But if it was because of his epic, the gods would have a hard time.

‘It’s none of my business!

Even if you feel wronged, you have to hold it in for me. If you disturb me from preaching (cultural invasion) to another world, leave it all to the old man.

Let’s first fight the knife head-on and avoid death! ’

For Yan, it has been a simple thing to do two or three things.


The sample with the words 'Seventh Singularity Absolute Warcraft Front—Babylonia' was quickly completed and appeared on the table in front of Homura.


"Meow meow! Yes, yes!" In the past two days, the cat-eared girl Yuye was exhausted from the work assigned to her by Yan (some bank personnel training and deployment related matters).

Unlike those tireless machines, she was extremely tired.

I just yawned, secretly dozed off, and took a nap. I was dreaming of a delicious dinner of dried fish, but I was woken up.

However, this former orc princess is now basically used to being summoned around by the flame user.

When she saw the manuscript that Homura handed her, Miao's sleepiness disappeared instantly!

‘The seventh singular point? ’

'Meow! ! Meow meow meow! ' There seemed to be two kittens jumping around and barking excitedly in Yuzuye's heart.

One black and one white like a demon and an angel.

Black kitten: I want to see it! Want to see it! Want to see it!

White kitten: Give me one too! +1+1!

Very good, this time the good thoughts and evil thoughts reached a perfect consensus, and the two kittens looked at each other sympathetically.

It seemed as if she was telling Yuzuha not to worry about any choice this time.

There is only one choice left anyway.

"Complete the task first, and don't peek until it's done!" Yan said suddenly.

Yuzuha, who was still excited at first, was about to nod in accordance with the two voices in her heart, when she heard Homura's words and her eyes widened immediately.

Chapter 834: Shan Weng, Ti Ma, and the new King of Heroes!

This, this is...what cruel words!

Why are there such cold-blooded and ruthless magicians in the world!

Yuzu looked pitifully at Homura with watery eyes, like a wronged little pet.

Homura's last words made her whole body turn black and white.

No, the whole cat is in trouble.

The two black and white kittens inside the little darling began to meow miserably and helplessly, as if they had heard something unbelievable and terrifying.

"Go quickly!" Yan added with a smile.

It's just a tool, no protests allowed, just keep it to yourself if you have any ideas.

The unscrupulous boss bullies the poor employees and eats steamed buns with human blood.

This scene simply made Cui Ran cry.

Just when the cat-eared girl began to work hard for life and bowed to reality.

She was so honest that she didn't dare to disobey Yan's orders, and she really didn't peek.

The efficiency this time was also surprisingly fast.

People who have purchased magic crystals before will soon get a vibrating notification sound.

Andersen's new epic - "The Seventh Singularity: Absolute Warcraft Front" is about to be launched.

Even major bookstores have hung new banners.

The font color is like a blue flame, with words like this written on it:

"There is no life without death, and only with death can there be life. The beast of disaster, the evil born from human beings. The name of the title is not what I need. The strongest proof only needs to be placed on this sword." - Hassan. (Shan Wengjusudra)

People only knew King Hassan and knew the pseudonym of Shan Weng Jusudra, but just the two words Hassan made people on the roadside stop in their tracks.

Those unfamiliar and harsh words, new settings such as titles, beasts of disaster, evil born from humans, etc., made everyone couldn't help but open their eyes slightly.

In addition to the banner, the poster also printed the appearance of Tima, a beast (BEASTⅡ) who holds the principle of "return" and represents one of the seven human evils.

With long silver hair, huge dragon horns, and pink-purple eyes, stars seemed to be shining.

At the bottom of the poster were written such words with a touch of sadness and sorrow.

‘I have given birth to many lives, and I have been loved by all living beings. But the children saw me as a jumping off point and left me. I want to love them all the time and want them to stay with me forever. Is my love... all wrong? ’

The name of the new epic, ‘Seventh Singularity: Absolute Warcraft Front’, also caught people’s attention.

"It's the seventh singularity..."

"Is the new epic finally coming out? That's great."

"In my lifetime, I actually saw that the seventh singularity was updated. I thought I would first fill in the two, three, four, and five that were not written before."

A group of people started discussing it enthusiastically on the street.

In the capitals of Ceylon, Lindo, and Atlanta, you may not know the name of the king, but you must know Andersen's name.

Life is incomplete without reading Andersen's epic.

This sentence went viral on the mainland and was unanimously recognized by people. Even other nearby races did not comment on it.

Especially the elves, because there is an official bookstore in the elven country next to Ceylon, so the impact on them is second only to humans.

At this time, humans and elves also began to talk about the new characters mentioned on posters and banners.

“Look at the banner, will a new Hassan appear this time?

