
Xiao En's eye color is purple?

But looking at this outfit, it should be only Enkidu at this time!

In the sight of the blacksmith's son, the figure supported the ground with one hand, and a subtle blue arc suddenly appeared on his body.

Then the golden flash attacked the three-headed monster closest to Mashu and others along the ground, tearing it into bloody pieces.

The voice continued: "Just knock them all down in one breath. There are only a hundred or so, there is no need to destroy the city."

'Only a hundred or so——'

Everyone: "... emmmmm~!"

Harut also opened his mouth slightly. If it was really that Enkidu, this sounded a little arrogant, but it was really right.

Then the mysterious visitor suspected to be Enkidu smiled——

claimed to know that Chaldea should have a spare anti-army treasure, but it was better not to waste it here.

The reason was so gentle that it was hard to find fault with it——

"Even if it is an abandoned city, it was once a place where humans lived.

If possible, you would like to keep the original appearance, right?"

"It is an honor to meet you, the master of Chaldea.

My name is Enkidu.

In this Age of Gods, I have been waiting for your arrival."

——Enkidu! ?

When people heard that the other party really called himself Enkidu, they could no longer maintain their calm expressions.

The mind was like a bomb that exploded, setting off a wave.

The doubts in the blacksmith's son's mind were completely thrown behind him.

He looked at the other party's face with some excitement.

Really, really, really, really, it was Enkidu? ! ! !

That soft, beautiful neutral face——

Add to that the gentle words and style just now, well... it can't be wrong.

Just like in the epic! It's Xiao En!

At this time, looking closely, the portrait of Enkidu in my mind gradually overlapped with the person in front of me.

This stunning, un-mortal beauty can be explained!

The little princess thought carefully -

That face comparable to a goddess, it is said that it was imitated from the divine prostitute.

However, the divine prostitute is female, while Enki in the epic seems to be genderless, and even more inclined to male...

But -

After confirming that it was indeed Enkidu, the little princess and the others could no longer hold back and approached him, staring at him carefully with their beautiful eyes wide open.

If they could not touch him, they might have reached out to the other's chest to verify his identity.

'Really, really not a girl? Wow! '

'No matter how you look at it, she is a great beauty! Even the voice just now is so nice, not like a man at all. '

Because of that gentle tone to everyone and the approachable temperament.

This time, people are much bolder and more relaxed than when they saw the image of King Gilgamesh before.

She even wanted to verify the other person's gender——

Remembering the epic, Enkidu could satisfy Gilgamesh's almost endless and powerful desire for reproduction.

The king who had troubled all of Uruk and could not satisfy him now bowed down to him (her).

The little princess' face suddenly turned red.

There were many images in her mind, but this time they were not illustrations.

She had seen the image of King Gilgamesh, and now she saw Xiao En.

She imagined that the two of them were brothers and lovers.

Oh my God, although it's a bit flat, it shouldn't be a boy.

Hmm... Why do I feel more excited if it's a boy!

Princess Chenxi covered her chest with her pounding heart. She didn't know why she was so excited that she couldn't explain why she was beating faster. Just looking at the beautiful face of Xiao En in front of her, she couldn't help but smile like a nympho.

Chapter 844: With Xiao En, what else do you need a girl! Everything is available!

Before Mashu and Guda could react, Enkidu continued to finish off the enemy with great care.

As he waved his hand, several chains flew out, and the chains either bound and smashed to the ground, or pierced through the monsters with their sharp tips.

The sharp chains tore dozens of monsters apart in an instant.

"This... this is!"

It was the first time that people saw Enkidu using the chains to fight.

In the past, they had never seen King Gilgamesh use the chains, so they naturally regarded this way of fighting as the normal operation of the chain treasure.

'The chains are driven at will - the weapons originally used to restrain others can actually exert such amazing combat power! Is this the real way to use the chains! ' Everyone's eyes were full of surprise.

Even in the Epic of Gilgamesh, when the Hero King and Enkidu fought, there were descriptions of their battle.

But the descriptions in the text and illustrations are still not as good as what I saw with my own eyes today!


The blacksmith's son shouted excitedly.

So cool!

