Roman still asked Merlin if he was really willing to help them and protect the human principle.

Merlin: "Of course. Isn't this natural?

My only pleasure is to [watch the present].

If [the present] is lost, I will become a lonely man who can only look at the garden from the tower. It's a future that makes people shudder, right?

So of course I will assist you."

If Gilgamesh opened the curtain of the Age of Gods.

Solomon accelerated the end of the Age of Gods.

That Merlin was the one who witnessed the complete end of the Age of Gods.

The three candidates for the crown all have such a special fate with the Age of Gods.

When everyone heard Merlin say this, their expressions were stunned.

They remembered the back figure on the high tower they had just seen.

If the human principle is really burned, he...

Well, that is indeed a heavy matter for Merlin.


'Humph. Is this why you stayed in the high tower and watched the Pendragon family commit domestic violence?

Even without talking about Lancelot...

Obviously, the tragedy between Mordred and Arthur could have been prevented. ’ The little princess thought with gritted teeth.

After reading so many settings about the Age of Gods, there are also epics about the burning of human reason.

In fact, she had some guesses about the reason why Merlin finally trapped himself in the tower and could not come out.

But even if she could accept it rationally, she could not accept it emotionally.

Thinking of the ambiguous confession between Arthur and Merlin when he was on the expedition to the Roman Sword Emperor.

How much they hoped that if Merlin (Lin) chose to accept and stay at that time, what would the ending be?

Even if she didn't accept it, as long as the Flower Magician didn't leave the king's side.

The ending would definitely be rewritten.

Chapter 854 Arrived in Uruk, the unwanted Jin Shanshan

"And..." Merlin's joking expression disappeared, and his eyes looked quietly ahead.

At this time, a music bgm full of memories sounded.

It was already dark, and they built a bonfire in front of a wasteland in the forest, and everyone surrounded it.

Merlin looked into the firelight and his eyes seemed to reflect many scenes.

Many places and people that they had seen or had never seen appeared in front of everyone.

That was the scene where Mashu and the others had experienced all the previous singularities, and everyone was laughing and working together.

The most recent one was the scene when the Hassans helped the villagers carry food in the village during the sixth singularity.

This scene suddenly evoked people's memories, and they couldn't help but lose their minds.

And those scenes that had never been seen before also touched everyone's minds, making people wonder what Mashu and the others had experienced in the previous singularities.

Hmm - people even inadvertently saw a familiar figure among them, but they were a little unsure.

The black knight king was still holding a gun. If the holy gun was not also black, people would have thought that the other party was another lion king.

"I..." Merlin slowly closed his eyes and whispered.

I don't know if it was an illusion of the people, but the short two words seemed to contain deep emotions.

This kind of Merlin was also the first time people saw it.

Merlin: "No. I was also sweating.

I have been watching Fujimaru's battle so far.

It's too petty to exclude me now."

When everyone saw this, they were touched and subtly unhappy.

That's clairvoyance...

This person has been spying all the time. Tsk~!

Merlin: "Of course, I know I am a threat. After all, I am a crown magician.

The servants of other magicians are not as skilled as mine and fell into the second camp.

This is an inevitable development."

Across a world, in Chaldea, Da Vinci had a MMP smile on his face, and the cup in his hand was a little unsteady.

Everyone didn't know what to say at this time. Merlin still had some skills, but sometimes he was really irritating.


Very few people paid attention to the doctor's expression at this time.

They didn't know that Roman's other identity was more worth talking about now.

King Solomon felt offended.

Roman: You are a hammer crown.

Merlin: "Okay, everyone, let's set off for Uruk after dawn."

Everyone gave a positive response, only Anna was still a little hesitant and didn't want to go to the gathering place of humans...

But when Guda smiled and bent down to invite her.

Anna couldn't help but be absent-minded for a moment. Although she finally refused to shake hands, she didn't say anything.

"Really cute. Anna... But, are you not good at dealing with other people's enthusiasm?" Seeing Anna finally rejected Guda, the little princess thought with some worry, but didn't delve into other reasons.

And then people saw that several people finally took the right path to Uruk under the guidance of Merlin.

On the way, they also talked about the three goddesses, the Holy Grail, and how to save this singularity again.

