It will also undermine people's self-confidence and enthusiasm. "

"There is no need to talk about these topics anymore! Maintaining a good reputation will be more conducive to Atlanta's ability to absorb foreign capital.

I have a solution to your financial problems! "

Rhine felt his eyes light up.

‘Master, have you figured out a way yet? So fast, so awesome! ’

"Sir, what's the solution?!" The nobles looked at each other, realizing that they still couldn't think of any good solution, and they all looked curiously at Homura on the high platform.

"Bank, national debt!" Two simple words came out of Yan's mouth.

The people below were stunned.

What's OK? What debt?

Do you understand? I didn't understand either.

Chapter 831 This is much faster than grabbing money directly!

...Everyone looked confused.

‘Bank, national debt’, if you look at these words separately, they can understand them.

However, taken together, I don’t understand its meaning at all.

The evolution of humans from ape-man to homo sapiens took about three million years.

However, from the development of the ancients to the present, it was completed in just a few thousand years.

Hundreds of years after the start of the Industrial Revolution, mankind has completely broken away from backward productivity, and the speed of progress is even more terrifying.

They developed airplanes that can fly into the sky and submarines that can fly into the sea.

Living in high-rise buildings, eating delicacies shipped from all over the world,

Enjoy warm winters and cool summers with the convenience of air conditioning and floor heating.

You can communicate via video even though you are thousands of miles apart. No matter where you go, you can reach the other side of the world in one day by plane.

The world is completely connected and the planet has become a global village.

And what caused all this was just that critical turning point.

This is a race full of infinite possibilities.

For them, the hardest thing is never going from 1 to 99.

It's the process of changing from 0 to 1.

That turning point that comes from nothing!

Although people at this time could not understand Homura's words, it was simply because they did not understand these concepts.

And all Yan needs to do is to teach them this concept.

He believed that even if he did nothing in the future, with a little guidance, these people would be able to solve the problem on their own.

"Sir, can you tell us more specifically? That... what bank?

And the national debt? ! "The nobles below looked at each other, and finally sent a representative to ask awkwardly.

For nobles, profound knowledge is a reflection of proving that their family is long and ancient enough.

This is what they are proud of,

This is also the biggest difference between them and the untouchables.

But now there are words that they don't understand at all and have never heard of.

“The so-called national debt means Yin eats Mao grain.

Based on the credit of the country,

The empire issued treasury bonds, raised funds by issuing IOUs to its subjects, and promised a certain amount of interest.

When it expires, citizens hold the IOU and can get their wealth back with interest.

In other words, in simple words, it means to spend the empire's future financial revenue in advance. "

‘Yin eats maoliang? ’

Very good, it’s another new term that I can’t understand together.

But this does not prevent everyone from understanding the meaning of Yan's words.

A group of nobles suddenly felt a little disappointed and weird.

Having said all that, isn’t it just asking the people to borrow money? This is not the same as someone proposing to borrow money from a noble.

I thought it was such a mysterious and profound concept.

To borrow money in the name of the country——

The idea of ​​'national debt' is very novel in the eyes of the nobles, but it still hasn't changed much.

“Isn’t this similar to a loan between nobles?

According to me, you should adopt my previous suggestion and raise funds and donations from the wealthy nobles of the old school! "A new nobleman said excitedly.

Flame shook his head.

The rising noble's voice seemed to be stuck in his throat, and he looked at Yan with confusion and resentment.

Isn't what he said correct? !

Homura: "The issuance of national bonds is voluntary. It doesn't matter whether businessmen or civilians buy it or not.

Its threshold can be as low as one gold coin. Even an average well-off family can buy it.

The empire could raise large amounts of gold coins.

But forcing people to raise funds can easily inspire rebellious psychology and expose the emptiness of the empire. "

“But wouldn’t issuing national debt also expose the empire’s financial problems?!

Although your proposal is good, it will still have a lot of negative impacts on Atlanta. "

An old nobleman frowned and said in a deep voice.

Although he was grateful for the new method that Yan came up with, it prevented him and others from being stared at by the emerging nobles for surgery.

But whether they are the old school or the emerging school, they all think about the future of the empire from the bottom of their hearts.

