"How is it possible...that gesture is...!!"

That was the demon king who emerged from the cellar of hell and held high the name of "Immortality"!

It has disappeared long ago and should never appear in this era!

The Demon King wearing the banner of ‘Evil’ (Aksara)!

"Demon King... Az-Dahaka!" Gudong, swallowing saliva, everyone looked at the three-headed dragon standing on hell in the illustration and recited its true name.

Finally connected this scene with the cover.

It turned out to be this moment! !

The three-headed dragon's domineering and shocking declaration when it appeared, and its evil spirit that seemed to engulf the order of an era, made everyone take a breath.

Then I held my breath, forgetting to blink, and just stared at the descriptions.


In such a passionate atmosphere.

Turning over a new page, people saw such a narration, and their hearts became even more shocked:

[You, the monster who is prayed to be "who is bent on evil", shine with three pairs of eyes and six ruby ​​pupils, ringing the bell of the decisive battle. 】

When the three-headed dragon declares its return from hell——

No one present could completely calm down.

Even Faridon couldn't suppress the instinctive trembling of his body. He raised his head and looked at the figure in horror, knowing that the fight to the death had begun! !

This is——

The monster his ancestors faced hundreds of years ago!

Have humans ever attacked such a terrifying guy and successfully repelled him? !

(Demon King Azdahaka——

It was completely different from the demon kings he knew in his mind, such as Snake King Zahak.

This is the true stance of the strongest species...! ! ! )

Holding the golden sword and the sacred bull spear firmly, Faridon could sense just how terrifying the enemy's strength was just from the power. He trembled but did not choose to retreat.

‘To fight—

Still have to run away! No, there is absolutely no possibility of escape in front of such existence!

But if it’s a fight, how to fight? !

Just the power produced by the combination of speed and strength can pierce his chest with just one blow. ’ No matter how much he thought, Faridon couldn’t think of a countermeasure. He was sweating profusely, and his whole body was moaning in response to the terrifying sense of oppression. He could only grit his teeth and look at the three-headed dragon with his last determination.

However, even if I think about it and my heart is burning—

Still haven't found the answer to turn defeat into victory.

Maybe with more thinking time, I can come up with a solution.


‘The enemy cannot give him such a chance of time! ’ Faridon thought immediately.

A fight to the death is a fight to the death, pure evil, and there will be no mercy because of the enemy's begging for mercy or weakness.

Even if there is a huge difference in strength between the two sides in the battle, it is far from fair.

As an enemy, he cannot expect even a single point of charity from his enemies.

"Run!! I'll stay and cover. You lead the soldiers to cover the evacuation of the civilians in the city first!!" Faridon suddenly shouted at the two princesses.

Unable to think of a way, he reacted immediately and wanted to protect the people and leave as quickly as possible.

He is the king, and the people trust him and give him their power. This is the miracle of uniting to defeat Zahak.

Also because he is the king and the leader of this group of people, Faridon believes that he also has the responsibility to protect the safety of the people.

High in the sky, the three-headed dragon also heard Faridon's voice and looked far away at the buildings in the city behind the ruins at the end of the ground.

The three-headed dragon suddenly pointed to the void and waved horizontally.

Suddenly, the wings towering behind the three-headed dragon changed shape.

Or maybe it wasn’t actually wings from the beginning. The black blade that can change its form freely - Dragon's Shadow slashes hard towards the earth.

The rapid slash, invisible to the naked eye, split the earth in half in an instant.

In a panic, the princesses who suppressed their fear and wanted to leave with the soldiers were intercepted.

A clear boundary was formed between the army and the interior of the city.

The depths of the cracked ground seemed to be connected to hell, making people unable to move forward.

Three pairs of eyes and six pupils flashed with ferocious and ferocious light, staring closely at the fateful hero Faridon on the ground.

——Suddenly, an evil smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"I see. That unyielding attitude is worthy of admiration. It seems that violence alone cannot convince you. - So, what about such despair?"

It seemed that he noticed the source of Faridon's firm will, the source of the courage that helped him dare to stand in front of him despite fear and awe.

Aziz Dahaka raised his pure white claws, and then dug deeply into his shoulders.

A large amount of blood suddenly spurted out from the shoulders, causing the huge body of the three-headed dragon to be dyed red.

The blood slowly fell to the ground, and soon it began to squirm suspiciously as if it had gained life.

"Then, that is...!?" People's eyes widened.

At this time, the earth, gravel, and hot sand bathed in Az Dahaka's blood had changed their form into the posture of a two-headed dragon.

This incredible scene made people breathe more and more quickly.

Blood, blood... the blood of the three-headed dragon actually made dead things come alive! How is it possible, even this can be done! ?

This is - creating life!