Finally, the policy of finding the Holy Grail and recovering it while defeating the three goddesses was determined.

The three goddesses have reached the point where if they are left alone, something big will happen.

Just before arriving at the capital of Uruk, everyone talked to Merlin about the king of Uruk and confirmed that the other party was indeed Gilgamesh.

Instantly there is an impression in people's minds.

What naturally came to the minds of the little princess and the others was the scene of Wang Zhi looking back that they had seen not long ago.


However, what appeared in their minds was the figure of a hahaha golden Pika.

But people can still see the images they want.

When seeing Gilgamesh like that——

Everyone was so surprised that they almost thought they were looking at two people.

‘Who is this haha ​​weirdo? ’

‘Eh~? ! Is this King Gilgamesh? Impossible! The wise king (Wang) is obviously so handsome. But this...well, it's quite handsome though. But what exactly is this shining golden armor... It's too dazzling. ’

Although in the epic, Gilgamesh seems to be dressed like this in golden armor when he was young.

But the appearance of this golden pickup still made everyone feel that it was a bit too exaggerated.


Everything is the best, and that king is quite egotistical and arrogant. This is also in line with people's initial impression of Gilgamesh when he grows up.

Merlin: "Just because the gods are too arrogant, let's break off the relationship!

Take all the beauties in the country and all the wealth in the world as your own!

To agree with the king's opinion is to die;

Opposition means death, he is such an unreasonable king! "

Everyone: ‘…! ’

It should be said that he is indeed Gilgame.

If you think about it, it’s not just beautiful women. That king seemed to have accomplished the feat of killing all the beauties and beauties in the city, regardless of gender.

But it's probably just a rumor. This is also described in the Epic of Gilgamesh.

Moreover, it is really difficult for everyone to imagine such a scene.

"Yes...isn't it too unreasonable..." Looking at Guda who was hesitant to speak at this time.

Everyone wanted to speak for her.

If you want to say arrogant or domineering, just say it directly. Anyway, the king is not here now.

Afterwards, they listened to Merlin and Mash learn about the story of the Epic of Gilgamesh.

Although it was only briefly described, everyone still listened with interest.

I am even more looking forward to the upcoming meeting with that king.

Merlin: "Anyway——

He is the most arrogant and ruthless tyrant on the face of the earth.

Hero King Gilgamesh. Just remember this. "

Everyone couldn't help laughing when they saw Guda's expression of not wanting to go.

Oh, luckily I can still enjoy it through the video.

Although it's a pity that I can't participate in person, it's better than being safe.

Even if they like the Hero King very much, people are very aware of the Hero King's terrible personality, and it is generally difficult for normal people to get along with him.

Just thinking about meeting the cold king in person made them tremble.

This couldn't be better now...

The blacksmith's son and the little princess breathed a sigh of relief and secretly enjoyed themselves.

They seemed to understand why Merlin liked hiding in Avalon so much to peek at the whole world.

Don’t be too comfortable with this feeling of watching a show safely without being discovered by anyone!

'I'm sorry, I was wrong. I shouldn't call you an old thief and Mei Liangliang. ’ Everyone touched their consciences and thought with a little guilt, well... a guilt as big as a fingernail.

In the eyes of everyone, the current world of images and epics seems to share Merlin's clairvoyance with them.

Who would have trouble with other trivial matters if there is an epic to watch? What can they do? Of course I choose to forgive Merlin! But does Merlin really not consider giving them women's clothing (Meili)?

I kept walking for who knows how long, and finally...

People saw it, and a magnificent city appeared in front of them.

Uruk finally arrived.

Chapter 855 Uruk still exists here!

"There seems to be an investigation over there." Matthew.

"It would be better to sneak in quietly." Guda.

After arriving in Uruk, everyone did not go in immediately.

at this time……

In front of the tall city gate of Uruk, Mashu and the others hid behind a group of carriages and discussed how to act.

When the time comes, the little princesses can stand up openly and appreciate the Uruk city-state that could only be seen in epics without any scruples.

"Based on past experience, the quarrel will turn into a fight..." Guda sighed helplessly.

When the little princesses here heard these words, they also remembered the battle that took place in front of the gate of Camelot City at the sixth singularity.

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