Say ‘you don’t need what you are now’.

You are a foreign object in this era.

No, it is a redundant element. It can even be said to be useless.

Uruk is a city that should be protected by my king, and there is no need to borrow your Chaldean power. "

Xian Wang Shen raised his head and looked down at the people below. Everyone could clearly see his chin. No one felt arrogant in his arrogant posture, and it even seemed natural.

After all, he is the Hero King Gilgamesh! One can't help but think.

As arrogant as he is, how could he accept help from others so easily without his approval.

Gilgamesh: "Even if the earth falls apart,

This King will pay attention to you and this visit is limited to this time.

Listen up.

Don't even think about challenging those goddesses with this level of manpower. "

Suddenly, a burst of hurried footsteps came from outside the hall.

A soldier enters the hall.

"Sorry to disturb everyone's happy conversation, King."

"Who is talking to whom! Are you blind?" Gilgamesh suddenly said in annoyance, and his bright red eyes became sharp.

Uruk soldier: "Huh? Ah, no. Just because the king's laughter resounded throughout the tower, my subordinates thought that you must have had a very pleasant conversation..."

Gilgamesh continued to hold his face with one hand and said dissatisfiedly: "Idiot! You are not an adolescent girl who is easily amused.

No, it doesn't matter. "

As if he suddenly realized something, Wang closed his eyes, nodded slightly, and his tone suddenly changed from excitement.

Everyone was startled, and almost laughed when they realized it...

It's obvious that you were the one who was made laugh just now.

Wang himself complained about himself and acted like a serious (nonsense) tsundere.

Are you embarrassed? Hahaha!

‘The beautiful girl of Uruk! ——Gilgamesh! ’

‘You are the most beautiful, King Gilgamesh! ’

‘The most beautiful woman in Mesopotamia is stone hammered. ’

‘The amused adolescent girl——Jill. ’

Facing this arrogant king, everyone burst into laughter.

"What happened?" Gilgamesh asked calmly, seeming to have forgotten the terrible line just now.

"Yes! Someone is approaching Uruk.

She is a pillar of the [Three Goddesses Alliance], the goddess Ishtar! "

——Ish...Taal? ! !

Upon hearing the name of the legendary goddess of Venus, everyone raised their heads.

It reminds me of the bad character of the character in the epic.

If they were really here, they would all want to run away.

That is a goddess who brings disaster to the earth and mankind at every turn...

Because of her willful and perverse revenge, the Bull of Heaven appeared. Later, Enkidu was punished by the gods and lost his life because of his participation in the battle against the Bull of Heaven.

Although in mythological epics, this goddess is also extremely beautiful, and countless male gods and men have posed under her skirt.

But people still have an instinctive fear in their hearts.

At this time, everyone still didn’t know that the Gong Lin they met before was Ishtar.

Gilgamesh sighed, spreading his fingertips on his fists to support his head, showing a classic flashing headache expression.

"It's that stupid guy again. Is she an idiot who can't learn well?

Or a nerd who can't even remember what happened a day ago?

No, she is an idiot who can forget even half a day ago! "

The oldest bad-mouthed expert is now online.

Everyone looked at Gilgamesh with wide eyes.

The chief priest, Siduli, became nervous: "...Ahem. King,

Please refrain from insulting the goddess Ishtar.

Lord Ishtar is the city god of Uruk.

Even the king couldn't blame her hastily.

If you openly criticize Ishtar-sama here, the shrine maiden will be very embarrassed..."

Gilgamesh's voice was even more dissatisfied: "You have no face from the beginning!

That woman has never protected Uruk even once so far!

Things that do not need to perish are destroyed,

Created an existence that didn’t even need to be created!

Locust swarms, sandstorms, and children's violence, that woman seemed to be the product of all these mixed together!

The most you can do this time is to accidentally destroy your dormitory (Ianna), and finally run to Father God (Anu) to cry! "

Gilgamesh's words hit the nail on the head, leaving people in a daze.

Corresponding to the epic, it seems to be the case.

They were reminded of what Enkidu had said about Ishtar.

‘Love of the harvest, love of humanity, love of war, love of inequality.

While telling her love for mankind,

But he also likes wars in which humans kill each other. ’

The goddess Venus is a product of such contradictions.

The people who know her best are her two former enemies.

In the Epic of Gilgamesh, the hero king and Enkidu dealt with the goddess miserably in the end.

Gilgamesh: "Hmph. But the god Anu has long since disappeared without a trace.

Even his own father hates him, he is really doing it to himself.

In the end, she can only be alone, crying and dying miserably. This is the end of that woman. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! "

The devilish laughter penetrated everyone's ears and reached deep into their souls.

At the same time, it also passed through the roof of the main hall and the sacred tower.

It's like angering a ferocious beast!

An unbearable, suppressed and manic female voice came from above everyone's heads:

"What did you say----!!"


A large hole was suddenly penetrated in the ceiling of the throne room.

A familiar figure rode down the Ark of the Sky quickly and rapidly.

The dazzling and beautiful goddess appeared in the hall angrily, her bright red eyes seeming to question: 'You scold me again! ’

Uruk Soldier: "That's Lord Ishtar...!?

Everyone, retreat, retreat——! "

It seems that she understands the goddess's tendency to make things difficult for others. The soldiers saw Ishtar as if they were seeing a savage beast.

Amidst the bursts of shouting, the little princess and the others also looked at the rustling figure in shock.

‘Then, that person is not the one from before... Hui? !

Is she Ishtar?

That Venus goddess Ishtar? ! ’

The blacksmith's son who was originally very fond of Ishtar was confused after learning his real name.


The blacksmith's son's eyes also showed a look of horror, as if he had seen a savage beast, and he was trembling in his heart.

wow! ! I must be crazy!

He was actually interested in this woman.

He wondered if he had to go out to see an ophthalmologist after watching the immersive epic.

Well, it’s most important to read the epic first.

Chapter 861: Everyone got a new term: Jin...Jin Pika? !

Gilgamesh: "...I didn't expect this guy to actually rush straight towards my throne.

She almost looks like a young girl who likes to gossip. "

Ma Xiu whispered: "Senior, the king is shushing, shushing to drive away the opponent!

He waved his hands to drive people away with a look of disgust on his face! "

Ishtar was furious: "You are the one who is immature, right?

Don't think that you can speak freely if I don't speak, I'm already furious!

I originally thought that killing you instantly would be too cheap for you, and I planned to make you suffer gracefully and slowly, but I have changed my mind now!

The rude person who treats the goddess as the butt of a joke, taste the grudges I have accumulated over the years——! "

Ishtar opened the sky bow, and then everyone saw the soldiers shouting and running away.

Even the goddess of Venus began to taunt Gilgamesh, and even her own soldiers refused to save him.

Xian Wang Shen said that it was indeed time to meditate.


What no one expected was that his words changed...

“After all, I was criticized by the stupidest fool.

It seems that I need to do some self-reflection. "

Ahem——! He actually called the goddess a fool?

People's faces looked a little strange for a while.

Ishtar: "Then twist your neck 180 degrees and reflect on it——!"

The Sky Bow shot out several beams of light, but Gilgamesh easily dodged them all.


They watched in silence this unimaginable level of scolding——

It actually happened between the goddess and the king.

‘Is this the true side of the goddess and the king? ’

Everyone opened their mouths in a daze, and were at a loss for a moment.

At this time Guda said: 'She was a strange girl at that time. ’

Ishtar: "Who is it? Who just shouted such ignorant words!?

...Hey...that human is...! "

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