Mashu also complained for a while, this is nothing to say,

And Merlin just said that King Gilgamesh can't read people's expressions...

Hermitos: "It should be the clairvoyance... With Gilgamesh's wisdom, he will not fail to see the arrival of Chaldea."

Hermitos has been paying attention to the clairvoyants since their identities were exposed one by one, and soon figured out everything.

Well - to use a down-to-earth term, it is the clairvoyance chat room.

But this is not the reason why Merlin concealed everything...

It shouldn't be because of laziness.

Merlin also looked as if he had suddenly realized something: "Ah. Well, that's true!

Oops, I should have explained it better!"

(Everyone: Can you show a little more urgency on your expression? Please, can you be more professional? Stop laughing.)

Merlin is unreliable, but facing Guda...

Gilgamesh was also very cold,

"No need to say more. Since I can accomplish everything, I know everything. Remember this.

In other words, there is nothing I can't see through.

As you can see, although I haven't fulfilled my destiny yet, I know very well the techniques for summoning Heroic Spirits and using them, and I know very well what the "Heroic Spirit Summoning" you are doing.

--Even the fact that my name is in your so-called Spiritual Base List is very clear.

Humph. But. With this third-rate master, it is naturally impossible for him to have the power to summon me as a Heroic Spirit.

At most, there is only the "possibility of summoning."

This is the host--

What you know, I know too.

It seems that I even know more than you.

Everyone said that their friends were already shocked.

Well - creating friends out of nothing, creating friends out of nothing must work.

Six criticisms for one word! Hmm? You said these are two words?

Everyone took a breath, they knew how confused and shocked their minds were now.

It turns out that those who have clairvoyance are all perverts!

It is already surprising that the Flower Magician can display these epics in this era.

Now there is another one who knows everything about Chaldea and the Heroic Spirit Summoning System.

Hermitos burst into tears -

He said that as a god, he does not have clairvoyance.

If there is such a practical thing, do we still need to use epics to find the future path and inspiration of technological alchemy?

Except for living longer, there is really no advantage to compare.

The most important thing is that according to the description in the epic, King Gilgamesh later secretly found a new elixir of immortality.

It's just that he doesn't want to take it.

Facing this king who had chosen to die as a human being and looked down upon life, death, sickness, and death, the long lifespan of the gods seemed to have no value in front of him.

Chapter 859 Just write, the king laughed wildly until his abdominal muscles cramped!

... The more anxiously Guda wanted to express something, the more people could feel that the king on the throne had no interest.

"If the Holy Grail in this era is not recovered, human reason will collapse.

So it is necessary to... the Holy Grail as soon as possible..."

Not only was Guda's voice getting smaller and smaller.

Everyone looked at the Greater Holy Grail that was slowly emerging from the golden halo beside Gilgamesh, and their mouths widened in surprise.

'That... that is! '

The golden cup... was taken out at this time, could it be... the Holy Grail? !

"What's wrong? Aren't you looking for the Holy Grail?" Gilgamesh.

People saw the fingertips of the wise king Shan slowly sliding across the surface of the Holy Grail, just like touching the tender skin of a girl.

'Eh~! It's so bitter! 'The girls blushed inexplicably when they saw this scene.

Some even lamented that it would be nice if they could exchange it with that cup.

Mash: "That's... the Holy Grail!

But... but why is it with you?"

Gilgamesh: "Of course. All the treasures in this world belong to me.

The wishing machine that makes wishes come true has long been in my pocket."

Then Gilgamesh even revealed the purpose of the three goddesses. Apart from this cup, the goddesses had no other reason to attack Uruk.

"By the way. Even if it's a slip of the tongue, don't say anything like 'I hope you will give us the Holy Grail'?" Guda's words were suppressed by Gilgamesh's sharp eyes and voice before he could finish speaking.

Gilgamesh: "There is no reason for me to give my treasure to you guys.

If you know this, but still ask for it.

Then the price you pay will not be just a head."

Finally, there is some taste of Tyrant Flash.

Everyone looked at the figure on the throne with trembling and excitement.

The more domineering and arrogant Gilgamesh was, the happier they were.

Isn't that what a king should be like? He should be envied... ahem, no...

