When they recalled the refugees who were massacred in that battle and the ridiculous holy ritual, their faces turned ugly.

"Those few people!" Just then, a soldier found Mashu and the others and walked over.

Mashu and the others were startled, and even the little princess and the others were subconsciously nervous and their hearts were about to rise to their throats.

Huh? ! How... how could they be discovered so quickly.

Could it be that a small soldier on the other side has clairvoyance?

Or is Mashu and the others' hiding skills really too bad?

Surprisingly -

The things they worried about did not happen.

Soldier: "Once you step out of the road, you will be entangled by the curse of the sacrificial site.

Although the ritual imposed on the surrounding areas of Uruk is just to drive away the monsters.

But it also has some effect on humans."

Faced with this kind reminder, Mashu hurriedly thanked them.

When the soldier smiled and asked them if they were refugees from Ur,

Merlin lied that these people were refugees from Girsu, and also took out the evidence of the merchant license authorized by the priest field - that was the seal of Siduri, the priest who assisted the wise king.

Everyone easily obtained the qualification to enter Uruk.

However -

The soldier suddenly looked at Anna: "The one wearing a black headscarf."

Anna: "Do I have any questions?"

Anna, who was not good at interacting with humans, seemed a little uneasy in her tone and lowered her head slightly.

"Well, such a young body can actually insist on walking here.

If you don't mind, take this." The young soldier uncle showed a gentle and kind smile on his face, squatted down and held out the wrapped snack from behind.

"This is the snack my daughter gave me as a lunch snack."

With the action of the soldier uncle, Anna was also startled and made a surprised sound.

The tender little face seemed to be full of astonishment and confusion.

Obviously, she didn't expect that someone would have such a degree of kindness towards herself.

This simple scene of folk customs made everyone smile after a slight shock.

‘This uncle is so kind. ’

‘A lovely uncle, he is so nice. ’

‘Does he treat Anna as a child? He is so loving when feeding her. The smile on his face is a bit unfair. ’

‘Girls are vulnerable in front of food. ’

He is just an ordinary Sumerian.

At this moment, the little princesses seemed to have completely integrated into this era.

They felt the real emotion.

‘I don’t know how surprised this uncle is to know that Anna’s true identity is actually a heroic spirit! Haha. ’ People couldn’t help but think.

Speaking of which, they still don’t know Anna’s true identity. It’s really rare for her to become a heroic spirit at such a young age.

It’s just a small episode of feeding play, but it still attracts people’s attention.

It’s just like a father and daughter.

“But...but...that...” Anna shook her little head, a little hesitant.

It looks like a little girl who likes candy from a stranger but doesn't know how to deal with it, and wants to look to her parents for help.

'awsl! Anna is so cute! 'Everyone looked at this loving scene and their hearts softened.

"I... that..." Anna.

"Anna, just accept the kindness of others." Guda.

Anna looked at Guda, and couldn't help but look up at Merlin beside her. After seeing Merlin nod, she seemed to be encouraged and stretched out her hand tentatively.

'Ahhhhh! So cute.

Hurry up and recognize your relatives. Woohoo, why are these two not really father and daughter.

Anna is also so good, and the uncle is also a kind and good person. '

Seeing the scene in front of them, people couldn't help but give the uncle a good person card.

Really simple people - by the way, are the people of Uruk so warm and hospitable?

Even in the war, they can maintain such a simple and kind character, which is incredible.

"Thank you." Anna finally took one of the snacks.

"I hope I can still live and see you again.

We are all people fighting for survival, and I will do anything to help." The last scene is a soldier with a sunny smile on his face, bidding farewell to Mashu and the others who are gradually walking away.

After hearing the last sentence, people's moods became complicated, silent, and even sad.

Goodbye -

In this era, in this singularity world, being alive is something that you believe in very much.

Next time - I wonder if this uncle can still live until Mashu and the others successfully repair the singularity.

Maybe before we meet again, this uncle will die on the battlefield.

Thinking of the warm feeding scene just now.

Thinking of the culprits of the singularities that destroyed the city and each era.

Everyone hated the goddesses and the Magic King who caused all this.

