Things did not develop as the old father expected.

The trial that night was like opening Pandora's box.

Once it was opened, it could never be closed again.

The two brothers could never go back to the past when they loved each other with their younger brother.

The destiny was gone, and the holy king who once fought against evil faced the fratricide between parents and children.

…This evil born from the human heart was so terrible.

Iraji thought that as long as he lost the throne, his two brothers would reconcile with him.

However, his brothers looked at his brother's smile that was as unpolluted as sunlight, and the sincere brotherhood from the heart.

The two brothers felt the ugliness of their hearts more and more.

They were unwilling to admit this, but thought that Iraji was afraid of their power and gave up the throne to save his life.

This "pity" was a shame in the eyes of the two brothers, making them even more angry and jealous.

Iraj's smile was so dazzling in their eyes.

Finally, they swung their rapiers and stabbed Iraj's chest without paying attention.

Then, this kind-hearted and pure young man fell down.

He looked at his dear brothers in disbelief.

The two cruel brothers wrapped their brother's head with musk in silk cloth and sent it to their father.

The noble spices only made the lifeless head emit fragrance in vain.

The old King Faridun waited for many days, but his youngest son did not come back.

In order to eliminate the troubles in his heart, he gathered many musicians and set up a banquet to prepare for his personal welcome.

At this time, a messenger came from a distance, and the king rushed over on horseback and asked: "Where is my child?"

The messenger stopped his fast horse and placed the golden box in front of the king with great sadness, but he could not say a word. The king hurriedly opened the lid and saw the beautiful head of his youngest son in the blood-stained silk.

The king immediately let out a sharp cry and fell off his horse, while the soldiers tore their clothes to express their sorrow. The palace banquet that was supposed to celebrate the return was suddenly filled with wailing.

The king burned everything that reminded him of his beloved son, including the palace of Iraj, the garden of Iraj, and the silk shirt of Iraj, and completely ignored the joy of the world.

The king grabbed his hair and slapped his mouth until it bled, while holding his beloved son's head tightly against his chest. He cried out loudly: "God in heaven!

How tragic! Why do you want to give death to an innocent person!

My dear child, how could you die like this... God, please curse your two conscienceless brothers!"

The wailing was extremely intense, and tears kept flowing down his cheeks. The king's eyes lost their light, and the fire of wailing was born in his heart.

The good thoughts and holy fire of mankind that once burned fiercely, and the justice preserved by Faridun, seemed unable to make this already cold heart beat hotly.

It was supposed to be a sacred fire that could illuminate the darkness and ignite hope in people's hearts.

Now it has become like an ember, deep red and the final posture that ends everything.

The last light that resisted the power of darkness gave up resistance and began to dim.

However, no one except King Faridun noticed the changes that happened to him.

Faridun was immersed in the pain of losing his son and the heavy blow of fratricide between parents and children, and turned a blind eye to his own changes.

In the past -

There was a boy who grew up carefree in this country.

His mother taught him gentleness, and the sacred cow that was both his father and mother taught him how to fight and be brave.

When he first heard about the pain brought by Zahak, the deep hatred,

and then the polishing of time, the encounter with the old blacksmith Kavi.

The old man who had his seventeen sons eaten, but still believed in the kindness of mankind.

From him to the flag, I felt the sense of responsibility called leader.

Faridun didn't understand at first. He should hate the king of this country more than anyone else, but he could understand the old man even if he showed a twisted and hideous expression.

Why did he keep reminding himself when he handed the flag to him,

'Don't be blinded by hatred, please remember the original intention of fighting. '

That flag represents freedom and people's desire for the future. From then on, Faridun was reminded of the old man's words all the time.

And Faridun did keep it in mind.

On the battlefield, when he defeated Zahak's army.

Except for the main culprit, he spared those guilty soldiers.

They were forced to be Zahak's minions and had long hated the wrong things they had done.

Because of King Faridun's forgiveness, the soldiers were moved and joined the army to conquer Zahak, fighting madly and fearlessly to save the country.

The accomplices and minions of the snake king Zahak, who were originally hideous,

In the end, at the critical moment, they risked their lives to block the knife for Faridun, just so that Faridun could achieve the goal they were seeking together -

The country full of sunshine, happiness and warmth, and the future road full of hope.

This kind and bright side of human nature finally let Faridun let go and no longer be swayed by the last trace of hatred in his heart.

What a warm fire!

The fire that illuminates the front and leads the soldiers to keep moving forward!

When Faridun felt the existence of "fire" (human kindness) for the first time, it felt like returning to his mother's warm embrace and quietly listening to the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers outside the window.

He prayed to the goddess Venus for victory—

I sincerely hope that this battle will be over once and for all.

