...She is the one who gave this vessel (body) its soul.

In order to praise that feeling, I have maintained this appearance. "

Roman: "It refers to Shanhan Te, who is both a prostitute and a saint."

Everyone also remembered the legend of Enkidu and the prostitute who stayed together for seven days and seven nights.

Hiss~! According to Enkidu's current intention, keeping her human form like this is just to praise the saint Shanhante's intention.

If he wanted to, he could still change his appearance at any time?

Hey! Huh? What about gender? The gender can also be changed at will.

If you look at it this way, it would be okay for them to treat Xiao En as a girl!

The blacksmith's son's eyes lit up, revealing a look that even an LSP could understand. His young and passionate heart fully expressed the restlessness of adolescence.

He seemed to have discovered why Enkidu could satisfy Gilgamesh alone. This was not about becoming whoever he wanted.

With such a powerful and comprehensive divine weapon, who needs another girl!

Then, during the exchange between Enkidu and Roman, Xiao En also said that they had fully understood the situation and knew the Magic King's plan.

The reason why he appeared here was to protect the last guest from a foreign land according to the oracle given by the chief priest.

Not to mention Matthew and Guda, even the little princesses from God's perspective didn't notice anything strange.


A drama that no one expected, with an unprecedented lineup of young men and women, has just begun!

Chapter 845: Going completely opposite directions, the tyrant flashes? He is the wise king!

Matthew: “Then this era hasn’t collapsed yet, right?

Not only that, but he's still fighting the Magic King? "

Facing Mashu's inquiry, Enkidu showed a smile on his face: "Of course. Although I don't know what the conditions were like in the eras you have experienced before, humans in the Age of Gods will not succumb to disasters of the level of 'world destruction'.

After all, the crisis of destruction caused by the whim of the gods, etc.

We have already experienced this several times. So everyone is surprisingly tenacious. "

There was an indescribable feeling surging in everyone's hearts——


The disaster of 'world destruction' is only of this magnitude.

Their current human race has really embarrassed the humans of the Gods.

There is also the crisis of destruction caused by the whims of the gods...

All people can think of are those described in the Epic of Gilgamesh, such as the Bull of Heaven and the incident of Humbaba.

Maybe there are more, the Age of Gods is really full of disasters.

Even though there were still gods in their era, the gods did not dare to do anything terrible that would destroy the world.

For a time, people actually felt that the current era was unexpectedly good and peaceful.

No matter what happens, it is still a small fight, not much better than those disasters that would destroy the world and incinerate humanity.

Roman: "That's it, I understand, I understand.

Although he is tenacious, he is probably afraid of quarrels between lovers or arguments between husband and wife. "

Enkidu: "Yeah. What a headache.

They will be united when faced with big problems, but they are helpless when it comes to Xiao Wang problems.

This is the characteristic of the cities built by humans.

Although the city, as you can see, has become like this. "

Enkidu said that if you have anything to say, let's end it here and talk about trivial matters on the way. Those monsters may be attracted.

In response, Guda stretched out his right hand and said, "Please give me some advice, Enkidu."

Such a handshake ceremony has never been seen in this age of gods, let alone in other worlds.

Everyone and Enki were stunned when they saw this.

Enkidu frowned slightly, his expression seemed a little surprised and dazed: "?

Does your action of extending your right hand mean something unusual? "

Matthew smiled and said: "This is a handshake, Mr. Enkidu.

Senior wants to shake hands with you, Mr. Enkidu. "

The expression on Enkidu's face relaxed, revealing a hint of novelty: "Ah, this is...

Sorry, I'm not used to it yet.

Then I solemnly ask for your advice again.

Is it okay to hold hands like this? "


It felt like I was witnessing the birth of a friendship that transcended time periods.

Is the connection between hands called friends?

The little princess and the others looked at this scene with strange expressions.

Enkidu's stunned and stunned reaction made them smile a little knowingly.

Thinking about it, even if it were me, facing this situation for the first time, it would be similar to Enkidu.

Still nothing unusual was found!

Then everyone saw that Enkidu wanted to take Mashu and the others to Uruk in a slightly detour.

The reason is that in order to avoid the city occupied by the monsters, the priority is to protect their safety.

On the surface, there is no problem.


