In the past, we only talked about the names of gods, but now we directly let the characters in the book say crazy words like "There are no gods in this world"!

Such words, if some grumpy gods see them, will definitely make them unhappy...

Thinking of the consequences, people's hearts almost jumped out of their throats.

When the Theocratic Saint saw this, her face suddenly turned pale, and her eyes widened in disbelief.

Mortals should have faith and reverence for the high-altitude gods, and should not show any disrespect, otherwise they will be punished by the gods.

But for Yan, God is the best opponent and player.

The sequence of gods located on the eighth ladder.

With Yan's growth rate, he doesn't have to wait for gods to trouble him. Maybe he will find those guys to have in-depth exchanges and exchanges first in order to seek fun and excitement.

After saying those words——

Warnier gradually studied the darkness of the human heart.

The power called 'Abyss' was discovered from it.

He used this power to develop dark spells that made Casas' army even more powerful.

It wasn't until they smelled the breath of the 'abyss' that they finally found the source of the 'abyss' and came to the Frank Undead Team.

They routed Casas's army and even defeated the Overlord.

Although the 'France Undead Team' has always been said to have 'nation-destroying level' combat power, it is difficult to confirm which countries it has destroyed.

But there is no doubt that they defeated Casas's army.

In order to defeat the undead team, the Overlord sought deeper power from the abyss, but gradually lost its control and was swallowed by the abyss.

In endless despair, his body turned into a huge skeleton, being pulled by the abyss and sinking continuously.

Endless, completely invisible darkness.

A chaotic and frightening dark world - the 'Abyss'.

‘God, have mercy on me! ’ ‘I give up! ''...Everyone is fine, please help me. ’ ‘I don’t want this power anymore! ’

Watching the Overlord scream in despair before being dragged into the abyss.

People shuddered.

Claire was trembling with fear.


The dark power born from the depths of the human heart.

It's horrifying, surprising, and creepy, but at the same time, it feels incredibly reasonable.

For several generations, no brave man or hero has ever figured out why the ‘abyss’ was formed.

Even the gods in the sky are afraid of that 'territory' and dare not explore it deeply.

‘Is it actually the darkness in people’s hearts? ’

This is a very scary thing to think about.

Show the ugliness of human nature and judge it on the bright side.

It is precisely because the Overlord is too addicted to the darkness in his heart that he will eventually be swallowed by the abyss.

This is so similar to those evil degenerates who fell into the arms of the ‘abyss’.

"Dark Souls probably didn't really exist in an era. Is Andersen trying to tell us something through this book? ...No, or she should be called the Flower Magician, the Demon Merry." Iris Magic Academy, In the dean's office, an old man concluded with a trembling voice.

He saw more things from the book.

If Claire were here, she would definitely recognize the other person as the old potions professor.

No one has ever seen the true face of the dean of the Academy of Mysterious Magic, and he actually teaches potions. This is probably something that no one has ever thought of.

After confiscating Claire's biography of King Arthur for the first time, the old professor was also immersed in the grand British era.

It was also after that time that he began to pay attention to every work of the bard Andersen.

At this time, after seeing the dark soul, his speculation about "Andersen may be Mellie" became even more profound.

"This is a prophecy... The demon spirit Mellie in King Arthur often appears to give 'prophetic advice' to those who are about to fall into 'disaster'. She is warning us! Telling us about the disaster that will happen in the future!" Old Dean He was breathing heavily and murmuring, and all kinds of amazing conjectures ran through his mind.

"Overlord Warnir, will he be swallowed by the abyss in the future? But what about the 'Flan Undead Team'! Why have I never heard of such a strange undead mercenary group?"

In fact, there is another explanation——

That is, the bard 'Andersen' is simply a 'liar'.

His stories are all made up.

But if anyone dared to tell him so.

‘King Arthur’ and ‘Dark Souls’ are both fictional.

The old dean was the first to pry open his head to see if it was all filled with rocks.

Such a thrilling story, as well as the profound and well-founded explanation and research on the origin of the 'abyss' and the 'demons'.

You asked a 'bard' to write one and show it to me? !

If you don’t know anything about this thing, can you just make it up casually?

Wouldn't they be able to tell the difference from a setting that looks fake at first glance? !

When a fake thing is described in detail enough to make people believe it is real, then it can also be treated as real at some point.

Just when everyone was 'guessing' and 'worrying'.

Soul world——

Casas was finished;

But Overlord didn't really die.

Most of his abyssal power was sealed deep within the tomb of Kasas, leaving only a skull with a crown.

Although he defeated the Overlord who discovered the abyss.

But in order to guard against the possibility of the abyss spreading out again.

The Undead Team established Fortress Faran above the original site of Casas, suppressed and monitored the existence of the Abyss, and became the Abyss Watchers.

They locked the gate of the fortress tightly and kept watch day and night.

In order to pass on the First Fire, all members of the Immortal Team threw themselves into the First Fire one after another.

