"Immersion mode!"

"!? The seventh singularity actually has immersion mode?"

wow! The blacksmith's son was shocked and then ecstatic.

Hahahahaha! Hahahahahahaha! !

There is an immersion mode!

Who can read the pages of a book that cannot be moved when you can directly experience the history of the world?

Although you can't see the paper version of the epic for the first time, the immersive version is even better.

Thinking back to the magnificent and mind-blowing scene when I experienced the immersive epic before,

The blacksmith's son was extremely excited.

He couldn't wait to choose 'yes'.

The next moment, his consciousness sank, he crossed a certain membrane, and entered the virtual world where Homura evolved from the game godhead.

"Is this...?" the blacksmith's son.

In the darkness, a howling cold wind slowly blew past my ears.

Even before I opened my eyes, I already had the feeling of being in a silent night in my mind.

As his consciousness gradually awakened, a distant sound of music came from the distant horizon.

When Homura was creating the epic, he had already decided that the immersive experience of Chapter 7 would start this time.

After all, many magnificent and shocking pictures are difficult to express using words alone.

Especially the farewell sword that bid farewell to the age of gods and chose to open the era of humans.

It has special meaning for human beings.

In order to experience the shocking feeling as perfectly as possible, Homura used the PV scene when Chapter 7 just came out for an immersive beginning.

The voice heard by the blacksmith's son at this time was the animation dubbing in the PV.

As the music played, the surrounding darkness gradually receded, and the blacksmith's son was finally able to open his eyes.

A large bright moon appeared in his field of vision.

The sky was endless, filled with white clouds, and a slender figure with long emerald hair and a white robe was standing on a high cliff with his back turned.

The soft hair swayed slightly in the breeze.

That familiar and beautiful figure seemed to have become a world-famous painting at this moment. The blacksmith's son opened his eyes wide and his lips trembled, trying to pronounce his name.

‘Enkidu! This look is right...it must be Xiao En! ’

The cry of an eagle suddenly sounded, and the blacksmith's son suddenly found that his perspective was uncontrollably following an eagle that began to quickly approach 'Enkidu' in his field of vision.

This made the blacksmith's son feel anxious and excited at the same time. Just when he opened his eyes in excitement, he thought he would see the face of 'Enkidu' soon.

He turned his head tightly, trying to turn his face to see Xiao En's beautiful face.

‘That’s a beautiful face that even King Gilgamesh is obsessed with! ’

However, the eagle flew to the sky in an instant——

Following another violent cry, the blacksmith's son's vision suddenly went blank, and he finally saw nothing.

On the other side——

The little princess who also accidentally discovered the immersive experience was a little confused looking at the white space in front of her.

When the vision returned to clarity again, the music that sounded like the start of a holy war came to mind as the battle line against the demonic beasts was revealed: Myka.

People's vision appeared thousands of feet above the ground, with an unobstructed view of the entire Mesopotamian plain.

When that perspective quickly crossed the mountains and rivers, facing the brightly lit temple in the distance like the morning sun rising from the horizon.

The scene that seemed to have truly returned to Mesopotamia in a distant era made the little princesses and the others open their eyes in shock.

Soon the perspective went all the way down to the temple, which turned out to be an ancient and prosperous city.

Following the stone slabs of the street, two familiar figures looking back slightly appeared in front of them again.

‘It’s Chaldea’s Master and Mash! ’ He quickly recognized the other party’s identity.

Real-life versions of Guda and Mashu! ! Before the blacksmith's son and the others could express their excitement.

The angle of view suddenly accelerated, heading towards the towering palace deep in the city.

‘Hey, hey, hey! ! ’

With a cry of surprise, his body seemed to be out of control.

After crossing the stairs, crossing the hall, and finally arriving at the highest palace, I saw the ancient king sitting on the throne with one hand on the side of his face.

When the golden king's music reached its peak in the Absolute Warcraft Front, he slowly opened his scarlet eyes!

The little princess's heart was beating nervously.

At that moment, they looked at Wang's face and lost their minds at this handsome scene.

‘——Hero...King! ’

...It's the King of Heroes!

An emotion that was even more exciting than when I saw Xiao En appeared in my heart inexplicably.

