
At that time, magic must not have been popularized yet. ’

Thinking of the epic, it seems to have just described that the gods taught Faridon magic in the lower world.

In retrospect - so far, except for Zahak and Faridon, no one has clearly learned magic.

Everyone opened their eyes in disbelief.

‘No, really not! ’

Chapter 800 What kind of devil is he who can’t defeat ten thousand with one?

That is to say, he has no navigation skills and cannot use related magic...

Everyone felt pain in their balls when they saw it.

It was obviously a problem that could easily be solved in their time.

When they saw that it was such a non-issue that really trapped the entire ancient Persian uprising army on the other side of the river, hesitating.

‘What the hell! ’

But this does not stop people's determination to defeat Zahak.

Soon Claire and the others saw that Faridon, as the leader, took the lead in standing up and setting an example.

He said: "We can also cross the river without a boat."

After saying this, Faridon began to cross the river on horseback. Even if he was the only one to cross the river in the end, he would never give up.

Only by overthrowing Zahak can the country achieve true stability.

And his actions did inspire the soldiers.

Seeing how desperate Wangdu was, the warriors also jumped on horseback into the river.

Although there are no illustrations, Hermitus and the others fantasize about...

A scene of a group of warriors wearing armor, each relying on their strong bodies to swim in a fast-flowing river.


This picture is so strong (stimulating) and so impactful that it makes people take a breath.

If placed in the ordinary daily world, people might think it is a fantasy.

But in the world view of another world, it can really be achieved to this extent.

After all, they are warriors who can compete with the great magician 50-50 when they are fierce.

Rush into ordinary people, and all of them can unleash unparalleled monsters.

When reaching the hero level, they are judged to be on the same level as magicians who can cause natural disasters.

He just rode his horse directly into the river wearing armor...

It's still quite challenging and dangerous.

No army can do this kind of thing flawlessly.

Unless each of them is a warrior on the sixth ladder.

Just when people think – ‘But how is that possible? ’

As a result, Faridon really succeeded in crossing the river with his army.

It was as if the goddess of luck had favored them, and the whole army seemed to be inhabited by gods, and no one was exhausted in the river.

Even the horses that were thought to be sacrificed swam all the way to the other side.

Hermitos' cheek hurt: "..."

He was also the one who thought there would be casualties just now.

Although I guessed that some people would successfully cross the river, even the horses followed them safely...

Fake~! So fake!

If he were Zahak, he would be so angry that he would point at the noses of these people and ask them if they cheated.

Faridon reorganized the army, divided the warriors into many formations, and continued to advance towards the castle where Zahak was located.

When Faridon arrived with his army, Angra Mainyu secretly used magic to help Zahak.

A castle that is already very strong and difficult to break,

Coupled with Angra Mainyu's secret support, it became even more difficult to break through.

The siege was not going well and soldiers were dying every day, leaving Faridun helpless.

Just at night——

He had a dream, and once again he dreamed of the god who taught him magic. This time the god told him how to break the magic given to Zahak Castle by Angra Mainyu.

On the next day, Faridon followed that method and indeed broke the castle's barrier. The morale of the soldiers was instantly inspired and became stronger than ever.

After several more days of fierce fighting, finally——

The army, led by Faridon, entered the palace.

However, at this time Zahak had already seen that the situation was not good and ran away.

He lurks like a poisonous snake.

When Faridun found King Jamshid's two daughters, princesses Anunapas and Shahunas, he was told that Zahak had gone to India with the help of Angla.

That is a land controlled by another pantheon of gods.

Not even Faridon dared to go too far.

"Indian pantheon?!"

Hermitos was thinking excitedly, another unknown new god system...

On the other side, Zahak, who successfully escaped, still did not give up.

He hid in India and paid close attention to domestic developments.

It soon became known that Faridon had become the new king and was loved by the two princesses.

Zahak, who had been confused about who defeated his powerful army, instantly lost his mind when he heard the name that appeared in his dreams countless times.


Zahak, who was not willing to lose his throne, finally made up his mind after suffering for countless days and nights——

He wants to return to his own kingdom.

He has not lost yet, he still has loyal and reliable soldiers and ministers!

Thinking of the oath of advance and retreat that he had forced those people to sign with him, Zahak felt hope rise in his heart.

