"O God! Please protect my kingdom from being invaded by the God of Darkness!" In this way, Faridon ascended the throne after praying and began his five hundred years of benevolent rule.

And the brilliance that gathered the people's good intentions gradually evolved into a sacred flame in the process.

It is said that the holy king received the crown at the moment of his coronation, and the concept of "khavarenah" evolved from this.

And that miraculous power, after coming into contact with a certain power lurking deep in Faridon's body, produced incredible changes.

This even led to Faridon, who was supposed to be a pure human being with a limited lifespan,

Breaking the shackles, he was able to completely integrate the power that could only be borrowed for fighting into his own body.

The people's good intentions and their prayers for a wise king to rule them forever allowed the king's flame to continue burning for five hundred years.

This is quite unbelievable for a king who is obsessed with the human body and has never tried to step into the level of divine life.

This made Claire and the others feel that there was something wrong with the dark power that penetrated from Zahak's body into Faridon's body;

This is almost obvious!

But what kind of power is it? No...

What kind of strange darkness is it that even [Aura] can contain.

Although I don’t quite understand the concept of [Aura].

But in the eyes of ordinary people, light and darkness are completely opposite existences, and [Aura] also has the word light...

It is really hard for people to imagine what kind of light, or what kind of darkness, can be compatible with and accommodate another opposing force.

Think further,

For example, the God of War and others look at everything from the perspective of gods,

It will definitely be related to the issue of Zoroastrianism's dualistic cosmology of good and evil.

Since even such a cosmology exists,

Then the combination of light and darkness is not so incredible.

Even if they can't do it, they can't understand it now.

‘Existence is truth! ’ Such thoughts flashed through the God of War’s heart.


If everything had remained calm and beautiful, the king would have been sitting on the throne wisely and kindly.

Like the legend of the Eternal King of Great Britain,

There are some fates that even the holy king of ancient Persia, who punished evil and promoted good, could not escape.

Happy endings only happen in fairy tales.

And reality is often crueler than anything you can imagine.

After Faridun became king, he married two daughters of King Jamshed - the rescued princesses.

The princesses gave him three handsome sons.

Logically speaking, marrying a wife and having children should be a very happy and peaceful thing for Faridon, who is gradually entering his old age from the middle age of his peak period.

He has long passed the age of pursuing passion and adventure.

His father died early, and it was difficult for Faridun to experience a complete family since he was a child.

Because of the guidance of the sacred cow, to make up for the father's love,

This did not make Faridon's character extreme, but instead made him a gentle and generous person.

For the new life, the heir inherited by blood, this old father put all his efforts and joy into it.

He vowed to teach his sons to be outstanding people.

When everyone saw this, they suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

"Wait, why does this scene seem to have happened before?!"

Chapter 809 Transformation into an evil dragon, the trial between father and son

The wise king poured his heart and soul into his sons, hoping that they would thrive.

Zahak's old father's mood in the past was not exactly the same.

As the three princes grew up, it was time to marry and have children.

This old father spent all his efforts to find the most beautiful princess in the world for his sons, and even almost got into a fight with the King of Saudi Arabia in Yemen.

The King of Sand Norway has three princesses as pure and beautiful as the moon.

But this king is a total daughter-in-law. He hopes that his daughter will never get married and stay with him.

Although Faridon was the holy king who ruled ancient Persia and had a powerful country and strength, he wanted to take away his three daughters to be his daughters-in-law.

If the ministers hadn't stopped him, King Shanuo would have become anxious and desperate.

In the end, with the advice of his ministers, King Shanuo came up with a way to politely refuse the marriage without harming the harmony between the two countries.

He asked Faridon's sons to come in person, claiming that he wanted to personally examine the character of the three princes.

And Faridun's wisdom, which he had honed over a long period of time, was comparable to that of a god, and he had already seen through everything.

He told his sons beforehand.

How would the king of Saudi Arabia let the princesses come out in order? The youngest princess would come out first, followed by the second princess, and the eldest princess would come out last.

The King of Saudi Arabia will definitely ask you if you can tell the ages of the three princesses.


When the three princes came to Yemen and were received by the king.

Three princesses who looked exactly the same, wore the same clothes and wore the same headdress, as pure as the moon and as beautiful and dazzling as the stars in the sky, came to them one after another.

Even the king, who is the father, and the subjects of this country cannot distinguish the identities of the three princesses.

The king asked the princes to guess which of the three princesses was the elder sister and which one was the younger sister.