Chapter 802 A despairingly powerful, god-level clone!

Like thunder and lightning flashing across a blank mind——

People watching this action can even imagine how trembling and anxious the heroic protagonist Faridon is at this moment.

The scene in front of me was really too abnormal.

And when everyone saw a comment in the epic poem, they suddenly fell into a deathly silence like the calm before the storm:

‘The two-headed dragons that appeared after devouring the earth—

All of them exuded a sense of coercion that rivaled the gods. ’

In response to this, Faridon couldn't help but feel horrified: "Are these guys...god-level clones!? How is that possible!"

(God...! God-level clone!?

Boom, people's minds exploded again, with expressions of disbelief on their faces. )

That was Azdahaka's clone.

It can be seen from the power that even if it cannot match the real gods, it is definitely not something that ordinary human braves can deal with.

Demigods, false gods... incarnations of gods can defeat these terrifying existences, except for heroes who are also demigods.

Only those human heroes who have sacrificed their lives can possibly resist this terrifying power.

"Is this the power of one against ten thousand?!"

Everyone was shocked and speechless.

The Demon King, who can defeat ten thousand, really exists, standing tall in the sky and on the earth.

The right head of the three-headed dragon suddenly spoke and gave an order.

"Two females are on the run with a herd of goats. Go hunt them down."

Comparing the soldiers to being as weak as goats, the two divine princesses were only referred to as females——

Didn't take it seriously at all.


Hearing the unexpected words, Faridon took a stance reflexively, but was unable to stop the group of two-headed dragons whizzing past overhead.

‘——Damn it! ’

Although there are several outstanding companions with him, they are all warriors who can be called heroes, but how can they be the opponents of a group of god-level two-headed dragons.

Faridon, who possesses the divine tool the Divine Bull Spear and has already grown into a truly strong man under Ahura's guidance through continuous battles, has no problem dealing with one or two two-headed dragons.

Now he has the strength to fight gods. With his help, those companions may still be able to save their lives.

And just when Faridon wanted to go up and help...

The three-headed dragon Azdahaka's Qi machine locked onto him, causing Faridon to stop in an instant, not daring to move rashly.

Azdahaka: "Okay, what to do, human?

There is no point in buying time like this. To save my companions, the only way to go is to destroy me. "

Like a bang! In people's hearts, a bowl of flat water fell to the ground.

When they saw the words of Azdahaka in the epic, people were shocked and heard another layer of meaning contained in those words——

‘He, he is... forcing Faridon to fight to the death with him? ! ’

Deliberately force the other party into a desperate situation, make them angry, and force the other party to reach their maximum potential.

Obviously doing this would do him no good.

As long as Faridon is killed, the three-headed dragon can pursue him and destroy all enemies.


The three-headed dragon did just that! So confident yet arrogant and calm.

"Bastard!!" The anger at this moment allowed Faridon to overcome his body's instinctive fear. He waved the sacred bull spear and jumped towards the three-headed dragon.

Bang! !

In the prophecy, the spear tip turned into the horn of the sacred cow, which was originally enough to shatter everything in the world with one blow and easily smash the brain of the snake king Zahak, suddenly stabbed the belly of the huge body of the three-headed dragon.

"...!?" The three-headed dragon made a slight snort that was neither painful nor itchy.

However, under the terrifying reaction force, Faridon's body screamed in pain and screamed like tearing.

At the same time, his brain was spinning rapidly - the moment the sacred bull spear touched the body of the three-headed dragon, he seemed to have discovered an astonishing and terrifying secret.

(It’s so heavy—very heavy! It’s definitely not the mass that a three-meter body should have!!)

Although it is unknown what kind of blessing they have, these three-headed dragons have condensed the mass of the continent or the equivalent of the continent into a body of only three meters.

Even though the sacred bull spear is very special, it is inevitable that a blow struck with full force will tear the owner's body apart.

When seeing the explanation given in the epic——

People opened their mouths in shock.

‘The same quality as mainland China? ! ’

Are you kidding me... is there such a monster in this world? ?

Even the gods Hermitus and the God of War were frightened by this astonishing data.

Even if the evil god's divinity and divine power are removed, this monster itself is a walking natural disaster!

When people looked at Faridon's miserable appearance, they suddenly felt shuddering.

The enemy cannot even break through its defenses, and may even reap the consequences.

How strong and tough such a body must be.

And what they don’t know——

Not to mention the current Faridon, even if Izayoi, whose fist can shake even the stars, hits the three-headed dragon at a speed that exceeds the speed of the third universe, the result is still disappointing!

Hundreds of punches per second only caused the huge body of the three-headed dragon to shake slightly.

Obviously, head-on combat relies solely on personal strength. The current Faridon does not have the strength to defeat this 'absolute evil' demon king.

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