It was also the first time I understood the meaning of being a hero.

Even this small, insignificant happiness will be destroyed by Zahak.

I want to share this happiness with others, and I want everyone to feel the warm fire given by the King of Sunshine who created all things.

This must be the most beautiful and touching thing that the Creator has given to mankind.

For this reason, it is not to become a king who rules others - like Zahak, who only knows pleasure and is cruel and greedy.

Faridon just wants everyone to feel the warmth of the flame of happiness.

Determined to punish evil and promote good, he finally became a sage king who was known as wise and loved by people.

But in the end, the Holy King saved everyone,

The kindness of humanity that he thought was worth spending his whole life to protect,

Now, when it comes to his two sons, where have they gone?

He gave up his hatred and did not even kill Zahak in the end.

Following the instructions of the gods (killing Zahak would cause great disaster), he simply imprisoned him on the mountain.

Give up hatred and firmly believe in the kindness of mankind...

He is tortured by the power of darkness all day long and endures it, even if he becomes a monster because of it,

He never wavered.

He once firmly believed that if one day he could not resist the evil thoughts in his heart, he would become the devil.

His proud sons will definitely continue the fire of hope built from human kindness and defeat him.

But now——

It was not him who was swallowed up by evil thoughts, so why did that tragic fate befall his sons...

Chapter 811: Reversal of aura—The Overlord’s Light Wheel!


That night, the original test of gathering the sons was not a test of wisdom and courage by transforming into a three-headed dragon.

During these long years, Faridon had already understood what the dark aura that entered his body from Zahak's body was.

After defeating the Snake King, will he eventually turn into a monster and devil like the Snake King?

Dragon slayers will eventually become evil dragons.

That is the power of the three-headed dragon, the evil god Azdahaka.

With this power, he has the ability to temporarily transform into the form of the sworn demon king.

And the [Aura] belonging to the wise king will also change due to its attributes.

Transformed into the radiance of the Overlord that ignites eschatology.

Faridon, who had restrained and suppressed the power in his body for a long time, suddenly couldn't bear the huge power in his body that day, and briefly transformed into the posture of a three-headed dragon.

Taking advantage of the situation, Faridon put his sons to the test.

The wise second son was so frightened that he didn't even have the courage to look up at him. He sat there and trembled.

The eldest son, who possessed courage, was the first to overcome his fear, but rushed forward recklessly, without considering the difference in strength between himself and the enemy.

The youngest son is calm and brave...

He dropped the vessel to attract the attention of the three evil dragons, and asked his brothers to go first to find his father for support.

The fierce ruby ​​eyes reveal rational approval——

Faridon saw that no matter which one of his eldest and second sons handed over his throne in the future, it would not be enough to give birth to a king who could truly lead the people towards a better future.

Only by combining courage and wisdom can we open up a longer road.

Only then - the chance to defeat the sworn devil!

His choice was not wrong,

But Faridon misjudged the greed and jealousy of human nature.

Now that I think about it, it is the sin that has always been hidden in the hearts of the sons.

Or was it because he inadvertently revealed himself as a dragon, and his two sons were affected by darkness?

The old holy king no longer had the confidence he had when he was young. At this time, he could only hold the body of his youngest son and burst into tears.

If he hadn't been afraid that he wouldn't be able to control that power, he would become as cruel as Zahak and his temperament would change drastically.

If he had chosen to try to grasp that power instead of resisting it——

Will there be an outbreak of dark power? Will the ending be very different now?

As a king and a hero, Faridon is much, much better than Zahak.

The aura in his body combined its own power with Azdahaka's power to form a new power that was several times stronger than Zahak's.

If he were to transform into one, he would be able to show the true strength of the evil god's incarnation.

However, this king no longer needs more power and just wants to quietly wait for his country and lovely people and enjoy the happiness of his family.

I don't want to take that risk and chase this power that doesn't belong to me.


One of the cruelest tragedies in this world is when a man with white hair sends a man with black hair.

There is nothing more painful than fratricide. For a father who loves his children deeply, it is such a painful torture.

His hatred, his despair, the man who has reached the end of his life, only to realize that the so-called heroes are worthless to him compared with the health and peace of his family.

Knock down the three-headed and six-eyed snake king, expel the darkness, challenge Azdahaka,

The king who ignites the goodness in the world, burns his own body, continues to rule this country, and waits for the people,

Only then did I realize how fragile I really was.

"I should have understood this earlier...

It is not me, nor the heroes, who are truly protecting this country. It is the kindness in human nature, the glory itself." Faridun.

Even without Faridun, one day, the common expectations and pursuits of the people will surely illuminate the darkness and keep moving forward.

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