And who is the silver-haired woman on the poster? So beautiful! "

“It looks like you’re standing on a lake.

This picture is so white, ahem, no... This sky is so big, ahem... No! "A human male opened his eyes wide and stared at Tiamat on the poster.

If he knew that the background he thought was a lake was actually the Sea of ​​Life.

If he knew that the real Tiamat in the poster was nearly 74 million km high.

The expression at this time must be quite wonderful.

Tiamat——that translates to the meaning of 'mother of all life'.

Although Tiamat's real name (in a different world font) was seen in a corner of the poster, he didn't think too much about it.

People remembered the preview at the end of the sixth chapter.

This time the singularity should be in Mesopotamia.

So, what can we do to see the hero king Gilgamesh?

Some people read the epic of the sixth singularity and the epic of Gilgamesh again because they can't see the seventh singularity for the time being.

When reviewing the short story about Gilgamesh's sudden death, everyone had a new view.

The main story of the Epic of Gilgamesh clearly stated that it ended when the snake ate the elixir of immortality.

But the plot of death from overwork is obviously not the history of the normal world offline.

'The King of Heroes may appear in this singularity epic.'

Such speculation spread in the capital faster than the speed of the epic's release.

It made a group of loyal fans of the King of Heroes even more excited.

Finally -

The day has come for the epic to be released the day after tomorrow.

As a loyal fan of Andersen, Hermitos, out of habit, even teleported to the capital of the kingdom and lined up early to update the physical book and the epic in the magic crystal!

The young man in front of him had no idea that the line The man behind him turned out to be a god, otherwise he would have been able to brag about it for the rest of his life!

I thought that I had also queued up with gods to buy Andersen's epic!

Not only that -

This time, because of the new news about the hero king Gilgamesh, even the dragon-slaying sword saint Harut (the original hero king in the other world) came to the bookstore early in person under an inexplicable impulse and quietly queued behind Hermitos.

When he came, he wore a long black robe to prevent being recognized by others and causing a commotion, but he didn't know that the person standing in front of him had an even more shocking identity.

When the owner of the Violet Bookstore looked at Hermitos and Harut, the two earliest customers who patronized the bookstore, leaving with a friendly and smiling face,

the bookstore owner was still sighing in his heart that he could make money by borrowing Andersen's epic again this time. A big sum of money.

He didn't realize how rare he missed the opportunity to meet a big shot.

Of course -

He might miss more opportunities like this in the future.

Back to his mansion, Harut took off his robe and looked at the epic in his hand. Only then did he have the opportunity to look at the cover of the epic.

I bought it in a hurry before and didn't look closely.

When I noticed the pattern of countless heroes gathered on the cover of the epic.

There are goddess Venus, Xiao En, Merlin, Medusa Lily, old man Wang Hassan, etc., many familiar and unknown heroes.

But Harut's eyes were immediately attracted by the figure at the top of the cover.

It was a figure holding a slate-like magic book in one hand, with a faint smile, and looking down at the golden king below with blood-red eyes.

Not wearing the familiar armor, confidently and wildly open in front of the body, is full of beautiful chest muscles and abdominal muscles.

This posture -!

Although he changed his attire, Harut still recognized his identity at the first time...

"Hero King Gilgamesh...!"

But - magic book?

Chapter 835 The King's Gaze Back, Uruk Still Exists Here!

"Should I read the physical book first, or the magic crystal first? I'm really confused."

On the other side, the blacksmith's son, who had just bought an epic, showed a distressed look.

"Smelly boy! Why did you take so long to buy a book!" The old blacksmith suddenly reached out from behind and took the epic from his son's hand.

"I'll finish reading it first, you read it later." After saying that, he didn't wait for his son to react.

In the other's wide eyes, the old blacksmith happily carried the roast chicken and malt liquor he had just bought into the inner room, bang!

As the sound of the door closing rang out, the blacksmith's son looked at this scene with his mouth wide open.

Very good, there is no choice now, he can only look at the magic crystal.

On the other side...

The old blacksmith was also complacent with his wit.

In the morning, when he saw the brat running towards the bookstore as soon as he got up, he knew his son must have gone to buy epics.

The old blacksmith took advantage of this time to buy roast chicken from the store next door, and went to the Adventurer's Inn to get a barrel of malt liquor.

When he came back, the time was just right, and his tool son had successfully brought back the epic.

‘This son was not born in vain! ’

Just when the old blacksmith was very proud.

On the other side, the depressed and unhappy blacksmith son entered the magic crystal.

When he flipped through the newly released "The Seventh Singularity. Absolute Warcraft Front" on the bookshelf, the system prompt sound of the crystal suddenly asked him if he wanted to enter the immersive mode.

This made the blacksmith son, who was originally a little resentful, stunned for a moment.

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