The more time accumulates, the more nostalgia becomes more and more.

This planet's settings for the environment for life are simply wrong. "

"Don't you think so, Matthew?

You are half a human being.

It is an even more ineffective life created by ineffective human beings imitating the behavior of gods. "

"You have the right to hate, but also the obligation to deny.

Human history is worthless. "

Silence... as the doctor's words temporarily stopped,

The blacksmith's son's forehead was covered with cold sweat. Without personally experiencing such a situation, it would be difficult to understand the oppressive shadow in my heart just by reading the text.

Roman's voice in front of him seemed to have magic power, which made people addicted and couldn't help but follow its meaning and get deeper into it.

Think about the inhumane experiments that happened on Matthew, such a human being...

If human beings will become like that in the future - a feeling of physical disgust comes.


——Suddenly woke up!

The blacksmith's son entered Mashu's perspective. He couldn't help but feel worthless for Mashu just now, thinking that this kind of human history is worthless.

‘Human history has no value? ’



How could he agree with such a terrible thought.

The blacksmith's son's back was wet with sweat.

And Roman spoke again: "These are just the remains of human beings who continue to live meaningless lives.

And this wreckage happens to look like a painting with a certain meaning. "

What's incredible is that Roman's voice is so gentle.

There is wisdom and love in his words.

Although the blacksmith's son tried desperately to remind himself that it was wrong...

This shouldn't be the case.

As a human being, he simply cannot agree with that concept.

Compared with the immersive experience of being charmed by magic,

Those who were flipping through the physical books could still think calmly, but they had gradually begun to realize that there was something wrong with this Roman!

‘——! wrong,

He's not Roman! ’

The doctor in my impression is a person who loves life very much. Although he is sometimes very unreliable, like Matthew and others, he has been working hard to save humanity.

Keep learning and training yourself day and night.

Put in multiple times of effort and sweat, and do things of genius with a mediocre body.

When people look at it subconsciously,

Whether it is Roman in the epic illustration or in the immersive viewing experience, his face is quite calm at this moment, but his eyes without highlights seem to have words, with a touch of tenderness and compassion.

This made everyone a little confused, unable to judge whether the doctor in front of them was real or fake.

Matthew: 'If it hurts, don't continue.

He whispered in my ear with a voice as sweet as the dark abyss. ’


Matthew: "You're not Dr. Roman, are you?"

Roman: "——."

Matthew: "Although the doctor is very pessimistic and inhumane,

He is a person who will be hurt by what he says and immediately become discouraged...

But he is not the kind of person who would deny human behavior and various efforts.

You are just a person who is very similar to him, but completely opposite. "


Following Matthew's words.

The blacksmith's son and the little princess also completely woke up.

Right before their eyes.

The doctor who looked gentle and kind just a moment ago suddenly changed his face.

His eyes turned dark red and pitch black, like abyss trying to suck away all the light, becoming evil and weird.

His teeth suddenly became sharp, as scary as a beast or a shark, and black lines appeared on both sides of his face.

Roman: "——Ha."


Those who watch physical epics are fine.

During the immersive experience, the unique and distant music of Chaldea suddenly stopped.

In the sudden dead silence, 'Roman''s wild laughter suddenly sounded.

This creepy transformation frightened the little princess and the others instantly.

The blacksmith's son twitched violently in his heart: 'woc! ! ’

Seeing the inhuman doctor in front of him, he got goosebumps all over his body.

What the hell is this?

Chapter 837: Dear doctor, it’s great to have you!

At six o'clock in the morning, Matthew woke up from his sleep to the sound of the alarm clock ringing.

Only then did people realize that the scene just now was just a dream of Matthew.


The terrifying appearance of the doctor at the end of the dream still frightens the blacksmith's son and others.

What on earth is that!

Matthew: ‘It’s like a dream where once you make a mistake, you will never wake up and be dragged into the depths of the dream.

