At this time, the other party took out the magic crystal and wanted to do something.

"You all know that for the updated epics in Magic Crystal, you need to go to major bookstores and pay to unlock the subsequent parts.

Let's say we set up a virtual currency. Gold coins can be traded into this currency at banks and used to purchase objects of equal value.

Imagine such a situation... Will the people of Atlanta and Ceylon be able to get rid of the shackles of money when they go out in the future? Just swipe on the magic crystal to complete a huge number of item transactions! "

Yes, does it sound familiar? Alipay is now online.

“At that time, the empire can greatly save the cost of minting coins, speed up the circulation of currency, and stimulate the development of commerce.

Merchants no longer have to escort convoys filled with boxes of gold coins when traveling to buy and sell.

You should know what this means! "

"We will establish a new financial system. This convenient virtual currency will affect all surrounding humans and nations in the future.

The currency exchange rates of various countries will be linked to this.

When that time comes, simply adjust the exchange rate.

Guess what happens if I change the next number? "As Yan gently raised an index finger to his lips,

The nobles around were stunned and trembling all over. It was a creepy feeling.

“In the future, all the wealth of the entire continent, and even the world, in this plane will be easily taken away by us.

This is the power of capital! "

Frightened, afraid, terrible... Although I still don't fully understand what every word in Homura's words means.

But following Homura's description, the nobles who saw the results of this plan trembled all over.

demon--! This man is like a demon in human skin.


Incubi are also a type of demon.

Even if you praise me like this, there will be no reward! ’

People's minds automatically imagined the smiling posture of 'Merlin', a little devil.

In fact, Homura didn't do anything at all, he just stood there with a smile.

This kind of bloodless war was once the specialty of a certain Star Flag country on Earth.

The debt crisis caused by the massive issuance of government bonds eventually became the trigger for the global financial crisis.

The bloody history has already told mankind everything.

This is a kind of war that is more terrifying and silent than fighting on the battlefield. Although there is no blood, it is more terrifying and silent.

The devil who kills without blood!

Speaking of which, Merlin seems to have the title of demon spirit.

The nobles were in a daze for a while.

They were all deceived by the gentle appearance of the Flower Magician, but his essence was still cunning and full of wisdom.

Fortunately, they are not enemies, but companions...

Otherwise, they will definitely be played to the point where not even the bones and dregs are left.

"Of course, this plan can be done slowly. The first thing is to set up the bank.

The issuance of treasury bonds can also be carried out simultaneously. With the bank as a cover, even if some clever businessmen guessed something, they were not sure whether the treasury was really empty. "

It’s determined, as long as there is no evidence, it won’t have much impact.

The nobles did not dare to have the slightest objection and were attracted by the beautiful blueprint.

They are almost all suppressing the fiery and greedy desires in their hearts, and they can't wait to see the day when the plan is actually realized.

Are nobles greedy for money?

Maybe some won’t, but there are definitely those who are greedy for money!

The primitive accumulation of capital is almost always full of blood.

Patriotism and the desire to satisfy greed are not in conflict.

Both established nobles and emerging nobles are eager to make their families richer and more powerful.

The nobles who saw a lot of money prospects from Homura's plan naturally had no reason to refuse this big pie.

Even if this makes them become the minions of the 'devil'.

But who can have trouble with money?

And Yan is ready to personally supervise and guide the implementation of this plan.

According to different national conditions in different worlds, the inventory interest rate, deposit requirement ratio and other standards developed by banks need to be carefully calculated and modified.

If one is not careful and causes economic deflation, it will cause an economic depression that is more terrible than inflation.


After Hitti and Rhine signed the treaty of alliance.

The plan progressed at a frightening pace.

Led by the city of Ceylon, the capital of Atlan, and the capital of the Theocratic State, Jade Cold, they were the first to establish a bank presence.

Subsequently, it spread to dozens of large and medium-sized cities around it, and new buildings were constantly erected.

The magic crystal also keeps tweeting, reminding people of the existence of this new building - the "bank".

We even warmly sent everyone a letter about the role of the bank and how to use it.

The Ex-Machines also came in handy again, and they were all used by Homura as bank staff.

Although the empire has begun to recruit personnel of appropriate age for training across the country.

But this still requires a lot of running-in time.

"It's not enough!" Yan sighed.

It would be nice if there were tens of thousands of Ex-Machines, no...even a few thousand would be enough!

