This hell on earth, raised by Azidahaka alone, the flames of war rose up and surrounded the entire human race.

"Is this... the Demon King!

How powerful!

How terrible!" The God of War looked at the proud figure in the epic illustration and spoke solemnly and astonished at the battle that was sure to happen.

Although he had not shown much combat power, he subconsciously used the words "powerful, terrible" to describe this evil god.

Looking back at his memories over the past hundreds of years, it seems that none of the enemies, gods, and demons who had been enemies with him had such a strong spirit.

In the epic, the evil god named Azidahaka, that spirit was really too strong...

Then he silently used his divine power to interfere with the young man beside him, making him stay on the notes for a while longer.

Then he looked at the further description of the narration about the three-headed dragon.

[That three-headed dragon is not an ordinary demon king.

It is better to say that he is a demon king in the true sense. This is the correct way to say it.

The Demon King is the trial itself in its full form.

The story of the ancient Demon King being driven out and the world being stabilized is a common plot in heroic epics.

However, the True Demon King is a completely different trial.

It is not an ordinary trial, but something that appears as the strongest trial in history based on humanity - we call it "The Last Embryo of Humanity"

"The Last Embryo of Humanity!! ”

It was not the first time I saw these words, but they still made me feel uneasy when they appeared at this time.

Chapter 803: The Demon King Who Repelled Millions of Gods

[The Demon King is a "natural disaster". As the literal meaning suggests, natural disasters such as thunderstorms and natural disasters caused by crustal movement. The spread of plague. Most of the gods are personifications of these,

and this is the proof that the gods continue to give humans survival crises... although there are exceptions to the laws of celestial bodies.

And that is only for ordinary demon kings...

Azdahaka was once like this, and he was no different from the demon kings who were included in natural disasters, chronicles, and laws of celestial bodies.

However, on a certain day, several demon kings headed by Azdahaka enlarged their spirits together. Each of them has the strength to repel millions of gods.]

"Repel... Hundreds, millions of gods! ! "

Everyone was so shocked and trembling that they forgot about the surrounding situation.

This is no longer a question of strength!

If the dragon really has such a terrifying power, the current battle with Faridun is just a joke.

Then they saw another description.

Narrator: "That thing is real. It's not a metaphor. But it happened in a certain period of time in the future.

In a world called Box Garden where gods and Buddhas gather, there are many gods.

But almost all of them were expelled by the oldest demon kings. "

"Box Garden——! ? "The God of War and the God of Alchemy suddenly opened their eyes wide and were stunned;

This was the first time they heard the name of the box garden.

But the phrase "gods and Buddhas gathered" -

There were no gods like Buddha in the other world, but they could understand that it should be an existence similar to gods.

And what concerned them was not the existence of Buddha.

But all the gods gathered there.

If the demon king Azidahaka is regarded as the evil god of the ancient Persian pantheon.

Are other gods and demons also in that world? This is a new discovery.

Are the powerful gods in the mythological system that have disappeared in the epic and are difficult to find traces of now in that big world called the box garden?

"Is it inside the world? ! "Hermitos murmured in shock.

No, that's not right.

...If it's just the inside of the world, it should be marked.

He had always thought that after the end of the Age of Gods, the gods retreated to the inside of the world.

But he never thought that there were other possibilities.

In addition to staying away from this planet and traveling in the universe--

Is there another way to go in the world called the box garden?

Is it a different world? Is it a parallel world? Or--

A new road established by the gods who are unwilling to be treated as the inside of the world all the time.

On the other hand, unlike the God of Alchemy who is gradually getting hot and excited,

the ordinary people in the other world are more concerned about the combat power of Azdahaka.

At this time, they also saw the repulsion of millions of gods-that is the future record.

"Does that mean that the current Azdahaka is not that powerful? "Claire muttered, but her heart was still trembling.

Damn it, even if she hasn't reached the level of spiritual power that will expand to such an exaggerated degree in the future,

Looking at the current performance in the epic, it's almost the same for Faridon and the others.

That's the same 'despair'.

With this difference in strength, there is no chance of winning.

It seems that he can understand people's voices.

Even the epic gave the same answer--

[It is impossible to defeat the oldest demon king who is the trial itself.

So later, as a means to fight against the oldest demon king, the secret of the gods and demons that liberates one's own spiritual power and turns it into a trial--"Host Master". The prototype of the Gift Game.]