In a country that has experienced blood and fire, it is time for the king and his ministers to work together to gradually guide the country to become rich, powerful and prosperous.

It is precisely because of this that even the nobles restrained their selfishness and desires.

Flame has naturally thought about this problem.

In this world where productivity is backward and capital ideas are in their infancy.

'Catch the chicken and lay the egg' is probably the best solution these nobles can come up with.

Wanting to keep the empire strong on the outside without revealing its internal emptiness and cowardice,

He had already prepared the best of both worlds.

And this is not a hasty temporary decision, nor is it a plan that was prepared because of the current problem of empty treasury, but something that has been preset for a long time.

It is the new big reform that Homura mentioned before.

Now that the territory has grown exponentially——

Yan's transformation area does not need to be limited to the small principality of Ceylon.

"Let's make an alliance! The Grand Duke of Ceylon and the King of Atlan." Instead of explaining anything directly, Yan looked in the direction of Hitti and Rhine first.

Both girls were stunned.

'alliance……? ’

"Master Master, Sister Hiti and I have always been loyal allies." Rhine said doubtfully.

The Principality of Ceylon and the Atlan Empire have established many diplomatic relations, and even during wartime they often send troops to help Atlan.

"I don't mean that kind of temporary alliance. But a formal alliance!" Yan looked at the two women with piercing eyes.

Not only military, but also economical unity has been achieved!

At this time, Yan finally mentioned the second 'bank' concept again.

Banks - legally established financial institutions that engage in money and credit business - were opened in various cities in Ceylon and Atlanta.

Currency savings businesses were opened everywhere to encourage people to store gold coins in banks.

When you need gold coins, just go to the bank and withdraw cash.

This led to the concept of time deposits.

Businessmen and nobles with extra money can choose a dead deposit method with a minimum of three months and a maximum of five years.

The gold coins can only be withdrawn at the agreed time.

But the bank will give depositors a rate of return on their fixed deposit amount.

The longer you save, the more interest you earn!

This novel way of managing money instantly attracted the attention of the old aristocrats.

They stared at Homura with wide eyes and shock, and immediately realized the ingenuity of this bank.

Countries can borrow money from time deposits to rapidly develop their economy and become richer, stronger and more prosperous.

And people who keep their money in banks will receive more money in the future.

It not only meets the needs of development, but also provides tangible benefits to the people.

This is much more honorable than directly asking wealthy businessmen and old people (nobles) to forcibly 'borrow money'.

"How, how can you actually raise money like this?" The rising noble couldn't help but murmured, and fell into deep self-doubt.

‘Why didn’t I think of that?

Such a simple and easy-to-use method. ah! ’

Chapter 832 Killing without showing blood is the essence of sages and demons!


If the bank was really that good and so easy to establish, Homura wouldn't have brought it up now.

Under the premise of all this, we must ensure that people are willing to deposit their money in banks.

In this era where gods and evil dragons coexist, and all major races are hostile and wary of each other.

If a dragon attacks at random, it can push down the capital of a kingdom with just one breath of dragon's breath.

Without sufficient force and prestige, it is impossible to protect the bank and establish the prestige of the bank's absolute safety in people's minds.

And there is the alliance of the original land of the Northern Theocracy, Atlan, and Ceylon, two giant empires and large principalities.

Among the human kingdoms in the surrounding area, there is no stronger alliance than theirs.

As a victorious country that has won successive wars - Atlan.

After showing off his powerful muscles...

In the eyes of those opportunistic businessmen, is there any place more suitable for settling down and storing wealth?

If they heard about the existence of the bank and the state guarantee behind it, no wealthy businessman would refuse the temptation called 'peace of mind'.

Human beings are creatures that pursue peace of mind. No matter how much we pay for it, it is worth it.

"Not only that, we can also issue special virtual currency to replace real currency in the exchange of general equivalents." Homura added with a slight smile, narrowing his eyes.

"Virtual currency?"

Everyone spoke in surprise. At this time, they saw the 'Sage' in front of them take out a magic crystal and slowly walked to the conference table and placed it on it.

"Everyone knows this."

"Magic crystal...that's not..."

The alchemical product of the legendary troubadour Andersen's released work,

At the same time, in people's eyes, there is something vaguely related to Merlin, the Flower Magician.

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