What a ridiculous thing.

Is there still a need to rule a dilapidated and desolate world after the destruction of humanity? These gods are crazy! "

Chapter 840: Ishtar, the goddess of Venus, which one should I envy?

The young man's voice: "But he did not specify the means to achieve the goal. Everyone is free to pursue the Holy Grail in the way you like.

For example - like my mother, after killing all humans, I searched for the Holy Grail in Uruk that turned into scorched earth. "

After saying that, the gaze shifted from Gorgon to Quetzalcoatl.

"Strike with nature, as you do, to destroy Uruk with a visible threat."

Then he looked at the last goddess of the underworld, "Or it could be like you - without people noticing, all things would die suddenly one morning."

Natural disasters and man-made disasters——

In fact, everything that needs to be liquidated can be regarded as a man-made disaster, or to be precise, it is a divine disaster!

The three goddesses lead mankind to destruction in different ways.

This is something that is very difficult to understand and unbelievable to everyone!

Once the incineration of humanity is complete, what is the value of ruling a land that has no future?

Because I can't understand it, I feel even more crazy.

The higher existence of gods raises doubts.

If it's not an evil god, but a genuine god of their respective mythological systems, believed by humans...

In the face of this kind of disaster that destroys humanity, instead of protecting humanity, it will destroy humanity instead.

This kind of thing is so chilling.

Finally, the young man shouted,

‘I just noticed a strange vibration. The hope predicted by the astrologers of Uruk—

The last magician who protects humanity.

It seems that he has finally appeared in this world. ’

People who immediately realized that it was Mash and the others who had finally arrived in this era found that the scene in front of them began to fade away.

Vision conversion——

When he opened his eyes again, the blacksmith's son and the others really appeared next to the Chaldean Master this time.


The only problem was that it appeared an unknown number of feet above the ground, happily free-falling.

Matthew: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

Continuing to accelerate the descent——

It was still about two hundred meters above the ground and seven seconds before hitting bottom.

Mashu activated his Noble Phantasm and landed safely!

However, they did not realize what was going on during the whole process, so they followed the blacksmith's son, the little princess, and the others who experienced a high-altitude surprise...


After getting up from the ground, I found that there was no harm on my body.

‘What the hell! Ah! 'The little princess and the others.

Later, when he saw the Master and the blushing Mashu who were still hugging each other.

Matthew: "...Well...we are...closely...attached, senior."

Little princess and blacksmith’s son: “…!”

Enough is enough, suddenly throwing people hundreds of meters into the air, and then being fed a mouthful of dog food when they come down.

Why not just let them wait where they landed.

At this moment, the little princess and the others felt the deep malice of the world.

After that, the doctor established communication with Matthew and the others.

During the communication process, they understood that the reason they had just popped up in mid-air was because they were resisted by the Uruk defensive barrier.

That is -

Considered an intruder!

They did not come directly to Uruk, but came to an unknown dilapidated city outside.

There are not many people in the city anymore.

At this time, Mashu and the others were attacked by monsters again.

After solving the monsters, they discovered after discussion that these monsters should not belong to this era.

And he has a strong intention to kill humans.

Not hostility, but murderous intent.

Warcraft hates humans... not for the purpose of eating, but for the purpose of annihilation.

‘Aiming to annihilate? ’

Thinking back to that scary, dark place before, I seemed to hear the voice of the eaten person shouting ‘Mother of Monsters’ at first.

‘Could it be related to that goddess? ’ Hermitos narrowed his eyes slightly, and immediately thought of what Gorgon had said before, that he had swallowed up all the cities (human beings) in the north.

Maybe the dilapidated city in front of you is one of the goddess's masterpieces.

...the other side.

Because of the high concentration of magic in the air, the doctor asked Guda if they had any tinnitus.

However, Mashu said that compared to the tinnitus, he seemed to hear some other sound... and there was also an abnormal magic reaction approaching...

The little princess and the others also heard a sound getting closer and closer.

When they subconsciously looked up towards the sky where the sound came from.

? ? ? : "Quickly - get - out of the way!"

"Huh? Huh!" The little princess and others were still immersed in the previous analysis of World of Warcraft by the doctor and Guda. As they got closer and closer to the black shadow that was approaching rapidly, they became a little confused.

? ? ? : "The people over there are getting in the way!"

I can’t even open ‘Me’——! "

‘It’s too late. Can't hide! ’ People heard Guda speak.

? ? ? : “Ah, really, it’s too late for the air brake!

Oh no, no, no, we’re about to hit—!

If my father finds out, his license will definitely be revoked (confiscated)!

But let me make it clear first, this is never my fault! "

They only had time to see a golden flash before everyone noticed something falling.

Matthew: "Master, are you okay!?

Just now there was an overall camel-colored object coming from the sky at a 45-degree angle.

...fell...from the sky...came. "

As he spoke, Mashu's own face seemed a little surprised and confused.

? ? ? : "It hurts so much... it's so miserable..."

I didn’t expect to be sniped from the ground..."

When people looked at the female voice that came from the sky.

A beautiful girl with black hair and red eyes appeared in front of people.

Her beautiful face, which was no less than that of a goddess, instantly caught the attention of the blacksmith's son.

'ah. Dad, I feel like I'm in love again! ’

But why does this beautiful girl look familiar?

In the Epic of Gilgamesh, there are illustrations of the Venus goddess Ishtar.

At that time, Ishtar appeared in front of people in the form of Queen Lin.

But there is still a big difference between the illustration and the real goddess.

In the past, we could recognize the King of Heroes at first sight because people had been expecting the King of Heroes to appear this time.

Coupled with the temperament that perfectly matches people’s fantasies...

In this era, except for King Gilgamesh, no one can match that perfect posture.

? ? ? : “But I suffered less damage than I expected, so I’m really lucky.

This must be due to my usual behavior (arrogance)——"

A slightly proud smile appeared on the goddess's face.


As if she suddenly noticed something, her face suddenly turned red and her eyes widened.

Only then did I discover the "human-shaped cushion" underneath me as a buffer.

Yet the cushion spoke to her.

"Hi. I'm Mat." Guda.

Oh oh oh oh, how enviable - bah, no...

What a disgraceful scene!

The blacksmith's son also opened his eyes wide and looked at the goddess and Guda with envy.

Well, I just don’t know that what I envy is Guda as a cushion,

I still envy the goddess above.

Or, both?

Chapter 841 The elegant magician lady can never be a goddess!

? ? ? (Ishtar) blushed and said dissatisfied: "Hey, what are you——!"

There was some cold sweat on her forehead.

At this time, Roman also learned about the situation at the scene from Masuna.

After listening to the report, when they were about to ask them to seek help from Ishtar, a local, Roman let out an unbelievable exclamation.


Is this reaction true? ? No mistake! ? "

Also heard Roman's voice,? ? ? (Ishtar) frowned slightly: "...What is that, the mystery of farsightedness?

I always feel that this voice sounds like he wants people to complain about him.

But forget it. Now let’s talk about your business.

Let’s talk about how to punish you, the disrespectful person who dares to touch my limbs (body) without permission. "

The atmosphere suddenly became tense with the goddess's words.

Afterwards, she saw that the clothes on Guda were strange, and asked her where she was from, whether she was a living sacrifice who escaped from Nippur, or a survivor of Babylon.

‘Living sacrifice—! ? ’ Everyone was shocked, remembering the bloody scene in the dark space before.

? ? ? (Ishtar): "Anyway, if you are one of these two people, just accept your fate.

I will pierce your hands and feet and scatter your corpses on Mount Abif. "


There was no immediate response to Guda, but Ishtar was the one who got it right.

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