What is the Host Master, and the Gift Game...

Looking at the words briefly annotated as ‘Game of Gods and Demons’, Hermitos felt itchy in his heart.

And on the other side——

At the same time, Faridun and Azdahaka were fighting.

Faridon's army faced a strange two-headed dragon whose entire body was made of white porcelain rock.

Similar to Azdahaka, the only red jade eye that resides in the body releases a strange light to capture prey.

There was no emotion in those eyes. No emotion resides in this monster. Slaughtering the target prey is the only impulse that drives this two-headed dragon.


The white porcelain two-headed dragon roared majestically, raising its strong claws to carry out a massacre without any suspense.

That was the most cruel war,

For the few remaining human warriors who survived the incident, they will still tremble from the bottom of their souls when they mention the experience of fighting these two-headed dragons again, and warn future generations if they encounter such terrible enemies.

"Yes, that is the clone of Azdahaka! It is not an ordinary incarnation!! Please treat each of them as gods!"

To treat him as a god, to attack him as a god, he must put himself to death to survive, and only then can he catch the slim chance... of defeating the opponent.

——Hope in despair!

Still a slim chance!

For most human heroes, even if they face such a monster, the possibility of defeating it is already very low, no less than completing any magnificent epic.


At this level, let alone conquering the true form of Demon King Azdahaka.

...And when the epic's eyes returned to the battlefield on Faridon's side.

People don't know what they have experienced in this short period of time.

But the result is——

The current sacred bull spear has been shattered except for the tip made of the bull's head, and the golden sword has also been broken.

Faridon himself has become a bloody man, and most of the bones in his body have long been shattered.

The flag that represented Kawi, who resisted evil and preached good, also fell into the dust, and no one cared about it.

Like being knocked down to dust——

"The concept of victory and luck - the golden sword that cuts off the godhead?"

Azdahaka spoke.

In the past——

He had felt the same power, that of Bahram, the god of war and victory who was an ancient god like him.

To change to a more familiar name, it would be Veleslana.

It means "the one who puts the enemy to death" and is invincible in the war with demons and hypocrites. He is the pioneer of Meher. He is also the patron saint of the 20th day of every month in the Gregorian calendar.

The opponent was a very powerful god who once defeated Azdahaka and imprisoned him on a high mountain.

Originally thinking that the sword in Faridun's hand was just a forgery, Azdahaka didn't take it to heart.

But I didn’t expect it to be able to exert a power that is not inferior to the original product——

The price is the breakage of the golden sword itself.

It seems that a hostile faction of gods has taken action.

It happens to be the power that the three-headed dragon hates the most.

Even though Azdahaka has become much stronger now, Faridon was unable to exert the true power of the golden sword, and ultimately caused minimal damage to the three-headed dragon.

Azdahaka's godhead as the evil god of Zoroastrianism was still affected.

Chapter 804 God of War and God of Alchemy: Do they now use the group of gods as the unit of measurement?

"The sword that cuts off the godhead!?"

"You once defeated the demon king Azdahaka and locked him on a high mountain?"

People's eyes widened in disbelief.

Hey, are you kidding? ?

That terrifying dragon actually has someone... No, is there a god who can suppress him?

Thinking of that body that was so abnormal that it was unreasonable, a powerful body that both the God of War and the God of Alchemy regarded as a monster,

The two gods, who understood how difficult the actual battle with Azdahaka was, had the first thought in their hearts of excited doubts!

This kind of density is comparable to the flesh of the continent. Let alone suppressing it, it is very difficult to injure it.

And what is said in the epic is almost overwhelmingly locked up in the mountains.

Azdahaka is already so powerful, even if his spiritual power in the past has not expanded to the level of the true demon king described in the epic,

It is definitely not something that ordinary gods and the like can compete with!

Even being able to contend with that monster was surprising enough.

If it can crush that monster, how powerful is that god!

"Is he a god at the level of the Creator?!" Hermitos, who has read a lot of epics and has a much stronger receptive ability, was the first to regain his composure.

He suppressed the excitement and doubts in his heart, and then came up with new speculations.

If we were talking about a main god who could overwhelm that kind of monster, in Hermitos' impression, only a god at the level of the creator would be more suitable.


Something surprising happened again.

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