cloth looked ridiculous, as funny as a child's toy.

However, under such a simple flag, more and more people gathered, and everyone's eyes were filled with light and flames shining.

It was the desire...the desire to take revenge on Zahak, the desire to bring happiness and peace to this country.

Just like the fantasy that everyone had when they were children——

Want to be a hero.

And justice will surely defeat evil, and the light of the sun will eventually dispel the darkness on the earth.

Dawn comes to—

The people gathered here at this time and united in one mind made everyone forget their fear of Zahak and finally saw the hope of defeating him.

At this time——

Someone asked, even if there is an uprising, there must be a leader, but who will be their king?

Although the blacksmith’s actions were a trigger——

But you can't simply raise the banner and become the leader of everyone.

Kawei naturally understands this, he is old...

Now they are just calling on everyone with enthusiasm, and they have no ability to lead these people to defeat Kazakh.

Blacksmith Kawei suddenly thought of a certain legend and his eyes lit up——

‘Only Faridun, the son of the prophesied hero, can defeat Zahak! Let's go find Faridon! Support him as king and let him lead us in the crusade against Zahak! ’

No one has any objection to this.

After learning about this, Faridon immediately seized this opportunity.

When I saw the blacksmith Kavi's apron that had been re-decorated and decorated with gold, brocade, and precious stones,

Faridon: "Gold, the lucky color—the time for victory is set!"

Faridon was greeted with enthusiastic cheers.

And named that flag "Kavi's Flag."

In order to inherit the will of the blacksmith Kaweina who is not afraid of evil and power, and with the goal of defeating Zahak, Faridon finally has the opportunity to use his sacred bull spear.

He picked up the sharp weapon made from the head of a sacred bull and led this army of justice to attack the capital where Zahak was located.

And that terrifying sacred bull head, as the tip of the spear, turned into a sharp and indestructible weapon on the battlefield that was as sharp and indestructible as a holy sword, cutting through the enemy's army lineup time and time again.

With successive victories, more and more people were attracted and began to join this huge army.

Faridon's army grew larger and larger,

The flames in the hearts of the entire Persian people seemed to be twisted into a rope, tied tightly together, and became extremely powerful.

That kind of amazing power and incredible explosive power made even the army of darkness tremble.

Later, a god-like young man descended to the lower world, and granted Faridon a lot of knowledge about magic, teaching him how to break Zahak's magic.

After learning a lot of magic, Faridon's army became more powerful and unstoppable.

Soon, the army reached Baghdad, an important city on the Tigris River.

Seeing that Zahak's hometown was about to be overthrown, the army was excited and enthusiastic, but a new problem appeared in front of them.

Faridon's army was camped by the Tigris River. In order to cross the river, he recruited boatmen and asked them to sail the soldiers to the other side.

But the boatmen did not dare to sail, because without King Zahak's order, they would be beheaded if they sailed without permission.

Faridon also thought about building his own ship and letting the army march over——

But what troubled him was that such a huge army could not even find a few boatmen who knew how to row a boat.

Then the situation became awkward.

They have all reached the door of the enemy's hometown, and across the river is the enemy's main city.

Now, because there is no water, we have to turn around and go back? !

When Claire and the others saw this, they also became confused.

! ?

‘Just, this?

With magic, you can use the wind element to control the wind and push the ship forward. ’

People can't help but think in their hearts.

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