Seeing this living King of Heroes in person, I felt a sense of satisfaction and amazement that could not be expressed in words for a while.

‘O living King of Heroes! ! !

Ahhhhh! ! !

I saw the living wise king! ’ The little princess shouted excitedly.

Different from the Pharaoh epic about playing cards,

Because there was a warm-up to the Epic of Gilgamesh beforehand, people were even more excited to see the true form of the king.


Did you really see Wang's back, which seemed more perfect and handsome than in the illustrations and fantasy? !

Just looking back at this king, this irreproducible temperament——

...satisfied! Completely satisfied!

The blacksmith's son was equally excited, but as a boy, it was impossible for him to act like a fan of girls, so he was still restrained.

Although he is an Arthurian! I prefer the Star Swordsman who saves the world,

But for the King of Gold, the hero King Gilgamesh who dared to resist the gods also admired and admired him very much.

The old paper man's sword that can't move is compared with the moving wise king in front of him.

The blacksmith's son was so handsome when he opened his eyes just now, and he felt that the proportion of adoration in his heart was beginning to waver!

This epic is indeed...!

Will King Gilgamesh also appear?

Chapter 836: The frightened people: What is this? !

Although some people have discovered the ‘Easter egg’ of this epic...

——Updated the immersive mode viewing.

However, more people choose physical books for the first time.

The short plot of the PV is more like a unique preface to an epic. It is a special segment that is unique to the immersive experience.

…People who are reading the physical book at this time don’t know this.

As for the blacksmith's son, the perspective suddenly jumps to Chaldea, and the main plot of the epic epic in the physical book version finally matches up.

"Hey, good morning, Matthew.

Today I want to talk about some personal topics. "

As soon as the official plot entered, people saw the doctor for the first time in a long time.

Matthew and Roman are in a ward.

Then Roman told Matthew a cruel and unfortunate news, that Matthew's life activities were about to reach the limit.

Romani Achiman: "Just as human beings have no future, you also have no future."

(Is Matthew’s physical condition?)

It was such a heavy topic from the beginning.

In people's minds, the relevant memories from the previous epic gradually revived with Roman's words.

Doctor: “This was doomed from the beginning.

No one can change it, neither me nor you. "

Words like that seem particularly dazzling.

However, Romani's next words made everyone's hearts sink to the bottom.

“Even the Holy Grail, known as the universal wish machine, must not be able to change this fate.

However, the Holy Grail is just a projection from a slightly higher dimensional phase, and is just a crystallization of superior magic resources. "

In the previous epic, some people also speculated that after completely saving the world, Matthew's body might be repaired by the Holy Grail.

Those were the words the doctor used to comfort everyone with a gentle smile.

But this time——

Are you sure it's hopeless?

Everyone was shocked and at the same time felt a pain in their hearts. My heart aches for the pure and kind-hearted beautiful girl who has to fight for the survival of humanity at such a flowery age, but cannot be redeemed.

But what happened to the doctor this time?

...I always feel that the doctor's behavior in the epic is a bit strange.

Even Mashu’s voice expressed when he sensed something was wrong.

Roman: "You will die soon. It has nothing to do with your will.

Just because you [are made this way]. "

After that, the doctor didn't wait for Matthew to reply, and muttered one or other words.

"Aren't you willing to give in? Or will you be sad?

Don't you feel empty? "

"From the very beginning of life, death is doomed.

In a destined state, it possesses the function of growth.

Since you are going to die anyway, then just don’t grow. Whether it is physical or mental, it is enough to maintain the same state from beginning to end. "

“This way, there will be no sorrow and pain in life.

All things can be equal, and everything can have meaning from the beginning. "


People looked at Dr. Roman's series of words with some confusion.

It sounds like he wants to instill some special ideas in Matthew.

This kind of doctor seemed very... strange for a moment?

They felt a little nervous for some reason.

The blacksmith's son in the immersive experience stared blankly at Roman's pupils, 'The doctor's expression seems to have changed. Is it an illusion? ’

“Yet all life on this planet is in vain.

They all seem to grow for the sake of death.

It makes no sense at all. It's really pointless.

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