Mashu, Guda and the others worked so hard, fought through hardships, and came to this point...

Isn't it just to protect the smiles of those people.

Humans are definitely not as worthless as the Demon King said.

The blacksmith's son and his men clenched their fists.

But they followed the main force and entered Uruk.

Suddenly -

The perspective of the projection world changed, and everyone's vision was directly extended to the sky.

The entire prosperous and magnificent city comes into view.

Looking at Uruk, which seemed to be completely isolated from the war in the outside world, and the smiles and anger on the faces of countless Sumerians below,

...Everyone was shocked.

It was as if someone was asking in their ears - hard to believe, right?

Even when the outside world faces such a terrifying crisis brought by the Three Goddesses, the people of Uruk are still full of enthusiasm for the future and life.

What gave them that confidence?

What protected their will has not weakened to this day.

Farming in the fields, steel smelting in the blacksmith shop, cooking in the house, children lying on the ground using tree branches and stones to draw pictures, and a girl with her sister and a baby who has just turned one month old.

Everything is in order - Battle City.

Although there was a dense crowd, there was not a trace of panic.

How outstanding must the ruler of this city be to maintain a well-organized city that has hosted so many refugees?

At this time, people were left with only one shocking thought - "Uruk still exists here!"


‘With so many people, wouldn’t anyone have conflicts, quarrels or even fights? ’ The blacksmith’s son thought blankly.

He was somewhat unable to understand the ridiculous and peaceful scene in front of him.

Even if chaos breaks out in a small area, it will cause chaos in the entire city, just to the naked eye...

There are too many humans living in this city.

So much so that the blacksmith's son has trypophobia.

But this city is so unreasonable, yet it still exists.

This is quite unreasonable in the existing world view of the different world.

Human energy and calculations are limited. In theory, such a perfect symbiosis model does not exist.

With such doubts about life and confusion, the blacksmith's son followed Merlin and the others towards the direction of the divine tower, as if he would soon meet King Gilgamesh.

Perhaps the doubts in his heart could be answered by that king.

Chapter 856: You call a king who cares about the birth of children a tyrant?

The ziggurat is where the temples and altars of Mesopotamia were located.

At this time, the king was being held high in the upper level.

Along the way, although for unknown reasons, the witches avoided Merlin when they saw him, causing everyone to look at Merlin in increasingly strange ways.

Think of the epic legend of the flower magician who wandered among fairies——

If everyone realizes something!

But fortunately, no one blocked Merlin's progress. They seemed to be quite familiar with Merlin and felt at ease.

Soon everyone approached the Jade Hall where the throne was.

When everyone arrived, they happened to hear the orders coming from inside.

at the same time--

The music BGM in the air also suddenly changed, becoming tense and urgent, just like the feeling of military preparation before a decisive battle.

In the main hall...

? ? ? "Don't let me repeat myself,

The more up-to-date reports from the front, the better! Don’t slack off on updates! "

“The busier we get here, the less opportunity they have!

If you want to fight easily, don't stop! "

Uruk soldier: "Yes! The interval between making clay tablets for the secretary will be changed to one hour.

The moving unit adds three more vehicles! "

? ? ? : "Okay. Then the next thing.

Is this the material transportation schedule for today? "

(Everyone showed curious expressions: ?! Who is this voice, King Gilgames?)

When they turned around the corridor and entered the main hall, they happened to see Gilgamesh sitting on the throne with an extremely busy posture, his bright red eyes sharply scanning the soldiers who were delivering orders.

Wise King Shen: "...It seems that there is a delay in the transportation of supplies in Eresh City.

The monsters have built their nests in the streets. "

Xian Wang Shan's lips curved slightly, and everyone who saw the beautiful face became a little excited again.

King Gilgamesh is truly a wise king!

Xian Wang Shen: "Send 20 people from the Dongdaemun Barracks to be responsible for expelling them.

Leave the command to Tim. That's his hometown, so he should be familiar with the place. "


Xian Wang Shan seemed to have discovered something, his mouth grew and he made an angry sound, and his bright red eyes became more and more difficult to look into.

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