She didn't understand anything and didn't dare to ask anything.

If they knew some knowledge on Earth, they would definitely understand what "Chuunibyou" means now.

——Chuunibyou is really terrible!

... After waking up from the first fire transmission, the Fran Undead Squad left the throne of the Cinder King and returned to the abandoned Fran Fortress after feeling that the abyss erosion in the Casas Cemetery was getting worse.

However, due to the long-term battle with the abyss, they also suffered erosion and had to fight endlessly with their own team members in the Fran Fortress.

The story of Dark Soul returns to the perspective of the protagonist Ashes.

After Ashes opened the gate of the fortress, the scene of the Fran Undead Squad fighting each other appeared.

At this time, the readers' hearts suddenly soured.


Many ordinary people, even warriors who have experienced some fighting and bathed in blood, were shocked by this tragic thing when they saw this.

Comrades who once stood together on the front line and resisted the abyss together.

Now they have become "enemies"! ?

The girls, who were weak at heart, covered their mouths and widened their eyes.

Is this a trick of the God of Destiny? ! Oh my God!

People never thought that being a hero could be so miserable as the ‘Fran Undead Squad’!

The experiences of those ‘heroes’ and ‘kings’ in Dark Souls are so miserable and unforgettable.

The stronger you are, the more responsibility you have to protect this world.

The fire kings of all generations who burned themselves, even if they were burned to slag, returned to the fortress as soon as the abyss moved.

‘Hero’ is a word that is accompanied by storms and loneliness.

Even if you fight to the last person, the last drop of blood, as long as your body can still move, you must persist.

After lighting three beacon towers, ‘Ashes’ finally became the ‘last member of the Fran Undead Squad’ recognized by the Undead Squad.

And the ceremony to welcome this new member to join is to show the unique posture of the ‘Fran Undead Squad’ to ‘Ashes’ again.

Hold the big sword horizontally, and put the claw knife on the chest.

They challenged this last compatriot to fight!

- Let's fight!

Defeat the team members who have been eroded by the abyss, and continue to carry on the will of the Undead Team!

Chapter 91 When you stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you!

The final battle, and the "trial" begins.

If Ashes wins, he will defeat the abyss-turned members of the Fran Undead Team and inherit their will.

If Ashes loses, he will fall here, and the Fran Undead Team will become history.

This is the last expectation of his predecessors for him, and also a test.

When Ashes and the captain of the "Fran Undead Team" were fighting halfway.

Another new member of the Undead Team "resurrected" from the ground and stood up, suddenly joining the battle.

Both sides even ignored Ashes for a while and started fighting first.

Readers were slightly stunned when they saw this.

"Aren't you fighting with Ashes? Why suddenly..."

At first, some people couldn't understand why they suddenly abandoned the protagonist and killed each other.

But when readers think of the scene when the protagonist opened the fortress gate and saw the "Fran Undead Squad" fighting each other, they understand again.

They are fighting against the "Abyss"!

Even former teammates, as long as they are eroded by the abyss, will subconsciously take action and "free" their teammates as soon as possible.

With a little thought, you can understand the determination of the "Undead Squad members" to never tolerate the abyss.

People are even more silent.

At this time, they are indescribably uncomfortable in their hearts--!

"Ahhh! I can't stand it! I can't watch it!" Claire's mood gradually fell to the bottom, and she was so heartbroken that she could hardly breathe.

"First, Baring's brothers killed each other. Now it's the Undead Squad members, fighting each other. This is even more uncomfortable! And they are fighting when they know that the other party is their comrade!!"

"It's all because of that tyrant who brought out the power of the abyss!!"

Claire said with red eyes and tears.

To this day, she still can't understand what the dark emotions surging in her chest are.

She suddenly felt very irritated.

She wanted to learn from Sister Meili and give those abyss demons a "love swordsmanship headshot".

And at this time, the bookstore owner who chose to read the "healing series" was asking for death.


This is not to mention, he "died" peacefully.

... The undead will not really die.

The Fran Undead Team can only repeat falling down and getting up, fighting endlessly.

Until the ash finally defeated the "fire king" who gathered the wolf blood in the bodies of all the "undead team members", this endless cycle of hell can come to an end.

As the plot continues to advance.

People witnessed the protagonist "ashes", from a burnt out fireless ash, to successfully defeating the "fire king" and gaining the other party's recognition, passing the "last test of the undead team".