Therefore, he led the remaining troops and wanted to cooperate with the remaining forces in the kingdom.

However, when Zahak arrived at the castle, he sadly discovered that all the people who had followed him had surrendered to Faridon.

They threw boulders and torches from the castle to Zahak's army. In an instant, dust was flying under the castle, and even the sunlight was blocked by the dust.

The shouts of killing that resounded through the sky eventually turned into one sentence: "Kill Zahak! Kill Zahak!"

Seeing everyone abandoning themselves and leaving——

Seeing Faridon standing on the wall again, surrounded by the eyes of the two princesses full of love and admiration, the jealousy and hatred in Zahak's heart reached their peak.

He swung his sword at the two princesses, but the spear in Faridon's hand knocked the weapon away, and then stabbed himself with the spear.

Unimaginable pain came from his body, and Zahak realized that it was the same bull-headed artifact as in his dream.

‘The prophecy has finally come true! ? No, I am not willing to do so! 'Zahak.

"...Hmph..." Darkness enveloped Zahak's last consciousness. The shouts of killing in his ears seemed to disappear in an instant, and a sneer sounded from the depths of his consciousness.

It's so embarrassing (embarrassing) that I can't stand it anymore.

Although he is a demon king, he does not look like a demon king at all.

As a strong man, he lost to the weak so easily.

Just because of the enemy's numerical superiority, they began to roar in despair and unwillingness.

There is no limit to incompetence...

In the darkness, the ruby ​​eyes looked down at everything, as if to confirm the situation, their eyes swept over Zahak, then over Faridon and the countless humans behind him.

"Really. This is the power you fear."

"You, you are -?!!" The moment Zahak's eyes met those red eyes, his whole body trembled.

When Claire, God of War, and Hermitus saw this, their pupils shrank, obviously thinking of something.

"Answer me, are you afraid? Because these exist."


Everyone betrayed me and turned to the prophesied hero - Faridon! Do I still have any hope of defeating him now? "Zahak couldn't help but subconsciously shouted in response because of the instinctive fear in his heart.

"Could it be——!" Seeing this, people had already made some guesses.

Azdahaka? !

In the darkness, after hearing Zahak's words, the dragon shadow

"There's no hope anymore?"

The sneer came from the darkness again, and those evil ruby ​​eyes suddenly revealed ferocious malice, making Zahak feel as if he had fallen into an ice cellar for a moment:

"The so-called Demon King exists as a sworn enemy. That is, he is an enemy of the whole world.

——Disadvantage of quantity? Ha, don’t make a fool of yourself! What kind of devil is he who can't fight one against ten thousand? "

Chapter 801 Come here, the hero who has not been seen for hundreds of years!


Just when Faridun was about to kill Zahak, the snake king,

The ground suddenly opened, and Zahak's figure fell into it.


The terrifying male scream came from the crack, but it was like the sky collapsing, bringing a strong sense of oppression to people's chests.

Scorching flames spurted out from the cracks, one, two... until countless flames tore the earth into pieces.

Many soldiers who were full of hatred and anger and prepared to surround Zahak and kill them all lost their feet and fell into the cracks, and soon they were swallowed up by the flames.

"...!" Faridon trembled all over, forcing himself to calm down, and looked at the hell-like scene in front of him in shock.

The wall behind them suddenly collapsed in the cracked earth.

There were screams from countless humans, and the terrain of the battlefield changed in an instant, and the originally good situation was completely reversed.

"What?!" Faridon.

"Come here, the hero who has not been seen for hundreds of years!!!

Use all your strength! ! !

Use all your wits! ! !

Exhaust your bravery - try to turn it into a shining sword that penetrates my chest! ! ! "

boom! ! A majestic and shuddering evil voice came from the depths of the earth.

At this moment, the flat ground seemed to have turned into an active volcano, blowing the wind of hot sand.

Then the earth was completely degenerated by a claw, and the earth screamed, creating a cliff.

The rift gives the illusion of leading to Naraku.

A pure white figure broke through all obstacles and rushed into the sky. The aftermath of its flight instantly destroyed all the broken and balanced debris on the ground.

Until the white shadow stopped and hung high in the sky.

Saw it——

Faridon finally saw the true face of that pale figure! Then he showed an expression of disbelief!

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