If it’s really what I guessed—Ishtar.

“If it were the people of Uruk, I would be a little more merciful.

You might as well curse your misfortune. "

"Wait. Calm down and talk slowly."

The little princess and the others seemed to smell the smell of gunpowder in the air, and were a little overwhelmed by this unfolding.

‘Why, how come... there’s going to be a fight? It was just an ordinary accident. ’

Obviously neither party suffered any real harm.

As the main cause of the accident, now he has to punish others in turn.

The existence in front of me, contrary to her beautiful appearance, had an extremely bad character, and her arrogant and unreasonable appearance was exactly the same as the goddess of Venus in a certain epic.

Eh - wait, something seems to be wrong.

The blacksmith's son felt as if he had thought of something, but also seemed to have thought of nothing. It was like a flash of lightning flashed through his mind, and then went out in the darkness.

? ? ? (Ishtar): “—Talk?

I'm telling you, what nonsense are these mere humans talking about?

Want to talk? With me?

Just because you are not even a miko? "

At this time, Matthew stood up and said that both parties were responsible for the accident that just happened. Could you please ask the other party to calm down and have a chat, and ask for the other party's name.

However, this caused an extremely excited reaction from the goddess.

? ? ? (Ishtar): “——.

You don’t even know me. Are you serious? "

With such disbelieving expressions, the little princesses watching on one side couldn't help but suspect that they didn't know each other, which was really something that shouldn't be done.

Is the other party famous in Sumer?

If the goddess at this time is willing to tell her real name, the little princess and the others can respond immediately.

After all, it is no longer a simple matter of not being famous.


Matthew: "Yes. That... I'm sorry.

After all, we haven’t even been in this era for an hour yet…”

Afterwards, Mashu introduced the existence of Chaldea in an attempt to make the girl in front of him trust them.

Perhaps he was really moved by their words.

? ? ? (Ishtar) believed them for the time being and said: "In other words, you know nothing about me.

I don’t know much about this world and its current situation.

...That's it. So disrespectful, shameless, and rude behavior is inevitable.

After all, they are barbarians from a distant world. "

The goddess had a very helpless expression on her face, and she closed her eyes slightly and thought for a moment.


Those bright red eyes suddenly opened and looked at everyone sharply.

"Listen up. Just touching me without my consent is impossible in this world.

If it was a Sumerian, even if he apologized immediately and gave away all his possessions, it would not be enough to forgive him. At least remember this for me in the future.

If you still want to live in this world. "


For some reason, when the blacksmith's son and the others heard each other mention 'all their belongings', they felt that the tone was a little subtle.

It seems that the other party is very interested, but it must be an illusion.

With the splendid decorations on the other party's body, he doesn't look like a poor ordinary person, at least he is an aristocrat like a eldest lady. ...It is impossible to be short of money.

Considering that he also has a flying magic weapon, he may be an elegant and powerful magician himself.

The little princess and Hermitus almost all guessed this.

...In their knowledge, except for the noble and intellectual profession of magician, there are very few other adventurers who can use magic weapons.

Not only is there a lack of driving magic, but ordinary adventurers themselves don't have the money to buy expensive magic props.


‘It is wrong to substitute the understanding of this era into the ancient Sumerian era. ’ It won’t be long before Hermitus and the others will realize how wrong their thinking is.

In fact, they will never think that the real mistake is——

You should never substitute your own worldview into that of another world.

Even if Andersen never admitted that the stories in the epic must be completely true.

But who makes the world have great prophets and analysts now per capita?

? ? ? (Ishtar): “Also, thank you for being my cushion.

At least it works like dry straw. "

Roman later responded helplessly, a word of thanks that made people completely unhappy...

But at least the other party finally calmed down.

Roman then took the opportunity to re-introduce Mashu, Guda and himself to the goddess.

Roman: "...Okay. Our introduction ends here.

What about you?

From this reaction, there is no doubt that——"

? ? ? (Ishtar): "I will not give my name to humans of your level.

Forget about me.

Especially you over there.

Forget everything that just happened. As long as you do it, I can spare your life. "

Guda's reaction was also very quick, "What did you mean by what just happened?"

The goddess opposite was so embarrassed that her face turned red again, looking unspeakably hesitant.

It is really difficult to connect this cute and innocent lady's posture with the sick Venus goddess in the Epic of Gilgamesh.


Some people who had already noticed and realized the other party's identity once again put the answer in their minds that was getting closer to the truth far away.

How is it possible?

Instinctively, it is impossible to connect the beautiful woman in front of me with a certain Venus goddess in the epic.

In addition to being a little more delicate and savage, the girl in front of her has a much better personality than the goddess in the epic.

Chapter 842: Magician = long-range x, proficient in melee combat? √

Looking at the other party's arrogant and unreasonable attitude, a big battle was inevitable.

In the end, he simply forgave Guda, and other than the verbal warning, he didn't do anything excessive.

This scene is compared with the previous scene where he promised to shoot Guda through his hands and feet, dismember him into pieces, and scatter his corpses on Mount Abif...

The contrast is so strong!

‘The mouth of a knife has a heart of tofu. ’

‘Ah, is this the [tsundere] type character that is being circulated everywhere in Magic Crystal? ’

Surprisingly, he is an easy person to get along with...

The little princess and the others breathed a sigh of relief, and their senses about Ishtar improved a lot.

? ? ? (Ishtar): “I~ am~ said~!

I made a mistake while driving the Tianzhou, heard a slight scream, and the size of my body now!

If you dare to spread these bad rumors, I will hunt you to the ends of the earth! "

The red-faced girl didn't sound authoritative at all when she spoke threatening words, which made her look even cuter.

Mashu: (I really have a headache, senior. Although the murderous intention seems to have faded, the hostility does not seem to have changed at all.

This is my personal opinion. If you want to get information from her, it should be extremely difficult...)

"That's right...she might even kill her."

Everyone on the side had different expressions when they heard the Master's answer.

I wonder if it was the misunderstanding of the blacksmith's son and others. They thought that the other party might be unexpectedly easy to deal with?

It must be an illusion!

What can I say, the murderous intention before was not fake.

? ? ? (Ishtar): "Oh, you still understand.

Admire and admire. Humility is a virtue.

If you have this attitude, then I have to give you face and respect me. I pay homage about three times a day.

……snort. But forget it.

There is no end to being angry with the barbarians.

You say, you want to know about this era.

Then rely on your own eyes and legs to confirm.

I won't tell you anything.

Instead, you should tell me. "

A serious goddess, she is still very attractive.

Even the little princess, who is a woman, looked a little lost when she looked at the other person's face.

For most ordinary people, this should be the norm when mortals meet goddesses who are not as charming as humans.

? ? ? (Ishtar): “That’s right——

For example...is there anything important dropped around here? "

Matthew: "Huh?"

Fu Fu: "Fu?"

Guda: "What?"

? ? ? (Ishtar): "I mean, important stuff.

Did something fall here?

For example, something that immediately strikes you as "this is awesome". "

Then, after repeated questioning by the goddess, Mashu and the others also showed embarrassed expressions on their faces.

It's just that the other party's expression was too vague.

Just when Matthew asked if it was something important that was lost.

But Ishtar seemed to be caught by her pigtails, and immediately started to speak nervously and excitedly incoherently.

"Of course...it's impossible,

I haven't lost anything! "

It's not like a goddess to lose her chain, it's fine...

This time it will be even less likely for people to guess her true identity.

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