...Senior also encountered the same situation before.

But why now, I will...'

Matthew's heart was complicated and difficult to describe.

After that, Matthew received the notice and went to the conference room to receive the doctor's guidance with Guda. Get ready for the final seventh singularity.

After a series of dialogues of firm belief,

Doctor: "The destination of this spiritual transfer is the beginning of human history - whether it is the revitalization of civilizations on the entire earth, or the world itself when the world was still one.

It was formed in the Tigris and Euphrates river basins,

A mother-like world that has influenced many civilizations.

It is truly one of the oldest civilizations.

The period of occurrence is almost the same as the earliest period of ancient Egypt. "

That is a world where the surface of the world is still close to mystery and the age of gods...

In Hermitus and his team's understanding, it was also an era when gods were so prosperous that they walked the earth and could be seen everywhere.

Only in that era could a brilliant civilization like Uruk be born.

Listen to the doctor's serious voice.

Think of the mythological systems in which powerful gods appeared in the epics.

Everyone's minds were swaying for a while.

The little princess recalled the shocking feeling she felt when she flew into the sky with the eagle and saw the rivers, mountains, and forests below from the sky.

Now that I think about it, I would choose such an era, and even the Magic King personally deliver the last Holy Grail.

This point in time itself is of extremely important significance.

Then Da Vinci appeared and handed Guda the prepared scarf that could withstand high concentrations of spirit seeds.

It was a world where the concentration of magic in the atmosphere was thicker than that of Egypt.

Hermitus and the others didn't care either.

In the game No Life Zero, the black ash that can easily kill human epidermis is used as a precedent.

Since this is a timeline where the Age of Gods still exists, the magic power is much stronger than it is now, so it is normal for people in the future to be unable to adapt and make some preparations.

Afterwards, Da Vinci explained the meaning of Mesopotamia to Matthew and the others.

In Greek Meso means middle and Potamia means river.

It also means the civilization that flourished between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers that flowed into the Persian Gulf.

Although the name was designated Babylonia, this name came much later.

Mesopotamia, Sumer.

What is regulated as ancient civilization is simply too powerful.

——Sumere, Akkad, Babylonia, Assyria.

Since then, many civilizations have been born here. After that, it passed through the rule of the Persian, Macedonian, Roman and Ottoman empires.

Many of the civilizations described in the epic are familiar to people.

This gives people a deeper understanding of this land, and they are amazed by this land that has evolved countless brilliant civilizations.

But not only that -

At this time, the epic briefly mentioned the four major river basins and the existence of the four ancient civilizations resulting from their correspondence.

That is the area where the largest human civilization was born.

Among them, ancient Babylon and ancient Egypt are already familiar to people through the stories of heroic kings and pharaohs.

Hermitos was surprised and became very interested in the other two ancient civilizations that were still unknown.

The two ancient civilizations gave birth to so many splendid eras and produced many dazzling heroes.

But are there two other ancient civilizations that can rival it?

The other two major river basins among the four major river basins——

There must have been many touching stories about the two unknown ancient civilizations born among them!

(There are two major ancient civilizations left. Ancient India has a lot to write about, so let’s not talk about this for now. As the finale, I want to write it last. Here, we will first pave the way for the future epic debut of the strange news leader Zhengge, so as to maintain a sense of mystery.)

Roman: "Although I don't know what thoughts the king of this era had in making such a choice, the Age of Gods regards this moment as a decisive farewell, gradually fades away, and eventually disappears completely from the surface of the earth."


Hermitos was even more certain of his conjecture.

The gods are getting weaker and weaker now, and their quality and quantity seem to be unable to compete with the mythical era in the epic. It is for this reason!

After a while of exchanges, everyone left to prepare for the final transfer of the spirit.

Matthew found the doctor and asked the doctor with a somewhat depressed expression, "Humans, no... is life meaningful?" ’

“Not in a subjective sense, but from an objective perspective.

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