They are the French Immortal Team, and they are qualified to become the salary king because they share wolf blood.

The Immortal Team is one, even if they become the salary king.

Only the entire 'France Undead Team' combined is the real 'salary king'.

——Let’s burn together.

With such firm belief, the undead people threw themselves into the fire.

And on King Xin's throne, there was only 'a pile of triangular-pointed iron hats' left.

Chapter 90: Real and fake French Immortal Team? !

"It's decided! I'm going to establish the French Immortal Team!" A determined shout suddenly sounded from the courtyard.

In Dark Souls, there is Overlord Wonir, who discovered the power of the "Abyss", and there is the opposite, the Salary King Fran's Undead Team.

‘But in reality! ? ’

The old professor is not the only reader who can think that this may be May...Andersen's prophecy.

"Mr. Andersen must be telling us. The world needs a group of people to stand up and shine like a fire, and stand firmly on the front line like the French Undead Team to fight against the brutal overlord."

"The symbol of the undead is actually the 'firm will' of mankind that never surrenders and will never be defeated. I understand! Mr. Andersen!! You are inspiring us to resolutely defeat Overlord Warnir!"

The youngest son of the Earl's family murmured quickly, his eyes became more and more decisive, fiery, and shining. He suddenly clenched his fists and shouted loudly.

He thought he understood Andersen's 'intention' in writing this book.

As expected of Master Mei Tusheng!

He created such a fictional world of "Dark Souls", and then wrote some of the real things in the book half-truthfully.

He wanted to inspire people and strengthen their determination to defeat the "Orc Invaders" through the existence of the 'Undead', 'Ashes', and the 'Flan Undead Team'!

By the way, Dark Souls didn't seem to be a 'biography of a hero' at the beginning. It was just like the 'Fairy Tale Collection' written by Mr. Andersen at the beginning. It was an indeterminate work.

It’s just that when we see the huge world view, we subconsciously regard it as a legend of a ‘hero’s biography’.

Thinking about it this way, Mr. Andersen may have seen the suffering of the frontline war from the beginning and wrote such a story.

There are no "immortals" or "Flan Undead Team" in the world.

The appearance of this group of respectable heroes is used to inspire everyone's determination to fight against the invaders, and at the same time encourage everyone's will to join the army.

Thinking of this, the youngest son of the Earl's family didn't even have the intention to follow the plot behind Dark Souls for a while.

——He wants to establish an ‘Immortal Team’!

Since there is no "France Undead Team" in the world, then personally pull up such an organization to fight against the "Abyss" and "Warnier".

...Although the setting of 'Abyss' looks very scary!

Compared to becoming a hero in the sun like Arthur, being admired and loved by others, such a dream was once his dream.


If everyone goes and becomes a hero under the sun.

Who will be left to solve the darkness in the dark?

It was that determination to protect humanity and protect the world from being eroded by the abyss even without the slightest honor that moved him.

Since you have this heart that wants to help others, what difference does it make between becoming a hero in the sun or a hero in the dark?

He is not determined to help everyone just to get praise from others! He wants to become a hero in the darkness and inherit the will of the 'Flan Undead Team'!

After experiencing the initial confusion and struggle, the younger son finally strengthened his inner thoughts.

It was getting dark, but the youngest son of the count's family put on his coat and hurried out.

He was going to find the friends he usually played with and recruit them to join him.


At that time, he will be the wolf knight Artelius.

The count's youngest son blushed and got excited just thinking about it.

If his father knew that he, a solitary seedling, was actually going to be a secret hero, guarding the front line of mankind forever in obscurity, he might be so angry that he would serve him with a breathing stick.

On the other hand, Homura, the man who brought the dark soul to the other world, also began to think about whether to create a "Flan Undead Team".

——'Dolls made from alchemy'.

Through continuous analysis of the structure of the 'demon soldiers', Homura already has certain ideas about making a doll with a 'consciousness' (soul).

Although the ‘results’ have not been analyzed and simulated immediately.

But he accidentally came up with something interesting.

First, it simulates the properties of 'impact steel', mixes a variety of alchemical materials, and refines a 'golem' that also has the property of 'change'.

Then on that basis, the magic of 'self-healing' was added to these 'golems'.

What was finally born was a bunch of 'killing weapons' that were like 'memory metal'.

The resilience of this kind of devil is very terrifying. Even if it is beaten to pieces, it can recover and 'stand' again soon.

Isn't it like losing one's humanity and losing one's emotions to have no self-awareness?

Being destroyed can still be restored. Isn’t this the ‘immortality characteristic of the immortal’? !

After Yan developed this kind of "doll", a certain impulse in his heart became stronger and stronger.

Excited to the end, "Swear to the wolf's blood!"

"Ge Ge?!" In the library, Ji Zelu slightly tilted her head and looked at Yan in confusion and cuteness, not knowing what Yan suddenly shouted.

Restia's eyes flashed with curiosity, and she looked at Yan expressionlessly.

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