The monsters were also successfully killed.

He is a god-made hero worthy of his name, the King of Heroes!

But if Enkidu is still alive, the story of Gilgamesh's search for the elixir of immortality should not have happened yet.

It is a timeline where Enkidu has not been lost yet, which is really great.

He can only guess that perhaps it is because of the Magic King that history has changed.

He does not know whether the Sumerian gods in the sky are still eyeing this land and whether they will take back Enkidu's life.

I never thought that Enkidu in front of me was just a possibility that someone else had resurrected from the dead by borrowing his body.

Instead, everyone was worried that the gods would intervene at this time.

The city in front of me that was turned into ruins by the monsters already said a lot.

The three goddesses alone seemed to have caused a huge disaster to the Mesopotamian plain, not to mention the fate of the other gods, things would probably be even worse.

Enkidu, let's call him Enkidu for now.

After solving the monsters, he walked slowly towards Mashu and others: "The attack just now has made the monsters nearby lose their combat effectiveness.

That being said, the smell of blood will also attract other monsters."

"You are..." Guda couldn't help but be surprised.

The scene just now seemed so shocking that she didn't hear the other party's words clearly.

"I have introduced myself.

The magician over there should know a lot about me."

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! !

The little princess and others were so excited to regard the person in front of them as the real Enkidu, and there were all kinds of praises in their hearts.

Although Ishtar was also very beautiful before, everyone was not familiar with her.

However, the one in front of us was Xiao En!

A beautiful boy (girl) with a natural and forest atmosphere, and a classical oriental style, compared to Ishtar...

Xiao En, who revealed his "true identity", is now much more popular!

On the other side, the doctor finally reacted from his astonishment and loss of consciousness.

He naturally recognized the other party's identity.

"It is worthy of being a weapon of God."

It is said that it is the strongest "treasure with will" in the world, which is equal to King Gilgamesh.

It is neither a servant nor a human, but it is indeed a living life, a native existence of this era.

The hybrid of man and god created by the gods as the "wedge of heaven" is the hero king Gilgamesh.

And as the "lock of heaven", the one who is responsible for bringing Gilgamesh back to the side of the gods is Enkidu.

Enkidu is a hero with a righteous heart and morality that cannot be destroyed by the hero king.

As the doctor recalled, it was exactly the same as people remembered.

At this time, an image also appeared in people's eyes. It was a space with stone slabs and ancient characters in the background. Shan and En stood close together with their backs to each other.

That harmonious look instantly attracted everyone's attention.

I don't know if anyone else noticed that Enkidu's eyes here were emerald green.

The blacksmith's son looked at Xiao En like that, and a trace of surprise and doubt flashed in his eyes. Finally, he showed a thoughtful expression and didn't say anything.

After all, he was the incarnation of nature that could easily kill and restrain even the divine beasts.

It's normal to have the function of automatically changing the color of the pupils... right?

God-made weapons-automatically changing color is not basic operation? Weapons that don't even change the color of special effects are indeed garbage, and can't be compared with Xiao En at all.


The blacksmith's son thought uncertainly in his heart.

Roman suddenly showed a comfortable smile: "In short, as long as Enkidu comes,

there is nothing more reassuring than this! He is a companion of mankind!"

The phrase "companion of mankind" made everyone feel an indescribable sense of security and warmth in their hearts.

From this point of view, Enkidu is indeed a teammate next.

Great, with such a strong teammate, this singularity should be easier to solve.

Recalling the description of Enkidu in the epic, everyone looked at Xiao En with great trust.

(Well, the premise is that this is really Enkidu.)

Enkidu: "——That.

Being praised so much, even I feel a little embarrassed.

In the end, I am just a weapon created by the gods. How to use the weapon depends on the holder.

If I look like I have a kind heart, then it means that the person who uses me is a person who advocates order."

For Enkidu's words, Mashu was a little hesitant.

She was surprised at Enkidu's identity as a weapon, but felt that Enkidu had a heart, that is, human emotions.

Enkidu did not comment on this——

"I only have the intelligence of a weapon.

I know where to suppress and when to take action.

But there is a woman who treats me as a human being.

My appearance is modeled after her.

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