He became the "last and only" member of the undead team in the world, and successfully obtained the firewood of the fire king and the soul of wolf blood.

People were moved and shocked by this tragic and magnificent "story".

I was deeply moved that a fireless ash could walk here step by step.

It was obvious that every battle of Ashes was very strenuous.

Obviously he had fallen countless times in the battle, but he watched him get up from the ground again and again, challenge again after resurrecting, and finally complete the incredible feat of defeating King Xin.

Seeing this, Rhine, who was far away in the Second Fortress, finally believed in the existence of 'possibility'.

Although she was not in the capital at this time, she had the same thoughts as the readers in the capital and other areas who were watching Dark Souls.

'That man is a hero! ’

Even though his power may not be strong.

But heroes are never judged by the strength or absence of their 'power'.

Ashes' adventure taught them the truth that "as long as you have a firm heart, no matter how difficult it is, it is possible to do it."

Because Homura only excerpted the plots of ‘Flan Undead Team’ and ‘Overlord Warnir’.

At this time, the story about Black Soul is coming to an end.

When the protagonist passes through the Farang Fortress, he comes to the Casas Cemetery guarded below.

Ashes finally met Overlord Warnir.

Once upon a time, it was because of the will of Overlord Warnir that he did not believe in gods.

The clergy in his country were brutally massacred.

Among the relics of the priesthood, the Overlord collected a holy sword and three bracelets.

It was the bracelet with divine power that saved him from being completely eroded by the 'abyss'.

When 'Ashes' cut off the three bracelets in the Overlord's unwilling and resentful roar, the Overlord ushered in his final ending with a life completely swallowed by the 'abyss'.

The story of Black Soul ends here...

There was some astonishment on everyone's faces, and some of them had tears hanging from the corners of their more emotional eyes. However--


What about behind? !

Are the battles and adventures of Ashes over now? ! This is obviously not over yet, right?

Why? !

Because of the previous story setting, people understand that Ashes is looking for those salary kings who have left the throne.

Why don't you talk about the remaining ones?

And the Overlord died inexplicably in the end.

Three bracelets were chopped into pieces and he was defeated easily!

Although the result given was that he was dragged into the abyss because he could not resist the swallowing of the abyss, people still felt an inexplicable pain in their balls.

The first scene moved them to tears, all kinds of tragedy, but later they finally got to deal with that damn overlord Wonnier.

Just when people were wondering how Ashes was going to deal with that terrifying overlord.

However, the Overlord immediately knelt down in such a 'childish' manner.

Even though this setting is very reasonable, it does not affect people's fucking hearts at this time.

Although they really don't want "Dark Souls" to end, people can only look at the last page of "Dark Souls" with the feeling of love and hate, and the final closing words.

‘Remember, when you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back into you. When facing the abyss, you must always be vigilant. ’

Just when everyone is tossing and turning after watching Dark Souls tonight.

The cat-eared girl's heart was beating violently at this time.

Her blood was hot all over her body, and she was so nervous that her breathing began to become short.

‘Can you kill the Overlord by cutting off three bracelets? ’

Is it true...

Is that the Overlord's weakness? ! It's a bit of a pain in the ass for others.

But the cat-eared girl was so stimulated that her furry ears stood up.

He was obviously looking for the Black Knight's weakness. But first she discovered an even more terrifying and shocking secret.

The current cat-eared girl's thinking is very confusing.

The story she describes in Do You Want to Tell Overlord ‘Dark Souls’.

A sleepless night.

Until the next day, the cat-eared girl crawled out of bed with a black eye.

She gritted her teeth, put on her clothes, and hurried out of the royal capital city.

Mother is still in the 'capital' of Casas, if she doesn't tell the Overlord about this.

Wait until the day when Overlord himself hears about the ‘Dark Soul’.

Then you will definitely blame yourself for not reporting the 'news' to him.

By then she and everyone would have to finish playing.

Wearing a cloak, he trotted all the way outside the city and released the 'carrier pigeon' that had stored the magic message.

No one here should notice it!

Watching the homing pigeon reach high altitude safely and fly towards Casas.

The cat-eared girl was relieved in her heart, but at the same time she felt a little unwilling and depressed.

That’s a good opportunity to defeat ‘Overlord’ Wannier!

Others don't know it, but she knows that the 'Overlord' is really closely related to the abyss!

Chapter 92 Did you pray to the gods...?

Rush all the way back to the capital.

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