Just step back. Siduli. "

The music suddenly becomes tense.

Siduri: "Gilgamesh...?"

There was a hint of surprise on that pretty face.

Siduli said in surprise: "I actually took out the divine seal... Could it be..."

"Exactly what you guessed, this king is going to tarnish this throne a little bit!

It's nothing, the big deal is just sending two strangers back to heaven!

I am very busy!

You don't even want to spend time understanding the person you are talking to this king!

Therefore, we can only identify your authenticity through fighting!

Get ready, O magician of the observatory! "

When Gilgamesh was halfway through speaking, Siduri on the side closed her eyes helplessly and sighed.

In the eyes of everyone, this was a sign that she had long been accustomed to Wang's level of willfulness.

Chief Priest Siduri——It’s really hard work.


‘The magician of the God’s Observatory! ’

In the written version of the epic, there are detailed annotations that can be read, and the expressions of Hermitus and others looked a little exciting for a while.

Chaldea is described as an observatory...well, it seems...there's nothing wrong with it.

But what is this feeling of inexplicable embarrassment and wanting to laugh.


Looking at King Gilgamesh who looked at Mashu and the others coldly with a calm expression on the high platform.

At this time, a ridiculous conjecture arose in the blacksmith's son's heart...

King Gilgamesh couldn't be too busy with official duties, so he deliberately made excuses to relax by fighting, right?

Would Xian Wang Shen’s clairvoyance not be able to see through the origins of these people?

Gilgamesh: "And Merlin, don't take action!

Get away! "

Merlin smiled happily: "That's great, but using force is very troublesome!

And Anna, although I'm sorry, please help them again! "

"——Please help me a lot more." The little princess had automatically changed Merlin's meaning.

Then he looked at Mei Liang with some contempt.

As expected of Merlin, he paddled the water so openly and repeatedly exploited children for labor. He was indeed a shady partner.

Merlin: "Although that king claims to be very clever,

But when it comes to fighting and letting go, there's no way to praise it at all.

Besides, you are better at fighting than communicating, right?

This is what the so-called eyes can speak! "

Anna: "...We have to make people fight extra battles..."

Anna sighed, summoned her scythe, and said in disgust: "Merlin, you'd better die!"

Although Anna's expression didn't change much, her helpless tone still made people feel...

Merlin, you are truly a sinful man!

Fufu must have something in common with Anna now.

Can the human Gilgamesh fight two Heroic Spirits and a Master at the same time?

Everyone was a little hesitant for a while.

If Gilgamesh was also a Heroic Spirit, he would definitely become the best with his epic legend.

But as a human being, could he really defeat two servants?

However - as a curtain of light of the king's treasure shone from behind the wise king Shen.

Looking at the countless half-revealed treasure phantoms, everyone took a deep breath and was stunned by the scene in front of them.


'This is not normal at all.

Gilgamesh was actually able to control so many Noble Phantasms when he was still a human! ? ’

But thinking of the fake Enkidu who also forced Matthew, Anna and the others to flee in confusion...

It’s quite normal for Gilgamesh, who is ‘equal in strength’ to Enkidu, to have this strength now!

Chapter 858 Hermitus: I also want to join the clairvoyant chat room!

If the previous epic description did not exaggerate Gilgamesh's strength at all.

So it seems that it is an easy task for a human to fight two servants alone?

Everyone shook their heads. This kind of abnormality that exceeded the standards, even in the age of the gods where there were many heroes, was probably the only one in the entire era.

The extra Enkidu is a miracle created by the gods.

The name of Enkidu, the strongest god-created human being, was not just blown away.

Looking inside the hall, Anna and Matthew kept trying to surprise Gilgamesh.

But being chased by those precious phantoms, I was dodging in all directions.

Even if we finally get close,

The king could even maintain an elegant posture and avoid their attacks by taking a small step to the side.

In the end, he attacked from two directions but was still blocked by the Noble Phantasm that sprang out from the King's Treasure, and then came a golden magic spell right next to his face.

Everyone wanted to cover their faces and couldn't bear to watch anymore.


This is simply a slap in the face.

After knocking the two people away, Gilgamesh suddenly sat down, with disappointment in his eyes.

“Boring as hell.

With the mentality that those with destiny must be somewhat capable,

I just played with you for a while, but it turned out that you were just a bunch of bastards!

That is to say, it is not worthy of my help, and it has no value for my use!

It's too troublesome to even hold you accountable for soiling the throne!

I’ll let you off the hook this time and go back to the drawing board and recreate it! "

There was no trace of mockery on Gilgamesh's face, but this was more piercing than any mockery.

To describe it in one sentence, it’s like saying:

——That’s it?

The little princesses who were supposed to be staunch Chaldeans, for some reason, could not get angry at all when they heard the king's venomous tongue. They were even a little excited and admired.

Siduri: "King, please calm down...!

In my opinion, they are all warriors with amazing power...

Are those the foreigners the king once mentioned?"

Gilgamesh: "Since they were brought by Merlin, it should be correct.

But... it's too early. It's too early."

This was like the tone of an old father who hated iron for not being able to make steel. The battle situation was already very critical, but he wanted Mashu and the others to go back and be retrained again.

Everyone was moved and ashamed to tears.

MD, don't look down on Mashu and the others, they still have room for growth.

If Mashu and Guda have to be retrained, then ordinary people like them will not be qualified to be retrained.

Sorry, I'm so useless, I really shouldn't live in this world.

A little resentment and regret echoed in everyone's hearts.

Gilgamesh: "Look at the kid's stunned expression.

Look at that stupid look, it seems that he can't hear the sound of the earth.

This is too outrageous.

Merlin... seems to be overprotective."


At this moment, they inexplicably thought of Merlin's mother and the wise king's father?

Is this the so-called strict father and kind mother?)

Merlin: "Well... why are you putting all the blame on me.

Fujimaru Ritsuka, do you have anything to say?

If you continue like this, you will really be kicked out, right?"


Just when Guda was about to muster up the courage to introduce himself.

Gilgamesh: "There is no need for that.

I don't know him. Not worth remembering.

Go away, kid."

This sentence came first and blocked all Guda's words.

Everyone was choked by Gilgamesh's attitude.

Wow, it's too absolute.

This is a three-time rejection.

Roman: "No... I didn't expect it to be so difficult to communicate...

What's going on, Merlin!

The king has no interest in Chaldea at all!?"

Merlin: "Hmm... It seems so.

How strange. I thought my understanding was almost the same as his.

Although I did not explain what Chaldea is, what Servants are, and various issues such as the burning of human principles, the magic king, the Holy Grail, and singularities."

Everyone: '...'

You didn't say anything at all!

Merlin is a big liar!

Merlin is a big liar! +1...+N.

At this time, countless people reached a consensus and felt a slight pain in their teeth.

It was still this familiar shameless style.

Merlin: "But you see, as long as you observe his words and expressions a little, these are easy to understand, right?

After all, he is the king."

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