If you can't answer, it means you don't love his daughters, so you can't let your daughters marry them.

The order of the three princesses was specially disrupted by the king...

But the king did not expect that Faridon could predict today's events from so far away.

Naturally, I gave the answer with great joy to the princes who held the strategies written by their father in their hands.

After answering correctly, the three people began to praise the princess for her beautiful face like flowers, stars like stars in the sky, eyes like gems, and pure heart like white clouds.

Three princesses who have not experienced social influence and still maintain their innocence have never experienced the scene of being praised by such a handsome prince.

The innocent princesses soon fell in love with each other.

King Shanuo's face darkened.

The test failed, but he was still not ready to give up and hand over his daughter just like that.

So he pretended to entertain the three princes and sent the princess away with them when the waiting period was up.

After the princes got drunk in the rose garden, he used magic to change the climate of the rose garden and used the icy cold wind to secretly freeze the princes to death.

The ministers did not allow him to kill the prince for fear of attracting the revenge of King Faridon. King Shanuo said: "If I don't chop them to death with my own hands, the prince will freeze to death. It has nothing to do with me, right?!"

"..." When everyone saw this, they didn't know what to say because of the king's naive thoughts.

...The prince died on your territory, couldn't others see that it was fishy?

This King of Saudi Arabia is a king after all. Why do you think of things so easily?

Fortunately, the rose garden had been frozen all day, but Faridon already knew everything, and his power protected his sons all night.

On the second day, all the birds on the tree were frozen to death, but nothing happened to the princes.

The king of Saudi Arabia had no choice but to smile and send the princess and princes away.

Until now, no one has found any problems.

Is there a happy ending?

Just when people think that.

Faridon's three sons married the princess,

King Faridon believed that when his sons got married, it was time to make achievements.

So he prepared to allocate the territory that should be governed by his three sons and select a suitable successor.

To test the three sons.

He summoned his three sons,

When the three princes chatted and laughed all the way to the place where their father summoned them,

But he didn't see his father.

Just when they were confused.

...On the ground, a terrifying huge reflection appeared in the eyes of the three people through the moonlight.

That's...the ferocious figures of three evil dragons!

In an instant, a terrifying malice that could defeat ordinary people came from behind them.

It is almost a biological instinct of disgust and fear.

The eldest son, Salm, has wisdom, the second son, Tur, has courage, and the youngest son, Iraj, has both wisdom and courage.

When facing the form of the three-headed dragon that was once defeated by my father (in my opinion),

The three people had different reactions.

The second son who has no courage but no resourcefulness.

The eldest son had enough strategy, but when faced with this absolutely evil figure, his consciousness was taken away and he lost the courage to challenge.

And finally, to Faridon's surprise, the youngest son was worthy of the king's magnanimity.


The three evil dragons disappeared, and then people discovered that the monster was transformed by their father Faridon.

From Faridun's mouth, he learned that this was a trial, after which he would pass the throne to his youngest son, Queen Iraj, who performed best among them.

The other two princes were like a bolt from the blue.

Just because of one choice, they missed the throne?

It was also from that day on that the originally close brothers began to become estranged.

The princes inevitably felt a twinge of jealousy.


As a father, King Faridon did not notice this, but as the youngest brother, Iraj noticed the gradual change in his brothers' attitude towards him.

Not wanting to cause disagreement between his brothers over the same throne, he begged his father to give up the throne to his two brothers.

So Faridon, the king of the world, agreed to him and prepared to hold a reconciliation feast for his three sons in person.

He wrote this letter to his two sons:

"My two lovely sons! Two wise and courageous kings! Like the two high suns of Salem and Tur, to me, what is more important than the throne and crown are the three The love of children and their hearts overflowing with joy.

I love you more than my life.

Iraj, who has received your letter of challenge, has come to you with my letter, expressing his willingness to step down from the throne and obey you two.

You should comfort your brother in pain and trouble, and after spending a few days of happiness together, send this young man back to his father. "The writing was stamped with the king's beautiful seal.

When Iraj approached his brothers' castle, they were already waiting with their entire army. The face of the loving younger brother shines brightly, but the hearts of the older brothers are full of jealousy and dissatisfaction.

Chapter 810: Good intentions gradually extinguish, and the holy fire of change ignites the evil of eschatology!

Although he hopes that his outstanding young son will become the future king of this country.

But Faridun hopes to see the children loving each other more——

How could he bear to refuse his youngest son's sensible request?


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