He should be a king that people admire. If Gilgamesh's achievements and strength were no different from those of ordinary people, people would be disillusioned.

"Then how about we defeat the Three Goddesses Alliance in exchange?"

Guda suddenly stood up and shouted with courage.

The whole hall was filled with Guda's voice, and the music background music of the image world reached its peak at the same time, and then stopped abruptly.

The music stopped, and the hall suddenly fell into a deathly silence.

The little princess and the others showed some bewildered and puzzled looks. What happened?

Looking around——

Is the video world stuck? Why are all of them not moving?

Just when the little princess thought of this.

"Hmph~!" A burst of laughter suddenly came out of Gilgamesh's mouth, who was supporting his right face with one hand.


"Huhaha, hahahahaha!

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!" From the left to the right, a joyful laugh full of magic suddenly came from the throne.

The cheerful sound filled the entire hall for a while, and then spread to the outside of the hall, to the entire ziggurat, and even to the sky of Uruk.

'——He is laughing wildly...? ' Everyone's mind was blanked by this sudden scene, leaving only this blank thought.

I don't know why, but I feel that this laughter is so brainwashing.

The little princess was stunned, the blacksmith's son was also stunned, and countless people who were watching the video world were stunned...

Laughed out a powerful, soul-infused king's haha.

An inexplicable heat flowed through everyone's heart, and suddenly they felt itchy... Why did they suddenly want to laugh?

'Damn! This laughter is poisonous! '

'He looks so happy. Should I laugh too? But why does it sound a bit like a duck? ' With a weird look on his face.

(People at this time didn't think of it.

As the first group of people to watch the video world.

These people later went to see the paper version of the epic. It is said that when they saw this paragraph of text, it was as if there was audio text, and a magical laugh appeared in their minds involuntarily.

'Why does your text have sound? '

After that, in the capital of the entire human kingdom, the place where the video was first circulated, people couldn't help but become strange every time they laughed.

It once became a strange topic for outsiders after dinner.

And that kind of laughter with a sense of pleasure seems to have a certain mocking effect.

Some adventurers in the Adventurer's Guild said that using this kind of laughter would make all the enemies go berserk, and almost His head was blown up.

Except for him, the whole adventure team didn't chase anyone else, they just stared at him and beat him.

Obviously - this is a forbidden laughter comparable to magic.

In the end, everyone concluded that if the strength is not up to the standard, it is better not to learn to laugh like the king, it is easy to get killed. )

Gilgamesh: "Knock down!?

You said you want to knock down those goddesses!?

Siduri, bring the kettle, this is too bad, I will laugh to death!"

"Those idiots are going to laugh at me!


Everyone looked at the king who was laughing non-stop and didn't even take a breath, and even worried that he would not be able to breathe. If it were them, they would laugh to tears.

At this time, the blacksmith's son couldn't help looking at Siduri, and a strong interest arose. He wanted to see how the chief priest thought of the king (Golden Skin)'s sudden laughter just now.

However, when he saw Siduri's silent appearance with her eyes slightly closed and her head lowered, the beautiful face hidden under the veil was calm.

The chief priest must not be disgusted with his king at this moment.

Siduri: mdzz!

Gilgamesh: "Oh, the joke just now is really good!

I'll record it in the palace log later.

Just write, the king laughed so hard that his abdominal muscles cramped."

Everyone: Huh?

... Diary of confusing human behavior...

Everyone couldn't help but hear the words of the wise king Shan, "the king laughed so hard that his abdominal muscles cramped."

Those who really didn't want to laugh at first couldn't help laughing in the end.

NMD, how come this Gilgamesh is a little different from the epic, poisonous.

The hero king actually has such a side.

People suddenly realized that, after all -

they only knew the general story of the king's life, and had not personally seen or heard much of the king's words and deeds.

Relying only on the one or two strokes in the epic, they only understood part of it, which was too one-sided.

Even though the scene of Gilgamesh laughing wildly appeared in the Gilgamesh epic.

But people who have not heard the laughter just now will never imagine how happy the king was at that time!


No, people who don’t even understand the term Chuuni can only feel the strangeness and joy from it.

Chapter 860 The most ancient ancestor King An, Gong Lin: You scold again!

Gilgamesh: "But. This king said this only after he understood everything.

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