As the perspective changed, I watched Enkidu and his party walk who knows how far, and they solved many monsters along the way.

Roman: "Huh. Although we were attacked by monsters on the way, it seems that we escaped from the ruins safely.

Is this... strange?

From my perspective, why are you heading north?

According to the observation results, isn't Uruk in the southeast?

I thought you would go south along the Euphrates River. "

ha? !

I don’t know how long I have been following him for, although my senses can be adjusted in the image space, and even the feeling of fatigue can be eliminated.

But people who like to truly experience the magnificent epic, like the blacksmith's son, do not choose to delete the feeling of exhaustion.

When they heard Roman's voice, although they did not question Enkidu's ulterior motives, their eyes suddenly widened.

Anyone who finds that after walking for a long time has taken the opposite wrong path will probably complain, be shocked, and be dissatisfied.

"No...that's not it. Did Xiao En lead you the wrong way? Do you have to walk back again?" The little princess was about to cry and muttered in a low voice.

She is kind-hearted and even starts to find reasons for Enkidu. Xiao En is actually a road idiot!

Oh my God! Could it be that when Enkidu and Gilgamesh were unable to find Humbaba's location in the Epic of Gilgamesh's crusade against Humbaba, it was not just due to the chaos of the forest's magic power.

And why is Enkidu, who led Gilgamesh the way, also a road fool? !

Thinking about it carefully, she remembered which god it was at the end—it seemed to be the Sun God? After guiding the two of them on their way, they found Humbaba.

At this thought, the little princess suddenly turned pale and looked at Enkidu helplessly.

"...It can't really be..." Just then she couldn't help but murmured half a sentence.

Enkidu: "Don't be so impatient, Doctor Romani.

If you travel through the south, you will inevitably enter the sphere of influence of other goddesses——

Ah, I almost forgot.

You may not know the current situation in Mesopotamia. "

"Simply put, Mesopotamia was driven to the brink of destruction."

While speaking, Enkidu stood quietly beside a clear river and stopped.

Everyone and Ma Xiu were also attracted by Xiao En's words.

Enkidu: "Eighty percent of the twelve fortress cities have been destroyed.

Those who survived could only gather in the city of Uruk to face the approaching moment of destruction. "

Eighty percent destroyed——!

This ratio made everyone's hearts sink, and they realized just how bad the situation was.

When I heard about the meeting between the three goddesses, I thought that the northern part of humanity had fallen, but there should still be a lot of vitality in other directions.

However, this vitality was so low that only 20% was left.

It's not much better than the sixth singularity point.

Matthew: "...Who are the people disrupting this era?

Still the one who holds the Holy Grail? "

"Is it that king?" when he heard Guda's next question.

The expressions of the little princess and the others tensed subconsciously, and they all looked at Enkidu.

Although the scene of the goddess meeting has been seen before, people still want to know what Enkidu is thinking at this time.

After all, he and that king are——! Uh...!

Roman: "Yeah. Everyone should think so.

After all, the king of this era is the tyrant Gilgamesh.

He uses the power of the Holy Grail to impose tyranny and destroy the world. This situation is indeed not difficult to imagine! "

Everyone:? !

Wait, doctor! Please read the Epic of Gilgamesh again!

Everyone who has seen the inner monologues of young Shem, old Shem, and the wise king Shem, as well as the former King Gilgamesh from the perspective of Enkidu, know that that king is not simply cruel.

Gilgamesh will use the Holy Grail to destroy the world...

This kind of thing is unimaginable.

Even if that king really wanted to do something, he wouldn't even bother to use the power of the Holy Grail to achieve it.

Chapter 846: Redundancy, has the real reason for the decline of the gods been found? !

Doctor... is it really good for you to say that in front of Xiao En?

Everyone couldn't help but look at Enkidu's face.

In the epic, the two are close friends.

Xiao En should help King Gilgamesh speak.

"No, the Holy Grail did not fall into anyone's hands."

Enkidu spoke slowly, his calm eyes staring at the lake.

Everyone was stunned.

This answer was a bit unexpected and made people unable to react for a while.

"The people who are destroying this world are not the Magic King's minions.

Mesopotamia is facing destruction due to a being who is on the same level as the Magic King, and can even be said to be above him.

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