Chapter 833 The Seventh Singularity, the Absolute Warcraft Front!

Opening a bank is just a necessity of life!

As expected, people still have to have their own preferences and pursuits.

Even as he prepares for the implementation of bank and national debt, Homura has no intention of stopping the pace of epic updates.

Time is coming to the usual time for the release of new epics.

"This is one of the pleasures of life... can't give up."

Although it's been a few years since I last updated, it seems interesting to see the anxious look of the people in the other world, Yan thought with some pleasure.

But if he does this, Andersen's reputation may become worse than Merlin.

Because the suspense of the next epic is often left in the previous epic, there are already many people in the countries of the other world continent who are called "old thieves".

"Let's update the seventh singularity first."

I reorganized the Crusaders before, and I have to give an explanation to the old man about this matter.

The warriors formed by these religious believers have more firm beliefs than ordinary people and are difficult to shake.

A large number of pagans stay in Atlan, and as the state religion of Atlan, it is not excessive to force these people to change their beliefs.

The old man's degree of rejection of pagans is not as persistent as that of the fanatic.

But since I promised the old man to help him spread his faith in this world...

"The seventh singularity can be said to be the highlight moment of the old man Wang Hassan. It just fills the hole dug in the subsequent Gilgamesh epic."

Yan can already foresee that as the magic crystal gradually becomes the Internet in the other world,

the opening of banks will accelerate the arrival of the information age.

In the next few years, human society will achieve a leap forward.

Originally, it was difficult to appear in the technological side of the world line in the other world due to local conditions...

The appearance of this world will also be more and more similar to the future scene shown in the epic.

By that time, there is no need to distinguish between truth and lies.

And releasing the story of the seventh singularity during this period will certainly cause a greater devastating impact on the faith of the gods.

After all-

'This time, mankind's opponent is the Mother Goddess of Creation! '

This will be the most difficult and dangerous journey.

However, once crossed, mankind will lose almost all their awe of the power of the gods...

What remains is the awe of power alone, which will be no different from other powerful creatures-dragons, demons, giants, etc.

"They will begin to learn to think. The gap between humans and gods who also have emotions and great power is not as far as imagined.

That is not the distance between heaven and earth that cannot be touched.

For great gods who are truly detached from the world and love humans deeply, the faith will become more respectful.

As for false gods, our usual way of dealing with them is to reward them with two intercontinental missiles to verify their authenticity!

These days, not everyone with a little bit of strength can call themselves gods."

Yan smiled...

Faith should be like Wang Hassan, more of a belief, a spiritual sublimation, and a persistence in one's own ideas.

Having faith but not being paranoid, and respecting pagans.

Just like a sentence, 'The Lord is always in my heart! '

Do you believe in the ideal God who you think treats everything gently?

Or the God in reality who has never paid much attention to humans, neither likes nor hates humans, and is actually indifferent to everything about humans!

Think about the dxd world, the holy sword girls who collapsed directly after hearing that the God of the Bible died.

Yan is like the fallen angel cadre Kokabile who opened the magic box and announced the news of "God is dead" to the devout lambs.

And the impact of his epic is more terrible than the war that the fallen angel wanted to start.

This will not involve a certain mythological system, but a spring breeze that will silently lead the disaster and future of the gods and demons of the entire plane.

Yan suddenly remembered a certain god he had seen again not long ago.

It seems to be the God of Alchemy! Yan saw him when he was arranging the bank building in the capital of Ceylon before.

He seemed to be very interested in his new building. When he passed by, he stood outside and watched for a long time.

In fact, the God of Alchemy was indeed very interested in this new building.

If the first batch of employees of the bank were not all Mechas.

Hermitos might have found a way to sneak in to work.

Hermitos himself did not notice that his tireless acquisition of new knowledge, and his constant dissemination and influence on believers, caused a shock and spiritual impact.

In return, the godhood has gradually changed.

There is a tendency to produce spirituality.

Hermitos, who originally only pursued spirituality, has already completely fallen in love with this path of constantly exploring new knowledge.

Although he is becoming more and more obsessed with learning and does not notice his own changes, Yan can see that his soul and godhood are somewhat different from before.

Look -

Isn't this the future!

His epic is not unilaterally targeting the gods, but more of Yan's own preferences.

So Yan did not express anything about the gods like Hermitos who can take a new path.

He does not care about the changes of the gods.

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